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What are the top updates you want added to the game?


Senior Member
May 13, 2015
Personally I love the game but I still feel that new leaf has a lot more features.. I would love more npcs and events added, and this is unrealistic but I’d love new species of flowers and trees. Also more of the old furniture brought back, I feel like there are hardly any items compared to NL.
Know what I miss the most from New Leaf? Not the house plants or the Roccoco series or even a proper actually purple hair colour (and I desperately want all of these) no, what I miss the most are the dead perfect fruit trees. My towns/islands are always more on the dark side, and those dead trees fit the vibe perfectly. I miss them so much but I've given up hope of perfect fruit ever returning :cry:

Continuing the tree theme, I would absolutely die if Nintendo added willow trees. I could make the spooky, swampy island of my dreams :love:

Oh my god, I just googled and apparently they are already in Pocket Camp?! I'm so jeaulous I might actually install that thing! OK, maybe not. Come on Nintendo, please give them to me! 🙏
I want an empty building you can erect, and then furnish at your will with one or two rooms. You could tell the game what it is : shop, restaurant, post office, spa, theatre, and that choice would affect the behavior of the visiting villagers.

You could even attach certain villagers as employees where they would work for 3-4 hours during the day while the other villagers would visit as customers.

I don't miss much from New Leaf, so I don't think I'd bring back anything that isn't already in New Horizons, except lemon trees and villagers being able to visit your house.
-any missing old furniture and clothing items
-any missing npcs (although i hope kappn is less creepy if he returns. didnt appreciate a lot of his comments)
-background music off switch 😫
-stand alone cafe building with brewster
-minigame island for more online fun
-more fruit trees and vegetables to grow
-bring back violets and maybe add more flowers/plants
-villager visits and hide-and-seek
-assigning sound effects to custom paths
-ability to customize existing structures
-nooks cranny upgrade
-house room size upgrades
-drop/store more than 1 item at a time
-craft multiples and use resources from storage
-shopping cart for ables
-text or phone call function that fills duty of megaphone for easy villager locating
-hha doesnt comment on trash in house lol

these are all of the ones that jump out at me immediately
There is so much I really want. I want the HHD/WA NL update items without being recycled and redone like the school desks were. I want the sweets, sloppy, rococo, gorgeous sets. I want food and drink items — and be able to interact with them. cooking would be a nice addition but not needed and i know not everyone would like it (i just loved cooking in the sims 1-3 so much 😭 and how many different ways you could make a dish because the

Other things:
-Nook store final upgrade (maybe even one more—not to be greedy or anything but since this is a newer game, why not?)
-Bulk buying at Able’s. i like trying on clothes more but man I hate buying from there. i like when you go shop at a friend’s able, they are put in inventory not sent to your closet.
-maybe a way to access storage from house without needing to run back
-App to call villagers you can’t find roaming the island
-Mini games and the toy hammer - enough said 🥴
-villager visits
-villager selling stuff from house like in case you mess up their house with a gift or fish/bug
-Villagers houses expand and an improvement to their designs (since I really don’t like a lot of their interiors) or an option to redecorate with their money and a set budget and theme that hopefully reflects their likes. i know some people don’t like option of full freedom to do whatever which I understand since this is not hhd. but limited options would be nice - at least for hornsby and gaston and others who had the least thought put into their interiors
-sandwich shirt - i miss it :(
-option to customize furniture with clothes and custom design clothes like we were able to in HHD
-Please give me bigger rooms—house and storage upgrades. make harv’s studio match our room sizes too please thanks.
-updates that don’t require nintendo subscription
-Katie and her mom cat, Blanca, Katrina (with furniture and other goodies please, but please no more wands 🥺), Rover (didn’t see him for may day and would like him have another appearance), Resetti (i miss him and his lectures 😭).

I may post again since there is so much I want. lol
Post automatically merged:

oops didn’t finish my sentence. i meant to delete it actually. but to finish what I was saying, in the sims 3, some recipes required any of certain in ingredients plus some specific ones, so i thought that was fun having multiple ways to make a dish. if cooking was in ac, it’d be cool to have a chance to fail and result in burnt dish furniture or item that can be displayed. and to find new recipes by cooking
1. Gracie’s store or a shop upgrade including her.
2. More hairstyles.
3. Old or new furniture sets that are for INDOORS.
4. Banana trees.
5. Gyroids.
6. Kapp’n because he’s my favorite character.
I would love to see more plant options: more house plants akin to what we had in New Leaf, exotic fruits (I literally named my island Lemongrass with the hope of Nintendo adding in lemon trees at some point), and maybe some new vegetation like grapes or strawberries.

