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  • Thank you thank you!! The curse of being in an old brick building, I am at customer site and the open access WiFi is next door, signal is really bad through the bricks!! p/s Your PM box is full :)
    I've received your order and will begin working on it. Please note that as announced orders can take up to a week now as I adjust to my new schedule of curriculums. Thank you for your understanding and I will PM when ready.
    I have the:
    - crew's monitor
    - space captain's seat
    - spherical radar
    - space console
    - concrete floor
    - gold-armor pants

    Looking for mostly stuff on my wishlist:
    But I'll take 1m for the gold-armor pants.

    You didn't responded on your topic yet so I'd thought to VM you instead
    When ordering, it's not until after your first order is done that you can place a second. The only exception to this is one TBT and one AC order at a time. Please select which set you'd like first as I open every weekend. ^^
    Boo...was hoping deleting a message literally got rid of the icon and everything. :< I'm a weirdo for clean pages. I can't help it. Oh well~ Post away!
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