Auction 35 Giant-Clam Shells | Auction Closed!

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Oct 20, 2014
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
100% (211) +
c: Since not many people were interested in cleaning my town with the thread in Re-Tail, and I'd feel bad for selling them all in-game, I'm going to host an auction for each set of items. But it's gonna be cheap!!!

Item: 35 Giant-clam shells

Starting Bid: 0 TBT (if no one else bids and only one person bids, they get it for free! ^-^)

Minimum Increase: 1 TBT

Buyout: 70 TBT

After the shells sell, I'll repurpose this for the other items yay thread recycling

Auction ends at 70 TBT buyout, or later tonight when I get back from karate (about 2-4 hours from now)

If no one bids by then I'll give them away to the first poster~
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I'd just like to inform you that your amount of bells is currently worshiping Satan. Also I'd like to start the bid at 0.
Also, I can't pick up till tomorrow if I win them. I'm currently not at a home with stable wifi @_@

- - - Post Merge - - -

2 tbt
I'd just like to inform you that your amount of bells is currently worshiping Satan. Also I'd like to start the bid at 0.

It's on purpose. ~ 666 ~ ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED. ~ 666 ~

Also, I can't pick up till tomorrow if I win them. I'm currently not at a home with stable wifi @_@

That's totally fine! I can't trade tonight anyways c:

LOL you want those shells don't you? Gonna close this for now and PM you. I may or may not start another auction tonight depending on how I feel probably will
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