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  • Tteok plate might be in my museum actually, I'll have a look later when I get on before I bring your other things
    I have a tteok plate but don't know where it is. I have a rice cake I can sell you though. And steamed bun case will be with the 7/11 set :)
    If you can do 6tbt for each item that would be great :)
    So 36tbt for all items and 25 for the 7/11set?
    I have a lot of unorderable dlc - red ogre mask,blue ogre mask, afternoon teaset, shaved ice lamp, pumpkin pie, fedora chair, Yule log and turkey. Probably have some more as well but those are the ones I know I've got spare of
    I'll be on around that time so that's fine with me :)
    Hey, I'm also in U.K. Time so that should be easy :) I'll be on this evening if you are? Would around 25tbt be okay?
    Hello! I see you're a newbie! (OR new enough to qualify for this)

    if you're wondering: What is tbt? or what are collectibles? or how can I get some?
    Well, all three of those questioned are answered here:!

    You can even get yourself some FREE collectibles/tbt or ACNL items...just because you're new!
    BTW, if you lack bells on ACNL, the conversion rate is 100 tbt=20 million ACNL bells, and the collectibles myself and a user name vel give you, will be worth up to 500 tbt! You can keep them or sell them, depending on what you want :blush:

    Good luck, you'll love it here!
    Hi, I'm off here for tonight now but I have a 7/11 set I can sell you for tbt if that's okay?
    I'll be around again tomorrow if you're available at all and interested in the trade?
    If you leave me your timezone I'll try and VM you when I'm back on
    Hi I wrote on your thread I have all gracie themes and if youd like to catalog..I assume that since you made another thread asking the same thing and not answering you don't want to do that
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