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What games were you not sure of at first but ended up enjoying?

Fire Emblem Warriors. At first I thought it was shallow, repetitive and confusing, but I decided to at least finish the story mode so I could call it "done" and trade-in.

After a week of playing, it started to grow on me. A lot. I completed all the additional history maps, unlocked every character and that still wasn't enough for me so I purchased all the DLC too.

Yeah, that game definitely went from a regret purchase to super fun.
The Zelda series in general... lol

I had always been interested in it but I had no idea what the games were about. No one really recommended it to me, or they either thought I wasn't the type of person to like it. It was then that one day I tried out my uncle's copy of Skyward Sword and from that day I've been in love with this world. It's just funny how I went from being curious, to thinking we were a wrong fit, to it being a huge part of who I am today.
Pok?mon Yellow. I was a little unsure about it since Gen 1 seems so primitive in comparison to the newer games, and the genwunners kind of turned me off. I bought it for virtual console on 3DS and ended up enjoying it. It's nowhere near as good as later titles, but it's still a good game.
The Mass Effect trilogy. At first, I thought the game looked tacky for some reason, but once I got into it I was obsessed.
Breath of the Wild, since I had no idea what Zelda was about and it was my first Zelda game. I couldn't resist how beautiful it looked and I ended up buying it. I'm really glad I did because its easily one of my top 3s for the switch.
Stardew Valley. It was one of the games I didn't really read a review for, I kept seeing it on my socials. I bought it one day since it was cheaper than the other games. I had put off on buying it cause I had seen so many modded posts about the game, that and I thought it could only be played on a laptop, which I didn't have at the time. Now that I've played it I do enjoy it.
Dragon Quest Builders. I downloaded the demo because I was bored and saw some people say it convinced them to buy the game. It was pretty fun, and against my better judgement I impulse bought the game. As it downloading I was thinking, "I just wasted $50. I'm probably going play this for a few of days and then get bored of it like I do with Minecraft." Now I have over 300 hours in the game along with over 500 hours in the second one, plus another 50 hours on top of that if you count the demos.

Xenoblade was another game that I wasn't sure about. I saw a bunch of people praising the game, but I'm not really into a lot of the more popular JRPGs so I ignored it. Plus I had been burned on another game that was highly recommended to me, so I was a little more cautious. Eventually I found it for a reasonable price (this was back when it was fairly expensive in the U.S.) and I thought the screenshots looked cool, so I figured if I didn't like the game I could just sell it and get my money back. I ended up loving it. I've always liked exploring and just taking in the environments in games, so to have that big of a world in a JRPG was amazing.

The last one I can think of is FFXV. I'm not a Final Fantasy fan. I've played or seen others play several Final Fantasy games and I just can't get into them. But FFXV Royal Edition was $20 and I was bored so I bought it anyway. I think not being a fan of the series, along with some of the criticisms I saw of the game, actually helped me enjoy the game more. I went in with pretty low expectations, which let me appreciate what I did like more. I also didn't expect the game to hit me so hard. I knew the basic story of the game, including how it would end, and thought I'd be fine. I'm not. The emotional moments in other Final Fantasy games never really got to me (okay the ending to FFIX got me a little).
Blazerush. Don’t usually gravitate towards racing games but this one is my new favorite. Fast-paced, simple controls, and great weapon/boost mechanics. Give it a go if you’re looking for something new to play with a couple friends!

Fire Emblem was a series I avoided initially because I didn’t think I would like the battle system. Haven‘t played some of the earlier titles, but sunk a lot of time into Radiant Dawn and Three Houses. I like having a better balance of battle, exploration, and active social elements.
Majora's Mask had to grow on me. When I first played it at around 13 or so I hated it, but w couple of years later it became one of my favorite Zelda games. The same thing happened with Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
Slime Rancher! I didn't like the environment of the main area (I love foresty environments and it's.... opposite of that lol) and I was sure if I'd really have much to do but I ended up loving it and playing it heavily every day. There's actually always something for me to do and it's fun making new discoveries and exploring and caring for my giant sparkly pink cat slimes lol.
Probably Undertale. Nothing about the game immediately appealed to me. I wasn't huge on the art style at first, and I'm always wary on indie games which boast of rather unconventional game mechanics. But it turned out to be CONSIDERABLY better than I imagined it would be and quickly became one of my favorite games.
Animal Crossing, actually! I thought it sounded kinda unappealing at first and i did not anticipate getting extremely addicted to it. New Leaf made me wake up early during summer vacation just so i can check my flower breeding progress and shake trees and all that goodness. I would also do the opposite sometimes and stay up all night until a new day rolled in game, and would only sleep after finishing what i could of my daily tasks. Good times!
Red Dead Redemption 2 - I never played the first one and considering the fact that I'm not too interested in the Wild West / cowboy theme I was apprehensive at first. However, it surpassed all expectations and I got very emotionally invested in the characters and their stories.
Splatoon 2. When it first came out, it kind of just felt like a slightly better version of the original Splatoon. It's when they started doing updates with adding new weapons, modes, stages, and DLC that I really started to get into it.
Definitely Celeste. My sister made me unsure about it (saying: You want to play a game about climbing a mountain?) But it was really fun.
I recently started playing Minecraft Dungeons on Game Pass. I was kinda just bored, and thought it would be something to try on a whim. In the end, it surpassed everything I thought it might be. Quite the enjoyable little game.
splatoon actually since i tend to not be good at shooters (does it count as one???). its actually made me a bit better at them!
Mario+Rabbids Kingdom battle!
Mixed responses on YouTube, a Ubisoft game, Rabbids and constantly on sale... I was pretty unsure of it but it was dirt cheap secondhand and had an appealing case so I gave it a shot.

It is really good, light hearted silly fun and I actually love it. It has a good difficulty curve and gets surprisingly hard without causing any burnout. The graphics are lovely too. Someone a few posts above said they even prefer it to oddessey and I’d have to agree. It is just such a great game, the great reviews are accurate. Highly recommend.