any lost connections?

There's a person I regularly spoke with while on a site called TinierMe, but after the site closed (due to bad business practices i saw a MILE away) we drifted apart.

ON the school note though, when I left high school and went to college i purposely broke like 90% of my connections because
i didn't really LIKE the people i hung out with
The only people i talk to regularly now are my bffls, and we all live together so. yeah. sometimes it takes a big break like that to realize the crowd you hang out with is...well, not "bad" but just not for you.

for real, if you knew me before college and i still talk to you consider yourself lucky. ha. or, whatever.
Generally you want to avoid it. Have a check of the latest post date beforehand and if the thread is any older than 2-3 months then it is pretty much dead.
i've lost a lot of online friends over the years, due to them turning out to be absolute cows or just a lack of communication
also i was dating my best friend on/off for two years and we broke up for good at new year's, and after that we didn't speak until like july which was stupid and dumb and it sucked because he's moved away to continental europe now talk about wasting the time we had together RIP
but yeah i used to be really good friends with people who live near me too but now we just don't talk anymore, but i guess that's just growing apart as we grew up
I think this happens a lot as we go throughout life, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck lol.

About two years ago, I stopped talking to an entire group (maybe around ten people or so) of online friends. There were a lot of reasons why, but one of the biggest was my own issues with myself. I still miss them sometimes.

I also lost my best friend of ten or so years at the beginning of my sophomore year because I came out to her as a lesbian. She even flirted with me and hinted she liked me, but eventually she stopped speaking to me and ignored me in the hall. That one still really hurts, and not just because I actually did have a crush on her.

Another is my best friend that stopped talking to me at the end of my sophomore year when she got a boyfriend. She's stopped talking to all of us, though; her disconnect from her past friends was so great that a couple of us were very shocked to find out that she was pregnant and had been for several months.
Almost everyone I've ever made contact with. I don't talk with any of my friends from elementary school anymore and I made one really great friend in junior high, but she started making new friends in high school. Also my first boyfriend of a couple months, I really liked him but he was moving out of state so I broke up with him to let him meet someone else there. We've rarely talked since then.
My best friend moved away in year 3 then this year she moved to my high school(bearing in mind this is a different country) I was so happy, we get on just as well and we both still love the same things. It was a real shock seeing her again I will tell you that.
Yes but sadly for me most of the friends that I have lost are ones that I've known for 7-10 years so it's really hard to get over them, but if people are toxic I have all the right to get away from them no matter how long I've known them. I feel much better without all these people who used to bring me down, I have few friends now but I'd rather have few that I know are actually good friends then tons who are all jerks.
too many.

one i'll always remember is this online friend I made during my neopets day. I was about 13, and I thought she was my other half at that time; we got along really well. suddenly, she just stopped signing onto the website and stopped coming onto the messaging service we used. I was pretty bummed out. months later, she showed up again on neopets, but she seemed really different. haven't talked to her since, but she still crosses my mind once in a blue moon.

I switched schools during high school, so I lost all of my best friends I made during elementary and middle school. we were already growing apart before I moved, but it still sucks to think about. they were really cool people, and I shouldn't have distanced myself so much for different types of friends.
Many lost connections. The transition from School to College in the UK destroys pretty much 90% of your "connections" - as you put it :)
This sums up all my friendships haha. Hopefully my current uni friends will be friends for life
Met someone almost 4 years ago, this person quickly became my EVERYTHING. We talked everyday till about a couple months ago. Was gonna go live with them in January but then they kinda just stopped caring about me and disappeared. This was like, the biggest lesson I've ever learned haha. It got a little too crazy with them.
I went to school with this boy named Haruki for years. We had always been neighbors but never actually talked much. We became close friends at the beginning of 6th grade, and at the end of the year, I found out that he was moving back to Nagoya, Japan (His dad works for Denso). I've always regretted never being friends with him sooner, as he was by far the best friend I've ever had. I've formed many close relationships with people, but none so much as him. We tried to keep in contact via email, but it just didn't work. I'm getting sad again just thinking about it =/
Yep, mostly with childhood friends that I still see/try to make an effort to interact with in high school but we're too different now so it's hard.

My parents are like, "Why don't you ever say hi to so-and-so anymore," and that's always hard to really understand. I've never lost contact abruptly with someone though, because of a falling out, it's always gradual, which is almost worse.
I had a rough period a couple years ago and cut out every single friend I had. Things are better now, but there were a couple important ones I couldn't get back.
It happens. Without knowing it, you've probably left quite a few people too haha.

People just change no matter what, including you. And sometimes you ain't going to be in sync forever. I was pretty disappointed the first time I lost people who were important to me, enough so that I was like "OK IM GOING TO LOSE EVERY FRIEND I HAVE AT SOME POINT SO I BETTER MAKE IT GOOD" but there are always people I kind of want to be around forever.
A lot. Some cut me off, others I cut off. That's life. Seven billion more people to meet and know.