Are there villagers you love, but would never have on your island?


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
There are plenty of villagers out there who we love, but something about them just doesn't quite make it to your dreamie list. Sure, they're cute and everything, but you just don't ever see yourself having them on your island. For example,

I love Sprinkle and her house, but she just clashes with every other villager, aesthetic wise, and she's just too unique looking you would have to create an entire winter island for her to fit in, which I will never do lol.

I also really love Pekoe and her little hair bun ears, but once again I feel like I would need to fit my island's aesthetic to hers, for her to fit in.

Do you have any villagers you love? But will never have?
The only villager I can think of is Champ the monkey. He's cute, but I can't have him because he's not included in NL and NH, and probably won't be in the next game any time soon. In that case that's too bad. :(
I like both Marshal and Julian, but I only like to have one smug on my island, so whoever I get first I’ll keep, but the other nope. I have some other ones too, but I can’t think of them right now. xD
I love Bob but would never have him in ACNH, because:
1. He up and left my town in 2002 without so much as a "goodbye" and I will never forgive him, and
2. His personality in NH is so dumbed down from how I remember him on GameCube, he may as well be lobotomized.
Anchovy because he doesnt fit on my island. Im waiting to have him on the new game whenever that comes out lol 💀
Most of the villagers I like won't be on my island because I don't want anyone else to leave. I really wish it wasn't one island per console.
I really loved Tiansheng when they introduced him! His design is so good and instantly recognizable. However, he never fit the aesthetic I had for my island, so I never invited him to stay :\
Any villager I like will never be on my island as it's already occupied by villagers I love.
Rocket. I love her so much but she's not fitting my theme at all. If someday I get another island I would definitely take her and keep her with her friends (Big Top and cie). I have another Switch but do I have the motivation? Not for now.

In my dreamies list for this island, I got 11 villagers. I'll have to choose between Goldie and Dotty. I think I prefer Dotty.

I love a lot of villagers but I'll surely never welcome them on my island: Julian, Lily, Bertha, Ellie, Fang, Wolfgang, Puddles, Cookie... I dream of 12 villagers instead of 10. Less frustration.
I would say Roscoe. His red eyes are creepy and reminds me of the equally creepy "Blue Mustang" statue at the entrance to the Denver Airport.



However, I feel like I would only want him on my island during Halloween, and I can't get rid of any of my loved villagers for a temp.
Angus, T-Bone, Vic, and every other cranky villager, their dialogue has been dumbed down massively, to the point of being boring, and losing their charm, and barely having any personality, compared to New Leaf.

The dialogue was awesome in New Leaf, but it seems like, that, in this game, they can't go at least five seconds without making references to being old, making them really watered down fast, and it's awkward, because I see all of the cranky villagers as different ages, not all of them are supposed to be old...

The cranky dialogue in New Horizons fit Curt, Gaston, Hamphrey, Gonzo, and Dobie very well, but I see almost any other cranky villagers, like Angus, T-Bone, Vic, Static, Apollo, Rizzo, Tom, and Rooney, as a lot younger.

I see Angus, Vic, Butch, Kabuki, Rocco, as in their 30's, while I see T-Bone, Static, Rooney, Rizzo, Tom, and Apollo as in their 20's.
Flora’s my favorite villager in the game, but I already have two pink villagers and having a third one is a little excessive to me. I’m also just too attached to the 8 I have.
I would add villagers like dom and melba but for starters, there can only be 10 villagers in an island, and they dont fit my abandoned stray inspired theme.
TOO MANY VILLAGERS! I've been doing all birb towns since New Leaf and I don't plan on stopping. But I do long for old time favorites like Tangy and Elmer, and new ones like Julian and Merengue. If I had to choose between all 400 something villagers from all those different species, I probably wouldn't be able to choose, so having the birb limit is oddly freeing to me LOL.
TOO MANY VILLAGERS! I've been doing all birb towns since New Leaf and I don't plan on stopping. But I do long for old time favorites like Tangy and Elmer, and new ones like Julian and Merengue. If I had to choose between all 400 something villagers from all those different species, I probably wouldn't be able to choose, so having the birb limit is oddly freeing to me LOL.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does "birb" mean?
I’m not a fan of having multiple of the same species so there’s lots of characters that I won’t have because I already have one. Although I do try to periodically switch them over. So for the wolves for example, I love Fang, Dobbie and Wolfgang but I only ever have one at a time.