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ABDs, Royal Crowns and Thrones FOR SALE!


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2010
Hey There! I have 10 ABDs, 10 Royal Crowns and 10 Thrones For Sale for a limited time only! I play everyday and night and even at odd hours! I can deliver to your town at a reasonable time! I'm selling these items at some Insane Bargain Prices!!

ABDs - $6,000 Bells

Royal Crowns - $6,000 Bells

Thrones - $5,000 Bells

Get 'em while you can! :gyroidcircle:
Actually....I don't HACK! The reason these items are so cheap is because someone else on here is selling them for slightly more! What I am trying to do is make a small profit while meeting new people and towns! Ask some people on TBT....They know I'm a stand-up kinda gal! Hacking is for Losers!
That person hacked those i bet then, which then gave it to you, so you basically got "hacked" items C:
YouLittleElly said:
That person hacked those i bet then, which then gave it to you, so you basically got "hacked" items C:
uhhhh nobody is scared of hacked things any more except you no one cares that its hacked i have about 5-10 hacked things and nothing happened to me so its either you buyem or not
I really don't care what that other guy has...I don't even know him! My items are not hacked! I've already made a few deliveries and had no complaints! What's your problem?! I have these legitimate items to sell and you're taking up space and time away from other people who might want them. I've been on TBT for a while now and have never had a problem 'til You! Go bother/write in someone else's thread!
She doesn't have hacked items. She delivered stuff to me today and it's been fine...I even visited her town. She has a clean slate. ^-^ *winks*