Are you a cat lover or a dog lover?

Cats or dogs?

  • I prefer cats!

    Votes: 68 38.9%
  • I prefer dogs!

    Votes: 61 34.9%
  • I love them both equally!

    Votes: 46 26.3%

  • Total voters
Cats are amazing and I definitely love them a lot more than dogs. I do like dogs though, just not as big of a fan of them. I mean cats smell good and are always soft and clean and awesome. Dogs smell and are slobbery and get dirty too fast and often and sometimes their fur is brittle and short and like, why would I want to pet that?
I own both a cat (named Angel) and a dog (named Lassie). I prefer Lassie, but Angel is alright.
I do, however, love both cats and dogs equally.
I'm a cat lover hands down, cats have more pros than dogs do I feel. My biggest pro for cats is that they can take care of themselves. You simply cannot leave for a day or two when having a dog, your house will be a mess from then not going outside, and dogs have no sense of control when it comes to eating. Cats are also just as loyal as a dog can be, and even learn tricks and walk on a leash like a dog can. I've had many cats in my life as well as dogs, and cats have always remained on top.
Cats!I have no love for dogs right now because I gotten bitten by a greyhound a few months ago ,then developed an allergy to the tetanus shot.Cats all the way☺
Cats love me and I love them.

There hasn't been a single cat that I've knew who hasn't sat on my lap or rubbed their head against my leg when I met them for the first time, I must give off a cat friendly vibe. Cats have been more affectionate in my experience and I love how non high maintenance they are, I love how sassy and soft those little imps are too. For all those who say cats aren't fun...have you watched literally any online cat video? Oh and....cats are ADORABLE!

Cats are definitely the better companion for me because they are very similar to me, we're independent, sassy and fun.

Dogs smell bad (they're worse than cats), they are really annoying and high maintenance and they ruin furniture more than cats. (In my experience) But I guess their cute when they're puppies. :blush:

Cats rule, Dogs drool. Dog = God backwards, hmmmm....
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Cats love me and I love them.

There hasn't been a single cat that I've knew who hasn't sat on my lap or rubbed their head against my leg when I met them for the first time, I must give off a cat friendly vibe.
SAME. Literally we moved into this neighborhood near a good family friend and she was helping us move stuff in and we were standing in the backyard, and there was the GORGEOUS Bangle cat on the far end of the fence and our friend was like "Oh that cat is just so skittish it doesn't like anybody." and I did the little kissy noise I make to all cats and it ran up to me and I was like "Oh really?" cause she loved me, I named her Nala and she wanted desperately to be my cat although I knew she was owned because those things are pricey(like you're supposed to keep them inside cause they'll get stolen pricey), but she would try to come into our house and she'd scratch at the door to be let in and everything, and our cats HATED HER but she didn't care she really wanted to be mine. She purred all the time when I pet her and was such a freaking love. Our neighbor even said she got pissy when I left without her, I found out her name was Daisy, which I thought was dumb, but I've always had cat adopt me no matter where I go. Even cats that people tell me hate everyone.
Cats love me and I love them.

There hasn't been a single cat that I've knew who hasn't sat on my lap or rubbed their head against my leg when I met them for the first time, I must give off a cat friendly vibe.
SAME. Literally we moved into this neighborhood near a good family friend and she was helping us move stuff in and we were standing in the backyard, and there was the GORGEOUS Bangle cat on the far end of the fence and our friend was like "Oh that cat is just so skittish it doesn't like anybody." and I did the little kissy noise I make to all cats and it ran up to me and I was like "Oh really?" cause she loved me, I named her Nala and she wanted desperately to be my cat although I knew she was owned because those things are pricey(like you're supposed to keep them inside cause they'll get stolen pricey), but she would try to come into our house and she'd scratch at the door to be let in and everything, and our cats HATED HER but she didn't care she really wanted to be mine. She purred all the time when I pet her and was such a freaking love. Our neighbor even said she got pissy when I left without her, I found out her name was Daisy, which I thought was dumb, but I've always had cat adopt me no matter where I go. Even cats that people tell me hate everyone.
SAME. Literally we moved into this neighborhood near a good family friend and she was helping us move stuff in and we were standing in the backyard, and there was the GORGEOUS Bangle cat on the far end of the fence and our friend was like "Oh that cat is just so skittish it doesn't like anybody." and I did the little kissy noise I make to all cats and it ran up to me and I was like "Oh really?" cause she loved me, I named her Nala and she wanted desperately to be my cat although I knew she was owned because those things are pricey(like you're supposed to keep them inside cause they'll get stolen pricey), but she would try to come into our house and she'd scratch at the door to be let in and everything, and our cats HATED HER but she didn't care she really wanted to be mine. She purred all the time when I pet her and was such a freaking love. Our neighbor even said she got pissy when I left without her, I found out her name was Daisy, which I thought was dumb, but I've always had cat adopt me no matter where I go. Even cats that people tell me hate everyone.

When I first moved into my apartment (which I'm currently living in) there was this cat who was always behind the shops and I would buy him some chicken/ fish and feed him, I named him Waffles because reasons. He would climb up onto my balcony (which was crazy) and I would have to bring him down the stairs because he was a stray and kinda dirty, funny little thing. After a months passed a woman who ran an animal shelter took him in and I caught her when I was going to feed him, she said she would find him a home and take care of him. I haven't seen him since and I hope he's doing well. I haven't seen him in 10 years, miss you Waffles. <3 (Such a derpy name)
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Cats all the way. I've been chasing cats since I was little. I'm extremely caninphoic and I could make a post about everything wrong with dogs, but that would take hours. Needless to say: I f'ing hate dogs.
Had both, love both equally. They're both special in different ways. I only have a dog atm but my early-childhood was mostly full of cats :3
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dogs! cats are cute but always dogs. i know you can find loyal and kind cats but i just feel like dogs are easier to train and make them your own. i do like cat filters tho