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  • hey, I'm really really sorry for not replying :(
    I'm still holding the said villager and I'm going to bed, I won't get rid of him until tomorrow afternoon...
    you can give Bruce to someone else, I hope he finds a good home =) thanks for the offer though! <3
    Hey! If you would still like to reserve Ruby let me know, I never heard back in my thread so I wasn't sure if you saw my response. ^_^
    oooh thanks for letting me know :)
    I'll have a look at your thread, I'm not sure I can afford him... and I don't even know if I have space :eek:
    no thank you for giving Stitches a home!! And if anything I think you dropped a few more than what's needed so Let me know if you want me to return the extra! Enjoy Stitches though! He's great!
    ohgod he is so cute ._. thanks so much! I owe you one :)
    do you have any dreamies? I saw you have Bruce too <3
    and sorry for keeping you from working :( good luck with the assignment! (I'm procrastinating too, I have only 2months left to finish my bachelor thesis ^^)
    haha, don't worry =) you just tell me when you're finished, and if I decide to go to bed before that I'll message you!
    aaaw, well...
    he has got to be my favourite deer villager and it would make my day if I got him that quick ^^
    so yeah, I'd be really happy :D
    but as I said - I don't want you to miss out on a better offer and I'm only just starting to get all of my dreamies, so I can wait ._.
    I didn't stay up for him, don't worry =)
    whatever you prefer, but I'm fine with waiting til tomorrow, because I know he is actually worth more :)
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