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What’s the most average game you’ve played?


Cosmog Enthusiast
Yoshi's Islanders
May 11, 2020
November Birthstone (Topaz)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
By average I mean games where the pros and cons balance each other out.

For me that game is Atelier Ryza 1. The colors and combat are nice, but the story is uninspired and the graphics look really dated for a PS4 title. It doesn’t help I played the second game first. Pretty much everything in Atelier Ryza 1 is improved upon in the sequel.
Planet Alpha. The story was confusing for me but the game play was exciting and the graphics were nice. But the story I did not understand/couldnt get into so it was pretty average overall.
tales of berseria, really clunky game but the story was alright
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I'd say Pokémon LGPE for me. I didn't like that it was another gen 1 remake and barely bothered to get through the story but the catching mechanics, especially the shiny hunting ones, made it too good to not play. I'd also say that pre-DLC SwSh was fairly average, but the DLC is what really rounded it out for me.
For me that game is Atelier Ryza 1. The colors and combat are nice, but the story is uninspired and the graphics look really dated for a PS4 title.
atelier ryza is not a ps4 exclusive. it's also on switch and pc. and it looks that way because that's the art style for atelier games. atelier games start off slow story-wise. visually i don't find it disappointing, but it's not meant to blow you away visually.
Because I've recently given it a second chance on Switch after not being impressed with it on the Wii U :

Super Mario 3D World.

It's just a totally 'fine' game. I'll sit and play it but the moment I stop, I stop thinking about it. It's 'fine' in absolutely every aspect. Visually it's fine, gameplay is fine, mechanics are fine. There's nothing really bad about it but there's nothing I would necessarily praise either.

The only negative I could give it is that it's a shame such an uninspired and safe game was Mario's only 3D outing for Wii U.
Sonic Forces. I was expecting it to be really bad from what I heard, but it actually ended up being just average.

- Good music
- Character creator
- Good visuals (aside from the cinematics)
- Good story concept
- Core gameplay works well enough

- Levels are too short
- Not very challenging at all
- Story was executed poorly
- Characters feel lifeless or just completely out of character
Sim City DS
Well.. I kind of hate it. I played it for less than 20 minutes and got bored. My parents bought a lot of different DS and 3DS games and it came with that one. Its the only one I hated. I guess its okay though maybe I should give it another chance and try it.
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers is the game that came to mind for me that would fit as "most average". Not much good to say, not much bad to say. It is a mostly forgettable video game, lol.
Pokemon Snap N64

I mean all you're basically doing is just taking pictures just to get a better score. Its nothing too special. I know most people like this game but for me I don't see the appeal in it.
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates
I just think they’re pretty good rpg games but average in storyline department in my opinion.
-Pros: Good gameplay mechanics and OST
-Cons: confusingly bad story, forgettable characters, and a butchered up localization to top it all up.
FE Awakening
The Pros:

-I like the pair system and the avatar customization (same goes for Fates)
-Some of the support conversations can be funny at times.
-Some memorable critical hit quotes.
The Cons:
-story itself is mostly average. (in my opinion)
-localization of the game is a hit or miss.

FE Fates
The Pros:

-Aesthetic is completely different from any other Fire Emblem games.
-I like the stages and OST involving Valla. And the gameplay is engaging.
-weapons don't break as much as the previous games.
The Cons:
-localization have so much cut content and some of the dialogue are heavily altered.
-generally forgettable story.

(I like FE: Three Houses a lot better story and lore-wise in my opinion)
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Maybe Pokémon Silver, gen 2 was definitely one of the more balanced for me. Probably because certain glitches though otherwise it was definitely not that balanced. I dunno I don't think I ever played "perfect game", honestly.
This may be surprising to some, but sonic boom: shattered crystal. I personally think it's ok, but there are some things I like and some I don't.

Pros: (in my opinion)
Good music
Ok gameplay
Sort of good dialog and story
Graphics look pretty good for a 2014 3ds game
The story was kinda confusing for me,sometimes I didn't know exactly where to go
The character's text moves very slowly, and there's no way to change it to my knowledge
The levels were pretty fun for the most part, but some of them are just really hard to me. The levels where you see the mechanical worm especially.
Just kind of boring after a little while, and the game can get stale pretty quickly.
Overall I still prefer this over the game after it: Sonic boom fire and ice
Wii Sports Resort. I love the variety of sports it offered, as well as the QUALITY of the said sports. (basketball, archery, frisbee, wakeboarding, island flyover, etc.) Wuhu Island had its own lore that made it stand out from Wii Sports, so I felt more fully immersed in a fictional world than I did with the original. However, it became repetitive to me and I found the controls to be a bit wonky at times. (Although that could have been a personal issue...lol.) Plus some of the opponents just feel impossible to beat, like they were just put there to confuse you. (But what game doesn't have that? I know....)
There are two more games I forgot to mention. The first of which being a much better example of an average game than Atelier Ryza.

Final Fantasy XV is the epitome of this. The graphics and main characters are fantastic, but the plot is a bland, convoluted mess. I love the Arizona/California-like world. The problem is much of it is empty. The game gives you a car right from the start, so there’s little reason to explore the map unless you’re doing a specific quest.

Death Stranding also makes me conflicted. I adore the plot. It’s just as weird and creative as you would expect from Kojima. What I don’t like is the overwhelming amount of systems and mechanics. I can’t even navigate the game’s stunning world without forgetting how to fight off enemies. All I can keep up with is delivering, maintaining balance, and repairing boots. The rest goes right over my head.
A Witch's Tale, I haven't finished it yet because of how tedious the gameplay is. It isn't bad, but kind of troublesome. I heard the devs originally planed it to be more akin to a Zelda game, focused on exploring; but very late during the development they had to change it to a full RPG instead, so that's probably why it isnt great.
Gameplay aside, the music, characters and artstyle/environments are fantastic, it is a game with lots of potential ruined by its gameplay.