To TT or not to TT

TT or no TT?

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Well I can share my experiences a little here. I was always against time traveling myself (for myself, I don't care what the rest of you do). But on my first file, I broke down and lost patience once I started teraforming. I time traveled twice, one day forward to get a building moved. Perhaps people would see this as overreacting, but the guilt I felt upon doing that, and the disconnect I felt from my town afterwards was pretty immense and one of the multiple reasons I had for eventually restarting my island, with stricter terms for myself.

As other people have said, time traveling is a personal decision and I can't tell you if you should do it or not. But when I did it myself, it didn't leave me feeling satisfied at all
The only reasons I TT now are to get villagers to move out or if I have to have something delivered ASAP, everything else i do day-by-day. Only do what you feel you need to and don't feel pressured to TT if you don't think you'll enjoy it/be comfortable with it down the line.
How do you te to get them out? I've been tinkering with the time a bit and so far I only got one villager to ping me, and I didn't want them gone. I have a full town and I really want to get an open space for villagers.
As far as I'm concerned you can play a game you paid for anyway you like and personally see no fault in messing with the clock to move buildings and build ramps because man the wait kills me.

I think majority does consider TT as bad and I have a theory that Nintendo is even stealth punishing players with the way events are distributed now (could be wrong) but not so much to actually like suspend an account or anything like that.

But yeah the consensus seems to be "TT bad" by the community if you care about anything they have to say!
How do you te to get them out? I've been tinkering with the time a bit and so far I only got one villager to ping me, and I didn't want them gone. I have a full town and I really want to get an open space for villagers.
There's no surefire way to get a certain villager out, but the following guide helped me to get them to ping way more often:
How do you te to get them out? I've been tinkering with the time a bit and so far I only got one villager to ping me, and I didn't want them gone. I have a full town and I really want to get an open space for villagers.
best method ive found/that i use is TT 15 days, look around for someone to ping, and if no one does TT 2 days until someone does. If you decline go back to the day you started and repeat
Thanks for all the advice, I decided against it as much as I get tempted, because I feel like I will feel bad for it at some point

You'd probably rather feel bored than bad tbh, there isn't a whole lot to do progresswise after you finished your design.
I made a no TT rule for myself. However If I ever remodeled my island like i am currently doing, i would probably TT for it.
I mean, everything is ripped up and moved on my island. And you are so limited on what can be done at the same time.
I ended up putting a couple things in the wrong spot because I didn't do things right after the other because of the whole waiting to move and destroy things thing. If I had TT, I would have worked on one section at a time instead of scattered because of waiting for the next few days.
It is up to you. If you are planning on ripping everything up, I would probably go ahead and TT for it.
From your post, it sounds like you're tempted to TT to speed things up but is worried about how you'll be perceived + messing up the island. First, you should do some research on how to TT safely and then decide.

My two cents is that Animal Crossing is a personal game. If you (in general, not you specifically) constantly worry about how others perceive the way you play or compare your island to other people's islands, you're just ruining the game's experience for yourself.

Also, even though the game is designed to play at a slower pace with real time. I can guarantee you that if the developers are really against time traveling as part of the gameplay, there are many things they can do to basically render TT-ing useless. The fact that they left this 'option' for players to utilize should tell you how developers view TTing.

Let be real honest here. Nintendo only care about the money. If they get rid of TT, then less people will play this game which affect their bottom pocket. Money more important than their principle so take a grain of salt what Nintendo said or don't.
It’s your game, play how you want! I used to avidly TT during NL but I’ve dialed it back some for NH. Now, I only TT to the next day when I’m terraforming and changing the layout of my town and when I’m done, I sync back the clock to real time and play regularly!
I say go for it if you really are wanting to!
However as a warning from someone who has done both in past titles, be aware burnout is definitely a thing and with so little in the game currently I suspect it’ll happen quickly.

