Giveaway A chance to loot and destroy my town


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2016
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
99.3% (148) +
I am going to attempt to do the 1 year challenge tomorrow (Jan 1) so i'll need everything OUT! I have 50+ pink carnations, lots of random furniture and other stuff like balloons, clothes ect. To be able to enter, just read all of the boring stuff below...

To enter:
Just tell me about your most funniest moment in 2016
And if you're actually reading this, at the end of your story, type "nooooooo"

This will end tomorrow, January 1st at 3:30 p.m EST

How you will win:
I will pick the top 2 funniest stories, and the 3rd winner will be chosen randomly

What you will win:
The 3 winners will get a chance to come to my town, take everything they want in flowers, items, clothing, and i believe there are some tools, balloons and other stuff. They can run, chop down trees, chop down bamboo, and just have fun destroying and looting my town. But when you are all finished, everything must go, so just take everything you can sell it or throw it away, i don't care.

The funniest story of all/the first place winner will get a bonus 1 million igb, since i have to get rid of those too.

Again, this is a giveaway you can enter for free, just type in a funny and real story, but tips will be appreciated lol.

Good luck!
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My funniest moment in 2016? Well, my whole life is a joke, so.... I'm sure I've got something good.... when I was at the school banquet this year (we don't get dances cuz we're religious and stuff), I spilled salsa all over my friend's pink dress and then walked across some chairs to try to help her out, but I accidentally lost one of my high heeled shoes and walked around with one shoe for the night. It wasn't funny when it happened but people were laughing so..... hahaha..... nooooo..... ;)

Ty for this giveaway btw! ^^
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This is so sweet! :D
Funniest moment:
Okay so my cousin was having a home movie date with her boyfriend, and I was in another room with my other cousin. Then we found out my other cousin (I'm sorry, I have like 10 cousins) was coming too, me and my cousin were snickering and we shouted "YOU'RE GONNA MEET [her name]'s BOYFRIEND!" Then she just hung up, and my cousin told me "We got too excited." Well when she came, my Aunt just barged in and said "Let's go meet [her name]'s boyfriend! We literally lined up, single file line, and walked to the living room. Then we started introducing ourselves and we walked back laughing. Then my Aunt said:
"Esta guapo el gavachito."
(Translates to: The white boy is handsome. P.S my family's Mexican American and that's just another word to say white)
WE CRACKED UP! Oh my god it was so funny XD I bet all my cousin thought was noooooo. Because let's be honest, we're embarrassing.
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My funniest story:

A few months ago, my mom went shopping with my little sisters and my Grandma. My grandma had to go to the bathroom so my mom dropped her off at Pizza Hut and went shopping. When she was done shopping, she mistakenly thought she left my grandma at McDonald's due to the fact that we stop there for bathroom breaks often. Needless to say, my mom didn't find my grandma there and began to panic. She called the police and told them, "My mother is missing!" The police searched the area and eventually found my grandma, standing outside of Pizza Hut. She was a bit annoyed. My mom was mortified to discover her mistake and told us this story when she got home. My brother and I laughed our butts off and we still tease her about it.

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oooh this sounds fun!!

I call this story: The Incompetent Sushi Thief

My friends and I were eating out at an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. At this particular restaurant, an extra $1 would be added to your bill for each piece of food that you don't finish. Unfortunately, we over-estimated the size of our stomachs and order WAYYY more food than we could handle, as delicious as it all was. We stuffed ourselves as much as we could in an attempt to finish it all off, but many pieces remain. There was only one solution if we wanted to avoid paying extra: we gotta sneak the food out, James Bond style.

I'm way too much of a nervous wreck to try to do it, another friend had left in advance, and another simply did not want to do it. So the fourth said "Don't worry, I got this". And so the game began.

Objective: Sneak the food out
Obstacles: The Waiters

So for this, you'd expect her to swiftly and discreetly grab the food and put in her bag. And by how confident she sounded, we assumed she would do just that.
But no, this chick did it in the most unsubtle fashion possible. She grabbed the food, stuffed in a tissue, waving a plastic bag over the table, taking way more time than the few seconds it would actually need to complete such a task. She wouldn't even wait for the waiters to be completely out of view.

