What language will you choose?

What language will you choose?

  • Japanese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • English

    Votes: 88 88.0%
  • Spanish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • French

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • German

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • Italian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dutch

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Russian

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Korean

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chinese

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2020
As we all know, Animal Crossing: New Horizons will support more languages than all previous entries in the series: Chinese, French Quebec, Russian... tons of new languages. I will stay on English, since I love the wordplay, although it's not my mother tongue.
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While I hate the German names (they changed a lot of villager names without any reason since the English names would have worked in German as well and were better) - I will play the game in German.

I don't like English very much in general. I also don't understand it too well. And (even though I'm probably alone with this) I like the German language. It's poetic and versatile. All of my friends will play it in English though. :D
While I hate the German names (they changed a lot of villager names without any reason since the English names would have worked in German as well and were better) - I will play the game in German.

I don't like English very much in general. I also don't understand it too well. And (even though I'm probably alone with this) I like the German language. It's poetic and versatile. All of my friends will play it in English though. :D

I understand you so well. The german names are something else haha that's the reason why I will play the game in english. It's also easier to trade here when you have the right name for the furniture in the game and don't have to search for villager and item names online. So to answer the question I will start with german and will change later to english ;)

Besides I also like german. I have to. I am a german teacher after all xD
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And (even though I'm probably alone with this) I like the German language. It's poetic and versatile.
Hey, I love German language! I think it's beautiful. I tried learning it a lot of times, but it's no easy task.
My native language was always an option, so I'll stick with it. :lemon:
I am going to choose Russian, and I am absolutely ecstatic that I have that ability with this new game! I was really worried at first that it wouldn't be an option but I'm so hyped now that it will be. I have never played AC in Russian before, I am so excited!!!
I would play it in Latin American Spanish if it weren't for the fact thar I'm incredibly used to playing videogames in English, so English it'll be for me
Probably gonna play in German again, even if I hate the names of certain villagers and NPCs in that language (why do they even change those at all, wtf). I could play in English, but then again my English is not 100% perfect and since there is a lot of reading as well as understanding, it's better for me to play it in my native language to not do any mistakes.
I'm going to start in English since that's what I've grown up with. If we can change it mid-game I'll probably try out Japanese.
English since it's the only language I understand out of the choices. If you can change the language mid-game(which I think you can?), I'd also like to maybe try German, because I've studied it for quite long and it would be interesting to see.
I'm very curious about the Latin Spanish translation, but I'm so used to English now... so I think I'll stick with it and hopefully get to watch others playing it in Latin Spanish to see how it is!
I'll start out in German because it's my native language but might switch to English down the word for the same reasons as others previously mentioned: villager names are horrible in German or switched up (e.g. Kyle is called Wolfgang, so Wolfgang is called Weber and in return, Weber is called Volker) and it would make participating in the community and trading easier.
Oh my gosh! I didn't know Dutch would be an option! That's awesome! I remember when I was little and playing animal crossing cityfolk I couldn't understand english yet so all I did was wandering around, catching bugs and fishing <('o'<)
I'll be playing it in English since that is what I speak. However, if we can change languages at any time we want to, I might have to check out Spanish. It might be a good way to practice the language! I do love the Spanish language. I always have ever since I was little.
I would LOVE to play Animal Crossing in German at some point. I only just started learning back in August though. I think once I have another year or so of experience I'll try something like that.

For now I'm sticking with English :3