Another option is to TT ahead enough to build a bridge, complete something, etc. then TT back to the original day and continue playing daily. And just do that as needed to still feel like you’re progressing faster without burning out too fast! That’s what I do occasionally~
It’s a personal choice - some people like to play the game organically and others choose to TT, there’s no right or wrong way to play. I’m a serial TTer usually but I found that I got burnt out and didn’t enjoying playing as much when I was rushing through each in-game day. I’ve now put myself on a TT ban and I’m playing each day for a little bit at a time and exploring things a lot deeper than I was originally. I’m having more fun with it and feel like there’s more excitement because you have tomorrow to look forward to!
If you want to TT just to get a feel for things and maybe to speed up landscaping (demolishing/building things) then by all means go ahead - don’t let the negative opinions throw you off. It’s your game, you can play how you like :)
I personally don't like to do it. I try not to, but I will if I need to, like to get a dream villager from someone else. I don't see a problem with it, I just don't like to do it purely because it takes a lot of work and I hate not being on the real day. But if you wanna do it, go ahead, it's your game and your switch! :)
Imo I don't think it really matters as other people say, it's really up to personal choice. For me, I do it occasionally but not very often and it's usually to go a day forward or back and then back to current time again. But hey, it's up to you!
I think you should do it, because you want to and not because of what others might think. You've already played the "main story" taking it day-by-day. Maybe don't moving buildings all in one day, but if you're like me and need to demolish bridges and inclines to landscape your island, you should at least do it so you have a clean canvas. Or if you happen to move a building a square off by mistake and need to re do it, going forward till you get it out of the way again and place it correctly is totally valid. Breeding hybrids for your own purpose should also be a good reason to TT. Some of the rarer colors, like most purples, only have a 6% chance of success. Blue roses only have 1.6%! Imagine having to wait a full 24 hours to see if you successfully bred those. Oof. That's why I've been thinking about TTing for that sole purpose as well. Just to get a couple of those hybrids. Then go back to playing normally. Breeding those two to make more.
I don’t care whether other people time travel at all and I agree that “cheating” is hard to do in a game with very little competition or real possible advantages over others. However, Animal Crossing has always been most rewarding for me when I was able to look forward to things in real life and build the town over time. The act of waiting is part of what makes you love your town. You’re still a resident, not a god. If you decide to prioritize convenience and instant gratification over the slower experience, you risk getting burned out and feeling unfulfilled. The game has only been out for a month; there will be many more experiences in other weeks and seasons. I personally feel that if you’re dissatisfied with having less to do, TT will solve that for a few days and then you’ll realize that you burned through weeks of gameplay in a much shorter time and the problem will be worse, not better. You’re supposed to move things one building at a time, grow a couple new hybrids a day. That’s what keeps people coming back. It’s your town, though, and nobody has any right to judge you. I’ve just seen a lot of players who TT out of impatience and later regret killing the immersion that real-time play has to offer.
Personally, I think everyone who criticizes the way someone else plays the game they paid 60 bucks for should mind their own business. In other words, do what you feel you wanna do :)

The whole point of playing a laid back game like Animal Crossing, is to have FUN... to relax, and enjoy the game. If you allow pushy, critical people to influence decisions about how you play the game, you have completely wasted your $60.00 IMO. It doesn't hurt anybody else if you time travel. Do it when, and if, you want to.

I time travel to see my pretty town during the daytime, even though I play at night. What a horrible sin... ??? LOL Not in my opinion. I also time traveled to get past Bunny Day because I hate it and it depresses me. What? Wanting to do something non-depressing while in lockdown for a global pandemic? How dare I!!! LOLOL I just don't think anybody has a leg to stand on in criticizing people for their time travel decisions in Animal Crossing.

On the other hand, I don't time travel to get special items or that sort of thing. I just enjoy my every day game play in Animal Crossing. But this is my choice.

So, I think you should time travel if you want to, or not if you don't want to. It's your game, your decision, your day to have fun in your Animal Crossing town.
Do what you want, but in my experience, I tend to get bored faster when I TT.
I used to TT in NL (though not excessively) and it kind of made me lose interest in the game.
I felt there was little payoff because things could be unlocked faster so I had nothing great to look forward to if that makes sense.

I want to play this game for a long time so my goal is to take things slowly.
I only TT once one day ahead when I adopted Zucker because he's my ultimate dreamie but I don't intend on it in the future.
For me personally, I usually regret when I Time Travel and there is something really rewarding about waiting and the pay off that comes with it, but screw what others think and you should play the way you extract the maximum about of fun from this game!

With that in mind I don't have a problem with it either (though the people who time travel ahead months of time just to access seasonal events/items is a play style that doesn't interest me whatsoever).