My other friend and I were dumbfounded and were trying our bests to hold in our laughter to not arouse suspicion. We urged her to be more subtle and gave her tips, but she only got worse. At this point, I was bending over the table, choking from laughter. I swear I couldn't breathe for a minute.

What made it even better is that our table was placed right next to the entrance, and there was a line of people waiting for free tables. The ones in front saw this occur, and shook their heads so hard in disapproval.

The waiters miraculously didn't catch her though, so Mission Accomplished.

I hope you enjoyed that haha noooooo

(edited cause i accidentally posted the story twice. sorry!
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Really interested! My funniest moment in 2016 is when I convinced somebody at my school to do "the flop" from the ASDF movie. So we walk into the lunchroom and over to the jock table (Our school has cliques...) and he jumps up and falls flat on his face. Everyone dies out laughing, and the principal walks over. Everybody is trying to keep the straightest face, and the kid on the ground yells, "Everybody do the flop!" and I do the only thing I could. I did the flop. Watch this if you have no clue what the ASDF movie is.
Hope I win! Oh, and noooooooooo
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It was a really rough year, so I love to remember the funny and light-hearted moments. One of my favorites was from when I was still in school in September. One teacher I had in particular liked to ask us about what was going on in our lives since the class was blocked (two class periods long). I had just watched the premiere of Dancing with the Stars the night before, and naturally, I wanted to share my Dancing with the Stars conspiracy theories with anyone who would listen. I said my piece about how Ryan Lochte was pretty much jumped by rowdy haters from the crowd and my teacher entertained my ideas lol. Then at the end of class, he was like "hey, how about a bet on who's gonna win Dancing with the Stars? I don't even watch the show but I'll bet" and he looked up the cast on his laptop and chose the kid who played Max from Wizards of Waverly Place, Jake T. Austin. I chose Laurie Hernandez (who ended up winning). Everytime I came to class the teacher was like "oh has my guy won yet?" And even though I had to take a break from school since I've been so sick, my teacher has emailed me checking in on my health and been like "I still don't watch Dancing with the Stars, but I'm sure my guy is winning." Well, idk if you watch Dancing with the Stars, but Jake T. Austin was the first to go home. He literally came in dead last. I was supposed to get to choose something silly my teacher had to do for winning the bet, but since I'm not there I missed the chance. Still, that story makes me smile. Thank you for the giveaway.
oh, and i could never forget nooooooo
Um. My nose started to bleed when I first heard Jacob Sartorius. No joke. nooooo

Why the f restart one of your towns? That'll just set you back, my friend.
Um. My nose started to bleed when I first heard Jacob Sartorius. No joke. nooooo

Why the f restart one of your towns? That'll just set you back, my friend.

Because i'm gonna join in and do the 1 year challenge with a fresh start :p

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My funny story was when i was small I used to think that my closet in my bedroom was dangerous because there i
Was a man that will take you away into the closet at night when the lights was off. Every time I would go to sleep I would wake up to noise coming from the closet. Every time my parents went to check the closet there was nothing there. So I wrote a note saying that don't come for me. Get my sister she's down the hallway to whoever was in that closet and left it in the closet at night so that whoever was there I can read it and leave me alone. Then one time I slept early so that I wouldn't be sleepy at night and that night what I saw was horrendous. It wasn't a person in my closet. it was a whole bunch of mouses in my closet. It turns out that there was a hole in the closet that led into a small space that contained my Brothers brownies that was made with weed.
The funniest moment in 2016 was when I was with my buddy to prepare the DJ Dance at a large Anime Convention (Anime North in Toronto)

Well, it was quite a stressful moment. The sound-check wasn't going well as equipment hadn't been prepped.

So I was just sittin' around backstage with my buddy's girlfriend, talking to her and getting to know her.

After a little bit of time, we went to meet up with my buddy and tell him we'd be back later as we didn't feel like sitting around anymore.

