Who are the friend groups in your town?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2015
Winter Mittens
Earlier this evening, I saw Rudy and Cesar talking. Cesar changed his shirt to match Rudy's and they started singing and dancing together. It was the cutest thing.

And then Cesar told me later that he's not exactly friends with Rudy, but when they meet they have "decent conversations"...haha, alright bud :D

Lily joined the party and started singing too, though she kept on the shirt she was already wearing.
Marshal and Hazel. Omg. I was plot resetting and the first time she was perfectly next to Marshal's house (that's where her house is now actually) and when I first went in her house, oh look! Marshal was there. x3 I ship it.
Ok, I don't really have anything to back this up, but I think Fauna, Ruby and Pashmina are definitely a clique in my town. They were all hanging out around the same bridge and kept running into each other xD

Pashmina is the protective one (uh duh) and Fauna is the innocent sweet one and Ruby is the one that makes all the others giggle :> soooo I guess that's my made-up friend group in Kinfolk xD
Felicity and Tangy are best friends. They are always together, and they were wearing matching shirts for a long time. I haven't seen them together in a while. I wonder if they got into a fight. XD

I also see Kid Cat, Moe and Punchy hanging around each other a lot.
Also, Marcel was at Freya's birthday party today, so that was super nice especially because Marcel is new to Central!
Merry, Carmen and Grizzly/Ankha and Octavian in Cocoplum.
Pancetti and Tabby/Cole and Ruby in Corvidae.
Lopez and Fuchsia/Fauna and Diana/Dierdre and Zell/Bruce, Beau and Bam in Shika.
I always see Marina and Julian near one of my bridges talking, it's happened like twice in 3 days, it seems quite one sided tho.. Do Normal villagers and smug villagers not get on that well?
kid cat and wolfgang. kid cat always talks about how awesome wolfgang is and sometimes he would go shopping with him as well and end up asking me to buy some of his items as he had splurged on too many items.
I just found Muffy grilling Filbert about getting him to tell her who he likes because he's practically her little brother and she needs to protect him after he'd been hanging out at Static's house for three days in a row now. xD
Frank and Willow, Bones and Lucha... Lately, Ribbot is asking to see my house almost every day. So, I guess I can add Belle and Ribbot to the list. LOL
a lot of my villagers tell me that whitney and nan are the best of friends. unfortunately, i never see them together chatting, but i do certainly imagine them doing a lot of stuff that friends do, haha.
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Bones and Ankha always hang out together. I always see them walk together, visit each other's houses, and always asking me to deliver stuff to one another. Yuka points out that the two were like a couple! I bet you're just jealous Yuka because Ankha isn't fishing with you anymore...

Fang's got new tan-colored neighbors in his place. He's slowly getting a hang of Beau and Chief, as far as I know. Whenever I check the title screen, Fang always greets Beau, or when I try to do a camper/plot reset Fang and Beau always face each other and hold the same tools. Chief's new in my town, so I'm not sure how much he gets along with Beau and Fang. I hope the three of them would get along!

Bam and my mayor are friends. Because Bam is always inside his house so I always have a chance to talk to him. Unlike Genji. Ugh, Genji... I haven't seen that guy for days.
Eugene is BFFs with Jambette and friends with Deli and Winnie, and Deli and Winnie are also friends.
Cute topic! c:

Hmm, they say Papi and Fang always hang out, and I'd guess Marshal would tag along with them. Papi is also (unofficially) Carmen's big brother, because I'd hear rumors about how they give gifts to each other (and how they each like the gift the other gave), plus Tia once mentioned that they were a perfect pair. Tia, Daisy, and Goldie share books and tea together, and Daisy lets Willow borrow books since they just live nearby. x) Blanche and Willow, I could imagine them cooking up new secrets, and I believe Marshal has a crush on Willow and, since he's good friends with Blanche (they have the same shirt), Blanche's like a wingwoman haha. As for my non-dreamie Charlise... I don't notice her a lot. I believe she gets along with everyone!
Becky and Portia won't stop hanging around with each other but then they talk about each other behind their backs. It's always sweet but it does make me laugh.