true or false?

Multiple. Ones with lyrics and without them.

The next person has had fast food in the last week.
True; a long, long time ago. His life was very short.

The next person plays The Sims.
I've been both complimented and made fun of for it. So I have no idea anymore. It's legible to myself.

You've overslept for something in important at some point in life.
A few times I believe. But come to think of it, I slept in and have missed out on a lot of things before.

You've accidentally broken something precious to someone else.
Nope, never. Only my own stuff. 😅

The next person knows how to ride a bicycle. : o
False, my parents tried to get me to and it didn't work out. (I actually cannot remember what happened...)

The next person is not in school anymore.
False. I don't even like to.

Next person enjoys Mexican cuisine.