What feature do you find most attractive/eye catching?

I like looking at the ground tbh
I look at either their hair or their mouth/lips first. The hair is just a glance and I don't need to focus much on it afterwards but when it comes to lips I tend to focus on them more even as they're speaking and I've noticed that I don't really look anywhere else on their face but now that I'm aware that I do that I've been trying to look at their eyes
But the eyes are probably the last facial feature I'll notice just because I hate making eye contact. I only look at someone's eyes if they're far enough when they catch my attention or if I absolutely have to
I don't think there's a specific feature on people in general that I find attractive though
I find my partners eyes and hands rlly attractive!
EYEBALLS AND EYELASHES, and also like bones... like I love jaw bones and clavicles and wrist bones... I am a weirdo and I just love boney people. X.X
Probably eyes. Generally I'm very unobservant and couldn't tell you what somebody looked like after first meeting them. But there's some people who have really striking eyes, whether it's colour or shape. I love eyes :) it's the only thing I really like about myself actually
I definitely find eyes the most attractive feature on a face, but in terms of where my eyes are drawn to first when I look at someone, it's usually their nose. Noses kind of fascinate me in how varied and unique they are between people, and a lot of the time I compare other noses to mine because I personally hate my own nose lmao.
I always notice tattoos first I love tattoos. I don't like making eye contact and I'm quite awkward but eyes and mouth/smile probably would stand out to me if I did happen to look up.
To me, the personality matters most. But, since you mean physical features, that would definitely be eyes.
I definitely have a thing for hands. A person's entire personality is in their hands (pun intended). Even if I'm not attracted to them in any way, I'd probably still be interested in what their hands were doing or how they looked.
I've really been noticing hair lately lol. I think because this guy was into me but was balding and it bothered me I'm shallow, I know...