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A New Year, A New Town! (The 1/1 Challenge on AC:NL)


Oct 19, 2013
Rose Mint
April Birthstone (Diamond)
White Pansy
Father's Day Carnation
Red Rose
Tasty Cake
User Title Color Change
Orange (Fruit)
Hello! Is anyone thinking of starting a new town on January 1st 2018? I think I might ~

I enjoy having the chance of a new start, and I would love to start a new town. I have been in the reset void for the last two years...but I hope that this time I will appreciate the town I create and will commit to it...without deleting it within six months.

I might put in some goals as part of my 1/1 Challenge on New Leaf (the challenge has that name because I am starting on the 1st January, as known on the calendar date as 1/1) New Leaf, like any game, is much more enjoyable when it isn't rushed.

Here are some of the goals I have set for myself, for the 1/1 Challenge:

  • Don't force playing the game into my schedule, play it when it comes into my mind, when I really want to in my free time.

  • A little a day is fine - which means that I shouldn't rush to unlock everything, play the game for a couple of hours then come off. There is always another day and plenty to do on the game. Taking it at a slow pace will help make my experience more enjoyable.
  • Resist the urge to time-travel! I have time-travelled so much on all the games, I'm not even ashamed to confess it anymore. Although I can't promise to not TT in my new town, I am still going try and play the game normally. (Wish me luck with that...lol)
  • Trying and bond with the villagers - I haven't written to villagers in months, which is one of my favourite activities to do on the game, since I started playing Animal Crossing: Wild World. I hope to write and communicate with the villagers more often in my new town. I hope to make best friends with some of them as well.
  • Don't make promises with this new town - There is a chance that I will keep this going for a while and gradually I will give up. I hope this won't happen, but I have a feeling that it might. If it does, I shouldn't delete my town and create a new town if not I will be falling back into the reset void. (Please no more of that!)

  • Think before I plot PWPs! - I have plotted many Public Work Projects in my first town and then removed them after a short period. This time I should think a little more carefully of where the PWPs could go.
  • No transferring items from my 1st town! - I'm starting from scratch, because collecting and unlocking things in the game yourself, creates a greater sense of achievement! :D To me anyway!

I'm thinking of scanning some of my amiibo cards into my new town, as I haven't used them much apart from helping others getting the villagers that they want. Amiibo card villagers take longer to move out, so I won't have to worry as much if I become best friends with them, as the villagers will be in my town for longer.

I always struggle with town names, so I will think of what I would want to call my new town. I am not so fussy with native fruit, as long as it isn't pear (which is my 1st town's native fruit.) The town map layout is where I get picky, I am going to try and not act this way when I create my new town on Monday.

My new town will be created on my second cartridge. I also deleted my town on my digital cartridge, but creating two new towns would definitely not be wise for me haha. (My 1st town is on my 1st physical cartridge...I should probably visit it and clean it up, with my whole written speech of creating and caring for a new town haha! :D)

Is anyone else thinking of doing this? I guess it isn't really a challenge but I have created it as one for myself, because I would love to get back into the game!

Post if you are doing this in the New Year and if you have any rules you think you should follow! :)

I will update this thread (or maybe my blog instead, it seems more fitting for that...) of what my new town is like and how I am getting on with it. Maybe another goal I could have is, keeping a log of how my town is going...hm :confused:

Thanks for reading! :)
Good luck if you are thinking of starting a new town! ~
i definitely plan on doing the 1 year challenge this year! i've taken a pretty big break from acnl after just getting completely bored of it, but now i'm ready (and excited!) to hop back in.
i've got a few of my own rules for it too:
  • i have to pick one of the first four maps rover gives me
  • i can't time travel or use any sort of "cheating" methods
i also want my new town to feel more natural, so i'm only going to start laying paths and planning out my town once i have a good idea of how i like to get around and where i feel like bridges should go.
i'm going to try playing like i did when i first got the game basically. i feel like i'm gonna have a lot of fun!

