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What was your first video game console?

Mine was a PS1, I remember one of the first games I ever played was RE3: Nemesis when I was like 6 years old, I found the game quite scary.
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I started my video game journey with a rose-colored DS Lite. I started off playing a Hello Kitty game (...I was really young at the time), but then I moved on to games like Pokemon Soul Silver (aka the first Pokemon game I've ever played). The stylus of my DS Lite is pink instead of rose due to me losing the original one. I was banned from playing on my DS Lite for around a month after that happened. ;w;

(...And I still remember being too scared to leave New Bark Town the first time I played...)
I got a PS2 way back when. My favorite game by far was MX Unleashed. It has a great soundtrack. xD Next one was a DS, then a Wii, PS3, 3DS, and Xbox 360. (chronological)
My was the wii and I was like 4 or 6 when my family got one. Now today I'm way way much older then 6 and 4
Ooooh I'm dating myself here... the first console I had was the SNES my brother got for Christmas when I was a kid. I played that thing religiously, especially Donkey Kong Country and LoZ: Link to the Past. Then my gameboy color when I was about 12 or so with Pokemon blue, and that kicked off my Pokemon obsession
I started playing on the SNES and then I moved to the N64 which are both probably my favourite consoles!! The amount of memories I have on them consoles is crazy!
I started with a SNES when I was about four or five, a hand me down from an instructor at my dojang - never had too many games for it though. Just Star Fox, Super Star Wars, Lion King... MechWarrior I think.

When I got a Gameboy Color with Pokemon Red a few years later, and a PlayStation with Digimon World - that's when I really started to love gaming!

I've been a Nintendo fan since, though I shifted more to PC gaming until the Switch, and now I finally have a 3DS to play New Leaf :)
Mine was on the gameboy advance! When you still needed external light to see the screen, oh man good times. I played Frogger on it and a Rugrats game on it.
My first console of my own was a DS Phat that I got as a present for my 10th birthday. I loved it and played on it so much that my grandmother started complaining about it and saying I was addicted to it.

My favourite games were Nintendogs and Animal Crossing Wild World. I would get so excited when my after school daycare had "Gameboy Fridays" and allowed us to bring our electronic games in. Me and the friends I managed to make would play both games together and mess around on pictochat. I remember being yelled at by one of the teachers for swearing, lol.
i was about 4-5 when my grandma gave me her gameboy advance and a copy of pokemon blue.
it was love at first play. :'3c
My first video game console was the GameBoy Advanced. My first game with it was Finding Nemo. I don't know if anyone has seen or played the GBA version of the game.
I believe the gamecube? I remember playing alot of the first AC on it
The SNES, with Super Mario Kart, a Super Game Boy and Super Mario Land. That was the first my family got, but my first personal system was the Game Boy Color with Toy Story 2.
OOOH! You know I wish I actually knew perfectly, but I believe it was either Pokemon Red on my auntie's GameBoy, or Spyro on the PS1 I still own to this day! ><
The first console that was actually mine and wasn't family owned was my nintendo ds lite in pink. I got it on christmas I believe. I think my first game might've been catz?? for the ds. It wasn't a very good game imo, I remember wanting it for ages and getting bored of it really quickly and selling it so I could get another game. If we're talking about consoles that were family owned, I believe it was the gamecube. I never used to play it, since i'd rather just watch but when we did we'd play Super Mario Sunshine on it.
I’m pretty sure it was the Gameboy Advance I played Kirby as much as I could back then.
I don't remember the timeline well at all, but I think I got a PS2 and Gameboy Color the same Christmas and the DS a year later? If so than one of my first games was Pokemon Blue.
Either the GameCube or first DS, can't remember. I've played older consoles but they didn't belong to me.
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The first that I owned exclusively? PS2 Slim.

The first I bought with my own money? New 3DS XL.
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