What would you think of being able to own and drive a car?

Sep 6, 2018
Would that be a cool idea or would Animal Crossing lose its magic if it becomes more like the Sims? In what ways do you want Animal Crossing to innovate?

What about other ideas such as a bigger or open world? Would that ruin Animal Crossing?
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honestly that idea frightens me- not so much the car (which i'm not sure about ngl) but the game becoming a different game altogether. as a long-time fan of AC since the gamecube, the idea of it becoming like the Sims is... not appealing to me whatsoever

however i'm not opposed to a larger world, though an "open world" might turn me off a bit. i'm not sure, it really depends on the changes/additions and so forth.

some things i'd like to see are more animal types, more character customization options, more mayoral decisions and impact, more housing items... really just an expansion on what they already have established. Nintendo needs to keep "being the mayor" a thing. it's really great and i truly feel they could do a lot with what's already there- they just need to expand a bit on it

but yeah anything too excessive bothers me. we like the game because it's simple, because it's fun, because it's... well, Animal Crossing. if it became too much like the Sims, i feel as though that would ruin it, and i'm sure a lot of people might agree
Oh, it'd definitely lose its magic.

I see a lot of posts on here wishing for stuff that honestly isn't needed and makes the entire thing seem more like a bigger town or city, which doesn't feel like Animal Crossing: the game's meant to feel like a little forest town, where vehicles don't play a part unless they're possessed by fancy city-slickers like Gracie, or they're used to transport between towns or the city.

(It feels more like the kind of stuff they introduced HHD or PC, which I'm honestly not a fan of, and shouldn't be in the mainline Animal Crossing games.)

I am however wanting a much bigger (but still rural and sleepy, without making it too big) town, with a different kind of perspective: neither the top-down, Legend Of Zelda style of the original or the rolling log perspective of Wild World onwards but sort of a compromise of the two: something that uses the two analogue sticks of the Switch to have a 360 degree camera similar to Super Mario Odyssey.

I'm also hoping that there's a way to hybridise the older style of town (with cliffs on both sides) with the newer style (with the beach on a separate tier, and some kind of railway bridge somewhere (although I'm not sure how that's going to work?)
As someone who has played and enjoyed The Sims, I do not want Animal Crossing to become more like it. Chances are, I will just be left asking myself why I wouldn't just play The Sims. You are essentially alienating your current playerbase in the hope that some other group will be waiting to buy your game. I don't think I have ever seen this gambit go well. Nintendo needs to figure out why people are currently buying their game, and make their current selling points even better. Trying to replicate an established franchise that is only vaguely similar is probably not a great move.

I'm not saying games should never change and be mere copies of their predecessor. Just that you have to be careful not to alienate your audience.
I'd maybe be down for a bike depending on how it was implemented, but definitely not a car. I think it would ruin the small town vibe and would just be so weird driving a car on grass and crashing into trees lol. Running around town manically is part of the fun of Animal Crossing. I think vehicles should just stay as a mechanic for travelling to other locations like the bus, boat etc. I would like to see them increase the town size a bit as well as the number of villagers since it always felt a bit small but empty to me on New Leaf, but not something drastic to the point where the game loses its charm. I have faith that the developers know what they're doing and will build upon the current game mechanics in the best way possible.
No thanks honestly. As someone else said, if it was really necessary I'd prefer a bike instead.
I honestly have had this idea in my mind before as Gracie had a car in the N64/GameCube game. Considering, however, the small town feeling Animal Crossing has that the other users have mentioned, I think I'd prefer it as a minigame where there's racing (maybe Mario Kart-style) rather than being driven in the town. Of course, that could involve go-karts like Mario Kart, although doing so may discourage Nintendo from coming out with more Animal Crossing-themed Mario Kart DLC like they had for Mario Kart 8 just a few months after the game's release back in 2014.
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Horrible idea. Sorry about being so harsh. If you want a car and drive it, there is Mario Kart or if you even want to steal it, there is GTA V.
I don't think I'd use that kind of a feature. My town style (modeled after a very rural Japanese village) would look strange with roads and cars, I feel like, and it would add modernity and a fast pace where I really prefer slow-paced country life, nature and tradition.

I mean, I'd be perfectly fine with cars and roads being available if other people want that, but I would hope that it would only be an option, and not mandatory, so I wouldn't have to use it if I didn't want. If I absolutely had to add some sort of technology/travel into my town, I would prefer old-fashioned trolley cars or an extended train line.
Perhaps we can take the bike idea and make it a scooter, instead? Like the one Isabelle has in her RV.
We are a human character living with talking animals. I don't see how a car could ruin the game.

I would love a car.
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Would that be a cool idea or would Animal Crossing lose its magic if it becomes more like the Sims?
... Why ruining Animal Crossing by turning it into a Sims rip-off when I can let the game the
way it is and just go ahead and buy a Sims game instead? Honestly, I also would like to see
new things, however, something like this is just... No. I mean, what am I even supposed to
do with a car? Creating pandemonium and panic by driving through my town like I would play
GTA 5? I would already be happy if they just take a main AC game and put all the new things
from HHD and Pocket Camp in it at this point, with some new features here and there, maybe
with the option to have a bigger town with space to have at least 15 villagers (just like the
GC game had) and that's it. No need to turn it into a wannabe Sims game.
I see a lot of ideas that aren't what Animal Crossing is about, drive a car really?

It would become an open world fps with what I have seen lol
I don't like the idea of a car... Maybe a scooter, or bicycle? Or a cute little pair of retro rollerskates? They just seem like they would fit in better.

That said, I don't really think any of that is too necessary. And you run a real risk of making the world/town seem way too small and limited.
I don't like the idea of a car... Maybe a scooter, or bicycle? Or a cute little pair of retro rollerskates? They just seem like they would fit in better.

That said, I don't really think any of that is too necessary. And you run a real risk of making the world/town seem way too small and limited.

Part of the charm is how you run around wobbling your arms as you go about your activities.

I love that ��
I would only want something to get you somewhere unless the map was bigger and needed such transportation (such as Botw and even HHD to an extent)