Zr388 now in Animal crossing colors


De Profundis
Retired Staff
Apr 3, 2010
Yellow Tulip
White Tulip
Red Tulip
Winter Mittens
Orange Mote of Flame
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Waluigi Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Rainbow Feather
Green Feather
I'm Jamie, not so much a long time animal crossing fan as a less-than-frequent player. I don't own a Wii, but I do play the DS version whenever I get the chance, in fact I'm fairly sure weeds have been taking over my town from lack of playing. I've come to the conclusion it's the game's version of dust. In that case it's time for a cleaning.

Anyway I'm more of a pokemon and Metal Gear person. I like action and explorable games, as well as good art, and I have a great respect for artists. I was brought here by a long time friend, Malesretmit12, who gave me the bright idea after the dunsparce thread earlier to join this forum while at his house pestering his brother with cats, scrunchies, and getting him slaughtered in Modern Warfare.

I'm generally friendly, though I have my off days. Feel free to message me, though I can't guarantee you'll get anything back.
Welcome to TBT :3

Maybe you'll actually be a nice addition considering you're Marcelo's friend, rather than the idiots we've had recently XD
Jamie. Another place for you to pillage socialize. Welcome.
Thanks :)

Oh I remember when Marcelo was making that signature! I was over at his house!
For first time members, you must donate 1000 Bells to this code: 4019039

Just kidding. I wonder if he'll do it. o_o
Hey, welcome to TBT, you seem like a nice dude/dudette, enjoy your stay!
Welcome to TBT Zr388, I can tell you'll be a good addition to TBT and not be another one of those trolls that've been joining lately just to cause trouble in the past months just like Jas0n said earlier in this topic.

You can ask me anytime to play ACWW with you, I'm a very open person when it comes to ACWW; just PM me if you're interested in the future. :)