Different furniture sets, like the gimmicky ones from older games. The Gracie sets, rococo set, astro set, robo set, etc... they really added a lot of character to the game and I miss having the funkier furniture sets. I adore the “aesthetic”/modern ones we have now, but some variety would be nice.

Upgrade Nook’s Cranny! For a game focused on crafting & customization, we don’t have much in the way of shopping. I’d love a Nookington’s/T&T Emporium-esque department store, with new floors and maybe some new NPCs.

Quality of life stuff, like a health bar on our tools and a bulk shopping option for the dressing room @ Able’s. There are other things too but I can’t come up with them at the moment haha.
i dont even have my switch anymore BUT i want dr shrunk back along with club LOL...itd be cute to be able to have both villagers and your friends sit down at a theater with you and all laugh together at shrunk's bad dad jokes
Things I would want to see added to the game

More Crops/Fruit
-Pineapples, Mangoes, Bananas, Papayas, Ube (it's a tropical island after all)

Mini games
We desperately need activities to do. Multiplayer is practically nonexistent in this game, if it had a good multiplayer I been more people would still be active players

Cooking mini game
Villagers could have favorite foods and cooking for them could increase your friendship without ruining their houses

More Villager interactions
Villagers should be able to do more things with you, like the hide and seek mini game, maybe challenge you to a mini fish off or catch a certain bug before them (AND THEY DONT PUT IT IN THEIR FREAKIN HOUSE)
1. How can one not hear this enough, Brewster. Come on Nintendo EVERYONE has been asking for him and they are like ‘meh’. Seriously give him a nice little cafe and everyone’s islands will just look so good with him. If he starts as a travelling cafe and then after buying enough coffee we move him in, that will be great!
2. I really want all the fruits to come back. I really really really want bananas back, they are perfect for a junglecore island, along with more tropical fruits.
3. Gracie! Her personality is like the snootiest of all snooties and I need her. At least as a traveller!
4. Kicks building. This I don’t want as much, but I feel like maybe a kicks shop will add more depth into a shopping village. I understand some player wouldn’t want him to set up shop, but I am sure nintendo is capable to making his shop optional.
5. Carrying on the optional train, I really want to be able to keep houses small but just upgrading storage. Like the secret storage room in NL.
6. This wasn’t in NL, rather something similar in pocket camp, but having elevated furniture villager (and the the player!) can sit on. Like the library staircase is so detailed and is just I really want it on my island!
7. Customise skies. I know this sounds strange, but in pocket camp you can buy decorative skies. The black falling feather sky, ocean sky etc. It would help customise an island more!
8. Gardening events like in Pocket Camp. I think it will be a cute way to earn furniture from events rather than just buying.
9. As mentioned before, willow trees. I absolutely LOVE willow trees irl, they are just so pretty, and I want one so badly in NH.
10. Finally, mini games. I have irl animal crossing friends that I don’t play in game often with, because there is nothing to do! minigames were great in NL and that would be a staple event when I played with my closest AC friend.

oh gosh this looks like a rant :/
I. Need. A. Megaphone. NOW! My villagers love to do nothing but play games with me, vanishing and reappearing at the most convenient of times and it really makes me miss being able to find villagers with the megaphone in NL. Honestly, any mechanic that allows us to find our villagers easily is good in my book. That and even more house plants!<3
Brewster, Tortimer island, bigger house bc the sizes of the rooms are weird, more exterior building customization options, more furniture, more villager dialogue, more villager plots bc 10 isn't enough, and another shop upgrade bc it's tiny and I hate it.
  1. Mini-games
  2. Items that we can actually SIT in and ON.
    • lunar rover. I just wanna sit in it.
    • springy ride. again same thing.
  3. Palm tree variations
    • it'd be nice if there was a palm tree facing the other way.
    • or more palm tree/tropical tree fruit variations
  4. More hairstyles and colors.
  5. More handheld items that aren't wands. Or they're not obvious wands. i.e. giant pocky stick or something
I agree with everybody here. Here is my list:

