Will a Fountain fit here?


Senior Member
May 29, 2014
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Pansy
White Lily
Purple Violet
White Violet
So I have a rock that is kinda in the way of my plaza. I am going to try and work around it. Will a Fountain still fit here? Yes I know Hans has to move before I can build it. Cause he is stupid and put his house in a stupid spot.


If it can't place here guess I will find a 1 wide pwp :<

since my picture is not good, here is the area

By plaza I do not mean by the giant tree. I am making a plaza infront of my townhall .
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If that tile up at the top represents where the plaza is I know for sure you can't put it there, but I can't remember if it's 1 or 2 spaces you need between a rock and a PWP...
I could tell that much, but you said this is at your plaza, so I was assuming that's what you covered the cobblestones in. Isabelle wont let you build anything near your plaza, as I was trying to get in a street lamp and had to move SO far away before she'd let me place it...
It will go next to the rock, but only if the house isn't there. PWPs need 1 free space around it, so do houses (thats why you can't place bushes right up against PWPs or houses). So for a PWP to go next to a house, there would have to be two spaces between them. But since you're asking about the rock, then yes, it will fit! Just like how you can place a bush or a tree two spots away from a PWP, a PWP can be placed that way next to a rock. Sorry if that was confusing.
It will go next to the rock, but only if the house isn't there. PWPs need 1 free space around it, so do houses (thats why you can't place bushes right up against PWPs or houses). So for a PWP to go next to a house, there would have to be two spaces between them. But since you're asking about the rock, then yes, it will fit! Just like how you can place a bush or a tree two spots away from a PWP, a PWP can be placed that way next to a rock. Sorry if that was confusing.

thank you. hans is not permanent so once his house is gone imma build it.
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I have a feeling it won't likely fit in the area you have for it. I've found that fountains seem to be really fussy pwps when it comes to placement, and I'm pretty sure they require a 3x3 square, plus two squares left and right. If you ask Isabelle to build it, she'll tell you if it will fit when you try to put it down.
I tend to just take Isabelle out & see if a PWP will fit - I keep trying - just a smidgin of a move can turn a no into a yes.
The answer depends on where you are standing, a small move can change her answer.
I move away so she follows me, and then move back in & ask again.

If you can get it to go in, get the rope up & Loid there so you can have a better look at where it's positioned.
If you don't like it, don't pay any donations towards it (you would lose those), go back to Isabelle & demolish it - you lose nothing apart from the day - you can't try again until the next day.

Edit: with the fountain I like to get it centred in front of the town hall door - managed it sometimes, not always. And I tend to put a path around it.
I've placed fountains in other places too, but if in front/near to TH, I like it centred.
I do it early on in the game, as a prevention of villagers moving in front of TH. Can always take it out later.
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I tend to just take Isabelle out & see if a PWP will fit - I keep trying - just a smidgin of a move can turn a no into a yes.
The answer depends on where you are standing, a small move can change her answer.
I move away so she follows me, and then move back in & ask again.

If you can get it to go in, get the rope up & Loid there so you can have a better look at where it's positioned.
If you don't like it, don't pay any donations towards it (you would lose those), go back to Isabelle & demolish it - you lose nothing apart from the day - you can't try again until the next day.

Edit: with the fountain I like to get it centred in front of the town hall door - managed it sometimes, not always. And I tend to put a path around it.
I've placed fountains in other places too, but if in front/near to TH, I like it centred.
I do it early on in the game, as a prevention of villagers moving in front of TH. Can always take it out later.

yea i centered mine in front of the townhall in my other game. I cant place anything there at the moment til Hans decides to move himself out of my town >:C
I don't think you can place it where you've got it. The fountain is 3x3 like you've shown, but there needs to be a 1 square border around the fountain that's clear from anything as well as a 1 square border around the rock. If I'm correct, the 1 square borders from the fountain and rock overlap at the moment, so you'd have to place the fountain 1 square backwards to avoid any overlaps. So basically you can't place anything within 1 square of a rock/pwp. Hopefully that makes sense :)
Waiting for Hans to move - I'd put tiles around the house and the area you hope to place the fountain - it looks a bit of a mess but it prevents another villager moving in there when Hans moves.

Well it hopefully does. If you forced move Hans out to replace via an amiibo card, the incoming villager can go in the same place - in which case I'd also plot reset to try & prevent that.
If Hans moves out naturally I think you have a day in which to get the tiles down before another one moves in - not 100% certain as you could have one come in via the void (streetpass or visit/been visited [by] another town very fast.
Also depends on how many villagers you have.

I'm not sure of incoming villager timings, haven't got the experience, only had one villager move (forced out, wanted the incoming villager in the same spot, so just tiled everywhere else, couldn't plot reset as had 4 human characters).

MayorOfMagix may well be correct, (what's under the QR code might change it), moving the fountain one space back would work in the sense you could still centre it with a path or flowers surround.