Liquid Ocelot

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  • Haha dude I love your username. I almost went with Laughing Octopus myself, but decided to use a shorter name in the end.
    dont even bother with riiiptide, man. its not worth it ): hes just there to start **** and be an ass and try to make you look like an ******* any way he can, and when you message him with a resolution he goes "who are you?" so yeah. just dont bother with him
    I really liked your words of advice in that growing up thread. Just wanted to tell you it sums up my feelings really well.
    I'm looking for people I can add as friends on AC:NL. Would you mind adding me? I'm very bored :p
    I'd go for a white or a reallllllllllllly light blue with appropriately dark green leaves and whatnot. the green is usually what ****s up most colored flower tattoos imo. Ultimately like a few years from now, when I'm more financially established, I want to get a snake plant up the left side of my torso so it'll be a lot of dark greens/
    word, that's probably a good idea. It'll probably be a while before I can get anything though... I have to pay for a speeding ticket and get a phone before I do anything else. I've never had a ~fancy phone~ before and haven't even had a regular phone for the past 6 months...
    right shoulder with leaves/stem going about halfway down the side/back of my bicep?
    it's just nerve wracking because hydrangeas are pretty intricate... haven't been able to find a good one on the internet at all....
    Open! Feel free to just go for it lol (sometimes ppl linger near the station until I tell them to go :p)
    Right now would be best, since my nieces are here and I may not be available later. p: I'll add you so just lmk when you're good to come over and I'll open. ^^
    He used to be an awesome mad scientist too but they changed his house:( I like to think he has a secret lab hidden under his sloppy bed that you can get too via a trap door
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