UGGGHHH... Trying to make a bridge!~


Jul 21, 2017
Can I put a bridge here?!
I'm trying from differents angles but nope, Isabelle is not understanding my point hahah~ Help please :(!

*the system is not letting me upload the images, so here is the link:
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i'm pretty sure that unless you use hacks, the game makes you only have either vertical or horizontal bridges! hopefully somebody can confirm, but that's been my experience at least :)
I think you can, the updated kinda fixed it so we can put bridges a little closer to the houses.
Thanks for the replies!
Nop, the house is not the problem or thats what I think. Isabelle always tell me: "Oh yeah this is a nice spot!", and then BAMMM, horizontal or vertigal bridge xD.
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on the inner part of the bend is it a curve or is there a little straight bit? I think if it's curved it might be the problem? it seems quite a narrow area to try and fit the bridge in diagonally

edit: i didn't see the second picture until after i posted, but yeah that's problem, it would need to be a straighter inner corner for the bridge to be placed there, I'm pretty sure
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Thanks to everyone! So I try putting the bridge in the other side (I don't know why I haven't figure that out before...) and Isabelle just told me that the river was to... wide! (sorry for my english). So I decide to make the bridge in other place. Any recommendation is welcome c:!