what social media platforms do u hate

what the title says

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Many years ago, before I joined twitter, had I been asked this, I’d say Twitter, but putting aside some things I don’t like about it or see on there, I’ve had an overall good experience on there, second best to tumblr.

Reddit, Imgur, Facebook (large part of it is that I don’t like the founder), Instagram are the ones I really hate. Reddit & imgur have downvote (twitter now does too so we’ll see how much longer i like it) and I had way too many bad experiences there :/.
My most hated to least hated (This is just my opinion):
Overall, the most toxic website. They cancel over the most trivial of things because they either have nothing else to do or just wanted 'brownie points' or being an 'hero' just because they attacked someone with a different opinion. I don't recommend posting your art on Twitter because of the reasons above. I use Twitter but I only follow Japanese artists and ACNH Twitter accounts.
TikTok- That website/app shouldn't exist, the trends are mostly pointless from what I've seen. Also the reason why YouTube shorts exist and it's a mistake.
Facebook- Never used the main website but the community is pretty bad, the messenger app is decent.
Tumblr- Used to be the Twitter before Twitter and the ground zero for these vocal toxic 'stans' and the whole 'stan culture' currently on Twitter. Tumblr now is alright but basically dead after the mass exodus.
Snapchat- Breeding ground for narcissists.
Instagram- Bad algorithm leading artists to be overshadowed. Kind of same as Snapchat.
Youtube- Used to be a cool website until the 'adpocalypse', bad algorithm, and really horrible copyright system which copyright abusers and trolls will take advantage of that stifles creativity and quality content. Instead of actually improving the algorithm and the system, they made 'updates' (removing the dislike button) that made it worse.
Pinterest- Where I mostly look for Animal Crossing custom designs. It's an alright website I can give it that.
all social media platform basically hinges on who or what you follow, so i dont really hate any of them - the obvious exception being far-right ones