Recent content by toothless12

  1. toothless12

    Buying  Fishbait! Paying 1NMT per stack

    Looking to buy LOTS of fishbait. Paying 1NMT per stack. Looking to buy 5+ stacks at a time please.
  2. toothless12

    Selling selling DIYs for nmt [updated!]

    blossom viewing lantern cherry blossom trees wall sakura wood wall I don't have the DIYs you're lookinf for but I'd like to offer 20NMT for these DIYs
  3. toothless12


    I'd like to come please
  4. toothless12

    Trading Looking for DIYs and wishlist items! [H] NMT, Bells, and Hybrids

    Let me know if you figure out a fair trade :) 1586498775 I know ;-; but they look so nice with blue and gold roses!
  5. toothless12

    Trading Looking for DIYs and wishlist items! [H] NMT, Bells, and Hybrids

    I have 4 of them. I value them at 300k bells each (What I paid for them).
  6. toothless12

    Trading Looking for DIYs and wishlist items! [H] NMT, Bells, and Hybrids

    Sure I can do that. Send me your dodo code when you're ready please Yep I'm interested I'm hoping for the DIYs but the items themselves are also ok
  7. toothless12

    Trading  Looking for DIYs and wishlist items! [H] NMT, Bells, and Hybrids

    Looking to buy/trade some things! I'm offering NMT, Bells, Hybrids, or items from my list for various things Items I'm offering: Hybrids I'm offering: Black Roses x4 Orange Tulips Pink Tulips Black Tulips Pink windflower Blue windflower...
  8. toothless12

    Trading Here's what i have, and what Im looking for

    Hi I have these things: Sax Bunk Bed Claw foor tub (baby blue) Imperial dining table (brown) Mobile ALL the mom's stuff Moss ball Music Stand Train Set I'm interested in: Zen-style stone Tiny Library All the ironwood items Golden dishes Garden bench
  9. toothless12

    Buying  [LF] Fencing, Hybrids, Sakura DIY, materials, and outdoor items [H] Nookmile Tickets

    I'm looking for a few things to fix up my island: Hybrids: Fencing: Outdoor items: Sakura DIY: Other items/materials I would be interested in 1586377750 Fixed my post...accidentally submitted too early
  10. toothless12

    Auction Raymond (HB: 2500 NMT) (Ending @ Midnight EST) (Auction Over)

    Yeah, you can buy tickets on ebay. It's like $10 for 800 tickets
  11. toothless12

    Auction Raymond (HB: 2500 NMT) (Ending @ Midnight EST) (Auction Over)

    I would guess homebrew...or straight up buying them on ebay
  12. toothless12

    Selling Beau in boxes

    40 NMT for Beau
  13. toothless12


    Hi, I'm interested in 1 of each of the Bunny Day DIYs 1586146156 Paying in NMT