So he went to kiss her goodbye with a hug. But he was obviously SOO ridiculously distracted by the stress of the sound-check and set-up process that he instinctively went to go and hug/kiss me. He noticed what he was doing in the moment, but we just started all laughing SOO hard. TFW your mind is utterly distracted lol... nooooooo....

p.s: taco bell on new years day is kind of an amazing idea... just sayin'
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Funniest moment in 2016 - My friend and I went into lush, and he bought a bottle of blue 'mints' called 'oral pleasure' (don't even ask). He was saying how good it looked, so we went outside, and I decided to try them. Omg It was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted in my whole life. I was coughing constantly, in public, dying of these oral pleasure 'mints'. I looked on the bottle and it said it was toothpaste...
Lol thank you for this whole giveaway!
I know this said it'd end at 3:30 today but I wasn't sure if you meant the second or not, so I figured I'd just give it a go, if that's alright lol. But if not then just disregard this please :) (This might be a bit long but the details are important).

My funniest moment of 2016:
One night in early January two friends and I were bored and decided to drive around. First we stopped at our local carry-out for drinks/snacks where a friend of ours had worked. When we got there, there was a group of girls in a car parked, we didn't think much of it at the time (this is important later in the story). We were in the carry-out for maybe 5 minutes tops. Anywho, we came back out and again, we didn't think it was a big deal at the time, but the other car was gone. We got into the car and as I was backing out, two cop cars surrounded me. I was absolutely terrified, and I put the car in park and rolled the window down. One of the cops remained in his car, that's somewhat important too. This cop was extremely intimidating and mean, he shined his flashlight at my friend in the backseat and then the cop started questioning me. He asked several questions: what our plans were for the night, did we have any drugs, alcohol, and a few other things like that. I was in total shock, and he asked me in a cocky tone, "So I guess you wouldn't mind if I searched your car then?" I told him to go ahead, and he proceeded to ask me if I had any drugs or alcohol before he went through with the procedure. I noticed that he had the dog in his police-car as he was searching my car...That's when it hit me, this dude seriously thought I was a freaking drug dealer!! During the whole procedure I was holding back the tears...not because I was scared I'd be in trouble but more because I'm just a very sensitive and nervous person.

So he searched literally every spot in my car and found absolutely NOTHING, as I knew would happen obviously lol. Then the other cop came out. I had dealt with him in the past when something of mine was stolen, and he was very friendly in both of these situations. So basically you could say it was like a 'good cop bad cop' situation. He finally told us where the suspicion came from, that someone called in and reported that there was a suspicious car that had been parked here for over an hour with people getting in and out of it. We were totally confused, but we then remembered the other car. We told them everything about it. It was obvious that bad cop was still thoroughly convinced that we were up to no good. He asked us questions like what type of car it was, who the girls looked like, etc. He definitely thought we were making it all up. So he then patted my guy friend down. Good cop knew we were fine, my friend was wearing a sticker for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and he jokingly had pointed it out. At that point, it was extremely clear we were innocent. After a few more questions, we were good to go. So basically it was just one of those times where we happened to show up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I still wonder if some of the things bad cop did were just/legal, not that it really mattered because we didn't do anything wrong. HOWEVER, I did get lucky because it was my third or fourth day of being a licensed driver, so it wasn't legal for me to be driving with more than one passenger at the time, but they didn't say anything about it (rightfully, I think...I mean c'mon, I was wrongfully accused of drug dealing!)

Then we decided we were way too high on adrenaline to go home so we went to McDonald's and my car wouldn't start :') There's a bit more to that story that's funny but I'll leave it there hahaha...Irony is funny, right?...."noooooooo"
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my memory is rubbish so I guess what was kind of funny was when I was scheduled to get blood drawn and I was panicking bc I hate needles and I sat there alone awkwardly in the waiting room while careless whisper played for 40 minutes


Congratulations to the winners!

AmarilloVerde was the randomized winner, Pinklolipop34 won the second funniest story, and Dork won for the funniest story! Congratulations to the winners, and don't worry if you did not win, i am planning to do another giveaway for Three Kings day :p

I will VM the winners, and i will open my gates and add them once they all responded
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Ahhhh, I'm excited to see who wins! Probably not me though, everyone else's stories are funnier than mine! ^-^