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Any introverts here?


もらにふぇ て&
Jul 26, 2017
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Personally, I'm a introvert myself... But people know me more than I know them. Isnt that weird?
I happen to have very few friends, Since half the time I dont get to know people.
The forums helps me out quite a bit, but something tells me I get on way to often (the Insta-replies tho)

Is there any other introverts out there? If so, how's life like? (Doesnt have to be too personal)
Yeah. Pretty lonely because I'm also socially awkward and once I'm comfortable with someone I annoy them away. Pretty bad mix of personality tbh.
I find myself more introverted than extroverted.

I do have a few friends that I see about one a month or so. We stay home and watch movies mostly.

I am content with my life. I love watching TV, and knitting and crocheting
Absolutely introverted... to the point that I withdraw from people. I've always kept to myself my whole life, but I'm painfully shy these days. I'm trying to branch out (and at least know my 7 housemates) - still, it's proving difficult.

I only call two people my friends right now. I love them and my family - hoping to connect with more people but I'm grateful for what I have.

I am content with my life. I love watching TV, and knitting and crocheting

I've done a lot of knitting for my friends and family over the last couple years. Its repetitive motion to a good movie is my idea of relaxation.
i don't really like referring to myself as either bc in certain situations i draw energy from being alone and in others i draw energy from being around people, idk
Extreme introvert right here. I like people but it’s just so hard to make friends, plus I have a reputation for being weird, so people aren’t exactly scoping me out to be their friend. I don’t have any close friends at all, but a few casual acquaintances here and there. It’s really painful but whenever I try to socialize I embarrass myself so I think it’s usually better to keep to myself.
im extremely introverted, I was pretty much mute all of elementary school, and still am a bit of a selective mute, so it's really tough
I've gained friends who care about me and know that I'm not good in social situations so that's been really positive about it for the past few years, but more recently my untalkitive side has been at its worst
im hoping it gets better soon though, talking is fun but I get extremely nervous and anxious whenever I'm put in situations where I have to talk to someone I'm unfamiliar with
Extreme introvert right here. I like people but it’s just so hard to make friends, plus I have a reputation for being weird, so people aren’t exactly scoping me out to be their friend. I don’t have any close friends at all, but a few casual acquaintances here and there. It’s really painful but whenever I try to socialize I embarrass myself so I think it’s usually better to keep to myself.

You're not alone in that, but hold out hope. We're always encountering new people as we go through life, you're sure to feel a rapport with someone, in time. There's a lot out there in the world - things can change!
It's just too exhausting making new friends and socializing. I've kept the same group of friends for years now and I can count them on one hand, that's including online friends. I do enough socializing at work (and that's still around my friends, I work with my friends lol) so that's enough for me.
I'm extremely introverted too. I get nervous and have a hard time meeting new people and making friends. I have one good friend that I have known for 11 years and even though we don't see each other often we talk on the phone everyday. It does get kinda lonely and I wish I had more friends but I'm also lucky because I have a lot of family that really care about me.
Yeah I'm a big introvert, I basically have no rl friends besides my boyfriend. I don't really mind I guess. The people where I live are all into bad crap anyways so they aren't the type I would associate anyways. It's also why I work the job I do, I actually prefer the grave-shift because there's less people I have to deal with so that's nice. It's still physically exhausting when I have to deal with people but I thankfully have a lot of alone time to get past it.
pretty sure it's more common to be introverted than extroverted but idk

being around people is super draining for me lol
I'm pretty sure most of this forum is introverted. I am as well, I hate social events and can only be around most people for a certain amount of time. I'm also very reserved and usually don't even tell my close friends about my problems and stuff
//raises hand

i wasn't really around people until i was 9 when our family joined a homeschooling program just for homeschoolers. it was kind of like public school, but we didn't go everyday. i was shy, and didn't know how to talk to people. i remained like this for a long time, slowly developing social anxiety and fearing the idea of social interactions all together. i still keep to myself to this day, with led to me growing up with zero friends. im 18 now, and only made 1 good friend throughout my life. she's not a friend of mine anymore though, and hasn't been for 5 years now. i dont know what happened, she just stopped coming over, despite only living a block away, which she still does. :/

i really do want to make friends, i do, but my anxiety stops me from doing anything. i assume the worst and i feel im being judged whenever i speak, especially when someone looks me in the eyes. instead, i resort to social media, because its SO much easier. people can't see you and judge you and i can talk much more efficiently when typing. otherwise, sometimes my speech make no sense and i struggle when i try to explain anything. im pretty sure i have a speech impediment, another reason why i avoid socializing.

at least i didn't grow up as an only child. my best friends are my siblings, and i don't know what i would do without them. sorry for rambling, but sometimes i need to get these things off my chest.
hey what's up hello

so yeah, I'm an introvert. I can't make eye contact with people I'm speaking too, it's so weird. I'll look them into the eye for like 2 seconds then look away and do it again so they don't think I'm being rude, but it's so weird!!! How could someone stare at me like that?? I'm not even that pretty. I also have a hard time speaking in front of crowds, last year my English teacher would always have these things called Socratic seminars, where we would have to speak and argue about topics. I would stay silent , because I hate that the minute you open your mouth everyone's eyes would dart to you, and it didn't help that the other half of the class was watching you, criticizing how you talked and what you said. I don't raise my hand in class either, so my English feached made ME start off the discussion, and I failed so badly. I looked down at the ground and up at people like every other second, and my ears were burning really bad, I wanted to cry after that.

I'm also not good at social events, I'll go to school parties with my friends, but never end up having fun because there's so many people there dancing and I'm just standing there watching them. Also, my friends have a bunch of other friends, so I'm just following them around like a lost puppy because I have no where else to be. And then I end up texting my mom like 30 minutes to an hour before the event ends because I'm not enjoying myself. I feel out of place.

what's weird is that, once you get to know me, I'm super loud and crazy lmao. it's hard for me to make friends because I won't be the one to start the conversation, you'd have to start it or else I'll never talk to you unless I have to.

that was long, but I've always felt this and now I can tell people who are just like me! :D

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What's an introvert?

an introvert is someone who is extremely shy, they like to keep to themselves usually. you can look it up for a better explanation. An extrovert is the opposite of that, they are loud, confident and outgoing, and an ambivert (I think) is a combination of the two.