Achievement, Pilotredsun's werid but awesome album


Junior Member
Oct 11, 2017
Hey everyone I wanted to share some of my favorite music with everyone today since my taste are very weird and out there I usually come across a lot of experimental like music.
Today however, I want to share one of my favorite artist and albums with you. Pilotredsun.

Pilotredsun is a youtuber with a lot of weird animations and video's lined up on his own channel,
you might known or seen some of his most popular videos like the garfiled, pringles advert, or the quakers oats video.
here's a link to those btw in case you have never seen them:

quaker's oats:
pringle's advert:

his videos usually have a strange vibe to it but I really love them but the music that plays behind in the background is actually his own music!
Ever since I have discovered his channel I always wanted to know where that music came from cause it sounded very weird but oddly relaxing

today I want to share with you my favorite album from him: Achievement

Achievement is his newest album (I believe) that he said he has been working on for a while now.
The music that you can hear from his videos are mostly played in full here.
The music he gives off his such a good and strange vibe I really don't know how to explain it.
If I were try to, i'd say try listening to this music while your out on a car drive one day or your walking home during the sunset or in the city around the same time as well.
It's how I could possibly fracture how the setting feels like to me while listening to his music, and listening to it always makes me calm and some what happy

if you'd like to listen to it yourself I'll leave a link to his album below

(it's 45 minutes long but I think its worth it to listen to if you have the free time)

my favorite songs on this album are greetings, and sadpad.
if you happen to listen to it and like it tell me what you think!
Thank you again for reading and letting my gush about one of my favorite artist!