What Are Your Demons?

Everything, really. And, I don't think it's right for people to be ashamed of it. People should be able to rejoice in how they are, and not be fearful of punishment if they don't change themselves. You're all beautiful, all right?
Everything, really. And, I don't think it's right for people to be ashamed of it. People should be able to rejoice in how they are, and not be fearful of punishment if they don't change themselves. You're all beautiful, all right?

Oh yes. We all have flaws but thats what makes us unique and beautiful.
Everything, really. And, I don't think it's right for people to be ashamed of it. People should be able to rejoice in how they are, and not be fearful of punishment if they don't change themselves. You're all beautiful, all right?

i never said people should be ashamed of it .3. theyre simply personality traits.

Sloth would be my biggest demon followed by envy and a widdle bit of gluttony I suppose?
But ye sloth. Definitely sloth.

Most to least, are:

1.) Sloth
2.) Greed
3.) Envy
4.) Pride
5.) Wrath
6.) Gluttony
7.) Lust
all i can think is
but i'd say gluttony and envy
maybe some wrath
my demons are 2 fly dudes that look like me hilling next to me with wings and shi-
Just kidding. my demons are wrath and pride.
greed and envy definitely. I've been trying to work on greed but its not always a success. Its hard not to love pretty things.