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  • I am so glad that my Health teacher was away this week TTuTT
    Our Health reliever was so much better! She allowed us to talk and wasn't as snappy as the actual teacher >_>
    Thank god I got a mid term break on Friday though ;w;
    Uuuuuuugh I don't like the new Social Studies topic...I can't concentrate...
    Binge watching Anime and binge playing games :/
    It's a miracle that I don't need glasses tbh
    Yeah we're kind of sad tbh :/
    This is the article btw.
    You're reminding me of health, we're talking about sexualoty which includes bi and gay >_>
    And did I ever tell you that two boys from my school were hit by a truck and a bus :d
    It was on the news. Sad thing was that me and my friend at Graphics decided to make fun of it by saying that the people that got hit by the truck now has truckophobia, and they wanted to 1v1 the truck, etc...
    What's worse, is that there's this girl who would always 'hang out' with us. And by hang out, all we do is sit at our usual spot and talk about whatever...she always goes to us and says hello, but we all ignore her. On Friday I got my laptop out to play osu, and she was constantly bending over to watch me like some eagle. And today she took my spot where I usually sat. At the beginning of morning tea, she stood next to me and I purposefully started to inch away from her. And at lunch I put my bag next to my feet (we were sitting down) and she started to move my bag because "she had no space". I literally had no space to breathe because of her
    Rage, much XD
    I'm hella tired and I don't feel like going to school tomorrow :x
    Speaking of Maths, I gotta head off to my tuitions in 5 minutes... >.>
    It was actually an accident because his friend pushed him and he stepped onto my ankle, but I got pissed and stepped/pushed him back out of anger :eek:
    also i heard that you broke your arm. poor thing,but i can feel ya. i got a broken arm when i was 5 and i got surgery to fix it when i was 12.. it's still not fixed though
    And next year, I have to study my ass off Q_Q
    Did I ever tell you that some idiot stepped on my ankle on Friday when I walked out of school... -_-
    Eh heh heh it may seem that way, but in the end, no matter what the career, the most important part is to actually find the job. I know some people that passed their tests in Uni, but they couldn't find a job. Eventually, they did, but it was very very far away.
    That's probably why I'll stick with being an accountant more than my graphics pathway, since it'll be more easier to find a job in the end...
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