Giveaway 1,000 TBT Bells!

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Thanks for a lovely giveaway~

If I won, I would use the tbt to purchase villagers and items for my friends and siblings since they seem to lose villagers alot, and I always try to find them a fair replacement friend. I also love to shower my friends in gifts when they come to visit and sometimes the items I want are too expensive for me. I also like to give small amounts away to people on this board who help me or need a little help themselves... Thanks again for this great opportunity :)
Yet another Javaway! Hahaha xD Thanks for so many opportunities for everyone. If I won I would most certainly be getting my username changed! (Further detail as to why that is needed is in my signature >.<
Why, to buy art of course! I really want to have a sprite of my mayor. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oooh, thanks for the giveaway!
I'd use the bells to purchase and support some of the artists on TBT ^o^
thanks for the giveaway~~

saving my bells for a party popper ^^
If I were to win the bells, I would save them for whenever the next AC releases so I can purchase items, DLC and so-on :)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway! Good luck to everyone <3
Would be used in my fund towards a pink feather <333 my fav collectible that I've always wanted.

thanks for yet again another giveaway jav ♥
(grats Call Me Daniel on Krazy 8)

thanks for yet another giveaway Xav!

i'll throw my hat in the ring, por favor!

if i prevail, imma use does forum bells to buy another pikachu egg from somebody i spied needing to sell them, and then im gonna gift it to somebody i spied who doesnt have one bc she's having to get by on hotcakes alone...
At first, I didn't know what to do with TBT! I tried burying it, shredding it, and BURNING IT! In the end, I decided I'll just give it all away...

jk. Idk, I guess I'm just a hoarder... #truthmode
I think I'll save it, so one day I can be on the list of users who have the most bells but don't spend a god damn bell on anything. :p
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Hmmmm ... Why do I want 1000 bells, and what would I do wth them? ... Strokes chin(s) ...
Well, since I am a Javocado aficionado ❤️ :rolleyes: I would squander my winnings on assorted Collectibles and host a fun contest to give them all away in honour of the Jav-Meister (surreptitiously, of course, so that he wouldn't be embarrassed) ... The contest would have to include Best Puns and haikus, naturally, and perhaps a quiz on names rhyming with avocado ... It would be great fun! I can see it all now ...

Srly ... You are very sweet and generous to do this, and I REALLY wish I had another POKEBALL to gift to you!!❤️
I want these bells to help my Pokeball Fund. I have been trying to get my hands on one since I first stumbled upon The Bell Tree.
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I want these bells to help my Pokeball Fund. I have been trying to get my hands on one since I first stumbles upon The Bell Tree.
Ah, if only I had a plethora of Pokeballs ... A superabundance, a glut, a surfeit, a profusion! ... Well, at least two or three ... You could have one too!❤️ ... I'm very generous when I'm living in my head :rolleyes:
well for one, i'd use it to stockpile TBT that way im not scraping the bottom of the TBT barrel.
the next thing i'd do is buy all the things i need in game.
then i'd get an animated sprite or a signature.
lastly, put it in the ABD.
I'd probably buy some collectables, you know them pixels don't come cheap (unless u win them in giveaways hosted by super cool and most likely very attractive individuals :rolleyes: how far will flattery get me)

But I'd put some aside for getting my dreamies too ^^ Ooooh but I'd also love if one of the talented artists on here could draw an OC I'm working on, considering I can't draw to save my life??? ANd I have a wishlist that includes a lot of DLC stuff so that would also be helpful???? aaaaaaaaa???

So it would either be gone in 10 minutes or never spent because I couldn't decide what to spend it on pfft
I'm mostly entering because it will make me feel better after throwing up all night

I would actually use it to buy a flashing 3 sig banner to rep all my current towns
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