- more dialogues. I feel the ones we have are always the same, again and again, and having more than one villager of each personality is sometimes painful.
- The café, of course. With the gyroids. We could meet old npc there or villagers. Or even our favorite tanukis after 10pm.
- Hour changes: I remember in NL we could choose between having the shop opened later, flowers unable to die... Nice to see something similar to make a come back.
- More items: food, and the old sets. Bigger shop as well (Nooks) with maybe Kicks and Leif having their own part; it allows more npc on your island per week!
- Changing the appearance of buildings like you could do in HHD. Was very nice to get some theme!
- Pocket Camp has super nice furniture! Could we please get some? Personalization could be infinite!
- Tortimer island: that means minigames (really enjoyed them!) with of course the old fruits. Remember I did a lot of minigames everyday to have a surprise! With some new set to spend your points. Summer forever is a nice idea as well and the family was cute.
- More surprises during the year: 1 april for example. Some special days from all over the world, not just items in the resident service...
- Flea market, or villagers visiting your house even if I forgot all the time the hour lol.
- More interactions: Pocket Camp is a good example.
- Two more villagers plots. Not more, I think it would be enough.

I'm sure pretty none of them in this list could make a return, Brewsters, gyroids and items maybe. New Leaf was perfect...
Personally I love the game but I still feel that new leaf has a lot more features.. I would love more npcs and events added, and this is unrealistic but I’d love new species of flowers and trees. Also more of the old furniture brought back, I feel like there are hardly any items compared to NL.

My one wish is for them to bring back all the furniture sets that they cut. Collecting the sets was one of my favorite parts about the Animal Crossing series.

If Pocket Camp, a free mobile game, can have all the sets, why can’t New Horizons, the game we paid $60 for? Get your act together New Horizons!
I really want more furniture series to be added back into the game, especially green, classic, regal, rococo, alpine, and modern wood. I feel like New Horizons is severely lacking in furniture, especially couches, beds, wardrobes, etc. I wonder what their reasoning is for not adding in all the older furniture sets.
I want an empty building you can erect, and then furnish at your will with one or two rooms. You could tell the game what it is : shop, restaurant, post office, spa, theatre, and that choice would affect the behavior of the visiting villagers.

You could even attach certain villagers as employees where they would work for 3-4 hours during the day while the other villagers would visit as customers.

I don't miss much from New Leaf, so I don't think I'd bring back anything that isn't already in New Horizons, except lemon trees and villagers being able to visit your house.
I really like this idea. Reminds me of the buildings you could make in Happy Home Designer.
I want them to introduce bulk buying and bulk crafting so badly. That's my biggest quality of life improvement that I want, with being able to store plants & DIYs (and the ability to say no to receiving duplicate DIYs from villagers) a close second.

I just don't understand why I can't buy things in an actual bulk number. Buying in groups of 5 is such a pain and it shows that they thought about it but just... stopped at 5? I never buy just 5 customization kits (there are some items that need at least 7 kits to customize, too??), or only 5 shrubs. I'm sure there are more too but those are my top two things that I am constantly buying at least a 100 of at a time. Sitting there and spamming the dialogue to buy enough items is a pain.

The same thing goes for crafting. Sometimes I'll be making an item and I know in advance I want a bunch of em. I'll make special lights to sit in front of my villagers houses (and my own) so I need at least 11 of those items seasonally. I like to make large amount of leaf piles, cherry blossom piles, I know fish bait is another popular one, etc. so it would be nice to have a "craft maximum amount" or input a specific number that I want crafted.

I want to be able to store everything. I can store saplings and seeds but if I mistakenly plant one and now it's a baby plant it can't be stored?? That's so frustrating. I continuously have to spam buying shrubs from Leif seasonally because I can't store already grown shrubs in my storage. It's frustrating. Sometimes I just want to store my hybrid flowers, too! Not just leave them on the beach. Same goes for DIYs. I hold onto them incase somebody needs one (which is what the game seems to want you to do? Since they give you so many duplicates) but then I can't store them??? Leaving them on my beach is hideous. I feel like a litterbug. 😔

Other updates I would like to see: let me upgrade my room sizes. Please. 😭 More NPC's, upgraded shops, more hairstyles/hair colours, different types of accessories, more clothing, more furniture sets, etc.

A little more far-fetched but I would love to see my villagers interacting with furniture! They like to take pictures but I just really want to see Murphy play on the little springy horse toys 😭 Or see them relax in the hot springs or go in the teacup ride 🥺
Multiplayer minigames

Minigames (like the puzzle and island minigames in NL)

Perfect Fruit (mostly for dead trees)

Both eatable food items and decorative food items that is not just cakes (there's like 4 different kind of cakes)


More plant furniture items and just new foliage to plant in general