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  • Yeah same here, I have a Social Studies test tomorrow and on Tuesday. And I have to finish writing my story for English (supposed to be a 'short' story but I already wrote 6500+ words wtf). Runny noses every night...
    i know D: don't worry about late replies! I'm already happy seeing you on my dash!! I hope all is well with you, oh man, we haven't talked in a while :(
    omg yami im sorrrr so sos o sorry i missed your message but dont worry about merengue!! take your time and im so so rry i wasnt here when you first got her to move >< sorry for the hassle omg!
    Uuuurgh sorry for not talking to you as much Q___Q
    How have you been? <3
    I've found out that they only received my laptop last week and it's going to overlap into the first and/or second week of school...my osu ranking though >:c
    soo i do have my copics,but my skin copics haven't arrived,so you have to wait for the five person one
    Oh and the plastic case thingy on my laptop is splitting open so it's gonna get fixed.
    Oki, ready!
    Lmk when gates open~ btw nice Mii name XD
    And I'll be coming on my second character so don't get freaked out :d
    My laptop's been sent to repairs now...QAQ
    So now I'm on my dad's computer XDD
    I can deliver any time next hour, so just let me know <3
    How did I miss your message >~>
    Is there anything else that you might want? :3
    #layzeeee XD i cant standdd to stay in bed when its warm, it feels icky lel :d

    people are using fireworks today, not sure if theyre actual fireworks or gunshots o_____o
    also,the coloring will be tomorrow!!(my copics,will i hope come tomorrow,since it's already @ the city)
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