i'm not starting from scratch though, i've made a new mayor for myself on my old town. i just gave her some clothes and furniture so me and my house won't be looking like ugly bumpkins for the first month :p
This is all good stuff and I plan to start at least two towns on 1 Jan '18. One with WA update and one without.That requires shocking Isabelle and wiping existing towns but I think she'll get over it. Actually, I have two like that now, but they are already active (non-updated is several months old and the updated was started on 23 Dec) Neither have any specific plans or themes. My only "set in stone" criteria is NO TT...take it day by day and only adjust the clock if it gets 3 or more minutes off. I find that this is far more enjoyable, for me, than a frenzied grab for completion, etc. Also, no contact with any developed towns and only acquire tools, etc as they become available naturally.
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i think this is a really positive project, and i totally would participate- but i already do all of the requirements anyway (no tt-ing, taking everything slow and not getting worked up over the game, picking one of the first four maps rover shows me, spending a lot of time w/ villagers, etc.) so restarting wouldn't change anything :')

i guess all i could do is just continue on like i am now :) but seriously, good luck to anyone doing this challenge- i think it'll be a really good playing experience!
I plan on doing the one year challenge, but my game will start after January first. I have been debating TTing back to that date, so it would be started on the right day. But it would annoy me if the in-game date varied from irl date. *Shrugs*
Hmmm, perhaps I will. I'll check if my town can be sold to Nook, and if it can, when I get my new town, I'll try to be more picky with the layout.
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Good luck and have fun! I've been doing this with my New Leaf towns and I find it more enjoyable to play now. My goal is to play at least one of my towns every day (since I have multiple towns) and try to play every day for a year starting on 1 January without restarting, since restarting has been my "downfall" lately. I'd like to develop the towns I have now and see how far they can go in a year. My oldest town is four months old and the others are 20-30 days old, so they're all really in the beginning stages. Glad to know others are attempting similar. :)
I'll probably be doing this again.

My interest in New Leaf has been pretty low recently, so I'm gonna try this to help me get back into the game.
I've actually spent the past week or two gathering all the villagers I'd like in a brand new town specifically for this purpose. Everything will be ready on January 1st, when I'll be able to start "properly" playing. I understand everyone who struggles with wanting to restart, because when you come back to the game after some time away from it - or you just aren't satisfied with your town - it can feel like a fresh start is the best thing, but it's also harder to get invested in a town if you know you'll just restart it over and over again, so I'm going to hope this one keeps my interest :D
This sounds exciting, wishing you lots of good luck in your new town! :blush:
I just restarted not so long ago.. are going to not time travel in this town tho. We'll see how that goes.. hehe
I want to do this but I already have three towns that I've been neglecting because I just haven't wanted to play. Pocket Camp has really made me love the game again so I want to hop back in, but I don't know where to start. :confused:
I want to do this challenge but I can't do it on the 1st, I will be making a new town by the end of Jan or end of Feb. But I will do something very similar to this like just taking it slow, buy things only by myself and not having any help. I also plan to only get my dream villagers by cards and be nice to all. Also no time travelling. Its like real life to me so speeding up days seems too impossible XD
I would so do this if I had my second cartridge, but I love my current town way too much to reset it too! I really hope you enjoy your brand new town and good luck with your goals. :)
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Okay so I really like this challenge idea and even though I reset only like a week or so ago, I'm going to do it. For various reasons, major one being I don't like my town name anymore. I have to always copy-paste it because I can't type the special characters which gets tedious when you run a blog about your town (I clearly did not think of that beforehand when I picked this name..) and the other being I time traveled and unlocked things too quickly for my liking.

My personal rule I'm going to set up is less buying/trading with others! I always end up buying tons of items that I never use and hoard them and I buy lots of landscaping supplies which just makes me finish my town's landscaping immediately then I get bored and want to reset. So I'm going to limit myself and not buy/trade with other people (exceptions are for dlc/rv/region exclusive items).

Good luck to everyone doing this challenge, here's to a new year of (hopefully) no resets! Thanks for setting this up mintmaple :)
I am going to start my second town tomorrow. I bought a second cartridge a while back and have to 3DSs after thinking one couldn't be repaired and I have lots of free time now so why not? I am going to make it a town in which I try different things from my first town which is practically finished. I shall make a botanist mayor. I shall also be shamelessly using the streetpass functions of having two 3DSs as it is the only way I am getting those badges.
I'm going to buy 12 game cartridges. Each one will only be played for one month and at the end of the year, I'll see which one got the farthest.

Then at the end I'll cry that I spent $240 on the same game.
I'm going to buy 12 game cartridges. Each one will only be played for one month and at the end of the year, I'll see which one got the farthest.

Then at the end I'll cry that I spent $240 on the same game.

Please don't buy 12 game cartridges lmao I have three and I think I'm crazy
I decided I am going to start today. Partly because I'm stuck in bed sick, and partly because fireworks seem like a good way to start a new town :)
I hate to say this, but this game is getting way too old. I feel as not many are going to do this...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm certainly not.