Are there NPCs you've started to ignore?

I ignore a fair amount:
  • Kicks (already got all his items)
  • Leif (already got flowers + bushes in storage)
  • Wisp (already completed my reorderable catalog, so they're sort of useless now)
  • Mabel/Sable (although not visiting NPCs, I've got all patterns/reorderable clothing, so I don't need to shop at the Able Sisters anymore)
I don't ignore Daisy Mae, though I just talk to her once to see what she's selling turnips for now. I'm close to ignoring Label, I just need to unlock one more set of her clothing in my Able Sisters so that I can stop talking to her. I'm close to ignoring Saharah as well, I just need a couple more wallpaper/flooring from her.
The only NPCs I always actively seek are Redd (12/43 pieces of art donated to the museum, but who's counting? :rolleyes:), Saharah, Celeste, and Kicks.

I only talk with C.J. and Flick if there is a fish/bug model I want made.

I've given up on talking with Label and Wisp. The quest for the latter to find the 5 spirit pieces sends me running in too many circles around the island.
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A lot of them, honestly. I've sorta been getting out of NH so the only ones I pay mind to is Label, Kicks, Flick (if I need a model), Redd, and Celeste.
CJ, mostly. I do tend to ignore Sahara and Label sometimes, though. Depends on mood.

But for CJ, I just find him a bit redundant. Compared to Flick, who buys insects right away, I have to do extra work just to sell him fish. In that time, I could have just caught a few extra things and sold them to Nook's Cranny for about the same amount. And I particularly do not care much for the models, either.
I don't ignore any on a permanent basis, but just whether I need/fancy interacting with that certain NPC that day. Some I always interact with, such as Redd, Celeste, Wisp, and Label. Others it depends. I don't really interact with Flick or CJ that much as the main reasons I did before was to gain bells and I have a pretty comfortable 3million bells now. However I will be getting two commission items from Flick as I want the Monarch butterfly and red dragonfly figures so I'll be speaking to him next time for sure!
I mostly ignore Label, Kicks, and Leif. I’ll talk to them if I’m bored and don’t have anything else to do.
Leif still feels pointless, Wisp takes far too long for one orderable item.

I also skip CJ's fishing challenge unless I have a basement full of sharks.
I only bother with Celeste, Redd and occasionally Leif if the seasons change and I want more flowering bushes.

The rest I don’t need any more.
Thank you all for your patience. I have been offline packing, so I haven't been replying. I went ahead and replied to the ones that had mentioned something I felt I could add on to.
I appreciate the input and did not expect so many people to post in this thread!

I don't ignore any on a permanent basis, but just whether I need/fancy interacting with that certain NPC that day. Some I always interact with, such as Redd, Celeste, Wisp, and Label. Others it depends. I don't really interact with Flick or CJ that much as the main reasons I did before was to gain bells and I have a pretty comfortable 3million bells now. However I will be getting two commission items from Flick as I want the Monarch butterfly and red dragonfly figures so I'll be speaking to him next time for sure!
Yes, not only do I like to hoard the bells I get from Flick, I love the bug commissions. specifically the butterflies. I was so ready for the monarch to come in! I feel like I wanted another bug recently but I forget which one.
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I feel like I've been ignoring all NPCs lately other than Redd and Celeste. I occasionally talk to Lief if I need to check for certain flowers I need to decorate my island.

I noticed a lot of people ignore leif; I do wish he did serve more purposes; perhaps getting some other exclusive DIYS, like when you would unlock the PWPs in NL for not having weeds in your town on weeding day.
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I ignore CJ and Label. :(

Me too, these are the big two that when I see them, I see no need for them really, which makes me a little sad.
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I ignore Label, C.J and Flicks completely, they are just not important for me at all. Kicks also gets less attention compared to the beginning of the game, same goes for Leif and Saharah. I try to talk to Gulliver, the other guy and Wisp whenever I can find them, although the latter shows up barely on my island, I only found him twice so far, not sure if I just miss him? The only NPCs who I always talk to are Celeste and Redd, sometimes Daisy Mae when I find her. Unfortunately, I always forget to talk to K.K. and Sable, I'm just too busy with other stuff and then remember to talk to them when it's already too late. 😅

I am wondering if I am just missing Celeste and Wisp too? I used to see them ALL the time! After I reset, I feel like I have not seen them on my island AT ALL. It feels really weird that it hasn't even been once yet for those two, and my new island is already like a month or two old? I only miss a few days but I guess that's enough to give me a chance to miss them entirely.
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Well there is 0 challenge anymore with the fashion so I ignore Labelle. I also ignore CJ and Wisp.

I managed to fail the challenge, but she still gave me something in the mail, I think? She said it wasn't what she was looking for but that she would still send me a thing for participation, which isn't so bad I guess.
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I don’t have much use for Leif anymore. Nintendo did a disservice to him by not including some of the exotic fruits, little trees and plants like he sold in ACNL.

Wouldn't it be so cool if he sold size variations of the trees? Like extra tall cedars or hardwoods, small, medium and extra small, etc.
It would be great to not have to try and plant a fruit tree around or be near a building/cliff to stunt a tree's growth. it would add such dimension to our islands AND give Leif a bigger purpose! I can see that being REALLY popular. Nintendo did a good job by turning that camera glitch into a feature, and they need to take note from that I think.
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reading all this I really wish they made it so if u didn't order a model from cj/flick u could invitesomeone else over to do it. I have so many fish and insects in storage waiting for them that i wish each of them was gauranteed every other day

I ignore leif, I just finally took back the main part of my island from the plants, I don't want anymore.
Label I care little for
Kicks never has any of the good exclusive stuff, so wish he would pack up his business and just become a villager on my island
saharah is meh

I can see why they won't let people sell their bugs and fish for bells (even tho I think thats a little too controlling too), but it wouldn't be a problem to let others commission for models on other people's islands.
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Definitely have to be in the mood to even consider talking to Labelle and doing her dumb challenges

I always accidentally forget about KK though :(

I still need more songs from KK but I forget he is there for whatever reason. But when I see him I try to make a mental note of songs to request.
I've never interacted with CJ (can't stand him lol) and I've gotten to the point where I don't interact with Daisy Mae or Flick (unless I need models) cause I don't really need money anymore
Label. I feel she's so pointless in this game which disappoints me greatly. I really hope it doesn't come back bite me in a future update.
Label, Wisp, Sahara... sometimes CJ if I don’t have any fish to sell, Leif if I don’t need any shrubs. Gullivarr and Gulliver if I can’t be bothered getting their items (I have so many flowers on my beaches that it’s almost impossible for rusted parts to spawn).

So pretty much all of them except Redd, Celeste, Flick and Kicks
Pascal and Daisy Mae. I rarely even see Daisy Mae and don't really care for the turnip stuff. Pascal is tedious to do and I got all his items once now.

I do everyone else since I've only been playing a few months and need stuff from all of them. Redd, Flick, and Kicks are my current favorites to see are there. The washed up bird duo are pretty boring, but they do have nice items in their reward pool.
I happily still take the time to talk to everybody that visits.

Though if I don't have the time I forget to interact with Pascal, KK and Daisy Mae.
I ignore Label, Leif, Wisp, Kicks and Daisy Mae for the most part. They have nothing left for me to collect and no need for turnips anymore unless to move around trees.
WHUT up with Gulliver?

TEN sombreros!!!!

Never helping him again.

With what they've done to him, they may as well shove him in the Able Sisters.

He is, after all, giving us hats that were always generic Able Sisters hats. :-/