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  • Happy birthday, friendo! I‘m glad you’re happy right now. You may not remember it, but you helped me out when I was going through a rough stretch by private messaging me before. I’m really thankful for that as it allowed me to get to where I am now. I hope you have a great rest of your day. 🎂 :D
    I certainly remember! I'm glad to have been some help during that tough time. Know that my inbox is always open for ya. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!! 😁😁
    I've read your post in the New Leaf turnips thread. In my town they're at 428, if that price is good enough for you :)
    Hello! I was just messaging to see if youd be willing to sell your moonball to me?
    the pokemon i gave you have perfect IV's in their stats they will most likely use.
    i thought you might like/need these.
    Of course! Would you like to visit first or do you wanna do your town first?
    Hello! I saw on the turnip thread that you had a high price, do you think I could sell turnips in your town? I'd be willing to share bells with you ^^
    Hi, so sorry again for missing you. Please let me know how I can make it up to you in the future. Many blessings!
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