Are You Afraid Of Storms?

Afraid of Storms?

  • Yes! D:

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Only when it's storming really hard.

    Votes: 36 26.1%
  • Only when the lights cut off.

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • Not at all.

    Votes: 76 55.1%

  • Total voters
Jan 1, 2017
Blue Hybrid Violet
Pink Hybrid Lily
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Purple Violet
Yellow Lily
Red Rose
Yellow Tulip
White Pansy
Red Pansy
It's thundering and lightening right now nothing bad but it made me curious! Im not really scared of thundering or lightening i just had went the power goes out :c
I'm not scared of storms at all, I actually really love them. I don't mind the power going out as long as it doesn't take it super long to restore, but only because I have a snake who needs to stay warm. My boyfriend and I once stayed out wrapped up in blankets on our driveway for like 2 hours just so we could watch a bunch of lightning that was happening nearby, I love the sound and the sight of it, just the whole thing.
Well lately there's been some pretty bad tornadoes in Texas so yeah, if they're really bad I get scared. My childhood home which my mom still lives in with her fiance and kid had some walls torn off, windows broken, etc form a tornado a day after Christmas in 2016. Ever since then bad storms scare me :\
Nope, I actually enjoy them? I have great memories of the lights going out, hearing the wind howling, and lighting candles and just hanging out. It's great :) Of course, I'm not talking about disastrous storms that cause death and insane destruction, but just windy thunderstorms!

But if it happens on a day that I have to go out of the house, I hate it. Not scared of it, but just hate carrying an umbrella or getting wet, having my hair ruined by the wind, etc. Haha
It depends on the house I'm living in. But as in fear, no I'm not worried about them. I used to, though :)
They don't bother me! I actually really love them!:)
I used to be afraid when I was much younger. Like lots of tears and crying.

However, I find them fascinating, and soothing as long as it's not a flash flood warning, and thunder/lightening right over my head.
When I was a kid, I was terrified of storms. I even puked in my friend's bed out of fear once. Now I find them rather relaxing!
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I find them scary if there's any sort of severe threat. I automatically associate severe with tornadoes. I've never been cursed enough to be in a tornado before though.
If theyre light thundershowers, I don't mind them much. They're pretty cool :) Especially early in the morning, like 8 am, the house is slightly lit up with the clouds and it's all chill. Yeah...
i'd only be afraid if i was outside in the middle of nowhere or something but uh that doesnt happen very often so No
The place I live in constantly has typhoons and storms and I love them. I love how cold the air is and the sound of rain on my window. I hate it only if it starts wrecking everything.
i used to. i actually find them relaxing, only if they're not super bad. i honestly love thunderstorms
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I'm used to really bad tropical storms since I was a kid but sometimes when I'm alone it's a little scary, especially when the lights go out. Our beagle is terrified of storms so we cuddle together :'D
Not at all. I enjoy them, though they rarely happen where i live so when there is one it's exciting.
Stormy weather is my favorite weather, so no. I even got to stand outside during a microburst once, which was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced as far as weather goes. The air outside was still and the clouds were really dark. Then all of a sudden the wind started blowing hard enough to almost knock me over (I had to hold onto the railing on my back porch to stay upright) and it started raining harder than I'd ever seen it rain up to that point. The temperature also dropped significantly in just a few short seconds. I stayed outside until it was finished and I was absolutely drenched, but it was worth it.
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I love storms. As a kid I'd sit cross-legged on the floor with the backdoor open watching the lightning whenever there was a storm.