What Makes You Nervous?


I'm such an anxious person... Talking to new people makes me nervous because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me because of my stutter. Presenting, public speaking, or just talking out loud in class makes me stutter a lot. Bugs in general creep me out. Whenever I share my art online it makes me a little nervous, but not as much as it used to. I've gained confidence in my art skills! Sort of.
I often have really bad paranoid delusions. My most recent one was that I was worried someone would poison my pets, so I padlocked every door and entrance to their cages/tanks and hid the keys in a combination lock drawer.
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Big performance for singing but it?s good nerves I don?t know what I would be like if I didn?t get nervous before a performance
i live on edge so. a lot. more specifically would probably be someone telling me they have to tell me something and mentioning my name within that. going in a store alone and knowing i have to check out by myself. i always feel like i’ll take forever and click the wrong button. making someone mad or feeling like someone is mad at me. telling people things i don’t like that they do. i feel the need to apologize prefusely when i do that. being around someone sad. i don’t do well with outbursts so it makes me nervous because i’m not sure if they’ll blow up or not.

honestly, i could go on and on. i’m just a nervous person i guess.
When my eyes happen to and have to see any leftovers from the past. It makes me want to wash my brain in the waterfall with the flicking sponge bob.
anything "different" or anything to do with socialising or going outside
Going somewhere alone that I've never been to before makes me a bit nervous. Not sure why because I wouldn't consider myself to be anxious or averse to change, but I do like to know EXACTLY where I'm going so I don't get lost. Also important phone calls make me nervous too, I hate that so much. Once I've done it I usually realise it wasn't that bad but it doesn't change anything when I have to do the same thing again in the future. I still get a little nervous.
Literally anything and everything. There's way too many things for me to list :p
Too many things to just simplify. Currently it's the idea of going down to my local laundromat and asking about the help wanted sign.
Socializing, the phone, driving, making decisions, stating my opinions, talking in front of people, people not responding to e-mails/texts, group chats, parents/authority figures being upset with me, basically anyone being even mildly upset with me, probably way more