Any dirty screenshots?

Don't know if this counts as dirty but here you go.


What kind of Things willow?


I don't need your fan fictions Ed.
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What exactly is it that you like so much in Croque? I can't really see it...

And you kind of left Rocco in the dust, remember when this thread was all about him?

Rocco moved out of my old file without telling me, so I reset that town. So I've been trying to reset to get him as a starting villager again, but no luck.
As for why I like Croque? Well, you guys might think otherwise, but I personally find Croque adorable.
Julian no being a horned horse doesn't mean you can say that silliness

I love this thread so much. Also relevant: the dirty-mindedness is actually a sign of healthy minds, because flexible thinking is necessary for innuendo and wordplay. So remember: embrace the gutter, your brain's getting exercise!

...probably not that way, though. >>