The Rune Factory thread!


Unhindered Dreamer
Mar 3, 2018
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A thread for everything Rune Factory, from the orginal all the way to Rune 4, possibly Rune 5 and 4 remastered for the Switch when it comes out. Discuss best boss tips and tricks, taming, best crafting weapons, ect...

To start off, I've been playing Rune Factory Frontier recently and have been enjoying it. ACNL & RF are the only game series I play alot of, and will actually follow up on in terms of development, announcements, ect...

Raguna is kinda, emotionless. Like, he needs better facial expressions. His voice is really the only thing that changes with emotion.

This also dawned on me yesterday, but I got a letter from someone named Tart asking how it's been since I moved. There were 2 options, 'I'm doing well' and 'You've got the wrong person'. I know Raguna isn't from Trampoli, so maybe Tart was someone he knew back from RF. I responded I'm doing well. Then I realized, there's a girl named Tart in the Sechs territory (Rune Factory 4) who gives you random dishes. Same person? I think so. After all, Raven, Barrett and Mist make an appearance in RF4.
The only Rune Factory game that I've ever played was Rune Factory: Frontier. Got the game from my brother a long time ago and played it since it looked pretty interesting. Playing the game was really fun; however, I despise the Runey System in the game. That was the one thing that kept me from enjoying the game completely. It was really tedious to manage them since they're important.

Fighting monsters and crafting stuff while maintaining a farm was a completely different experience. It was a bit difficult for me at first then I started to do better at managing it all the more I played the game. I was scared to fight the monsters at first since I was worried that my character would die pretty quickly. It was pretty cool that I could get monsters and put them in my barn to raise. I like having them fight with me through dungeon, so it would make me less anxious whenever I was going to them.

The person that I married in the game was Selphy. I thought she was a pretty interesting character, so I decided to court her and get her affection up for marriage.

Love the soundtrack for the game. It's really neat and I never get tired of them when I was playing the game.
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This also dawned on me yesterday, but I got a letter from someone named Tart asking how it's been since I moved. There were 2 options, 'I'm doing well' and 'You've got the wrong person'. I know Raguna isn't from Trampoli, so maybe Tart was someone he knew back from RF. I responded I'm doing well. Then I realized, there's a girl named Tart in the Sechs territory (Rune Factory 4) who gives you random dishes. Same person? I think so. After all, Raven, Barrett and Mist make an appearance in RF4.

Tart is indeed from RF1, not the (faceless?) NPC from RF4. According to the wiki, there was a change in localisation companies between RF1 and RFF, and I'm pretty sure there's at least one other character whose name they changed that I noticed. In RF1, her name is actually Tori.

So far, this thread has made me really want to try RFF again, lol. It was somehow too hard for me back when I first tried it, and I only got through one or two dungeons, but it had a lot of cool things. Except for the Runey system.
I also need to actually play RF2 as well, but the voice acting is so bad...
Oh wow I really thought this thread would die c*:

Yeah I've heard that people get really annoyed with the Runey system, which is why my dad actually stopped playing. So far I'm ignoring them, I have a pretty even 50 range across them rn, so yeah. I did get the Runey catcher but I have no plans on using it on my farm yet, I've been harvesting Runes for Stones. I'm not really big on the whole farming thing, in any farming based game; RFF, RF4 or HM. What I love about Rune Factory is that I can tame monsters and go in dungeons. I can't even begin to tell you about my quest on Rune 4 to tame all the boss monsters among many others.

Tart is pretty, by looking at her letter icon.
I want to play the other games as well, but I haven't seen them in a GameStop yet. I've seen Frontier a few times but no other. I got so happy when I saw Tides of Destiny in a GameStop, but the clerk couldn't find the game >X( He also couldn't find 2 other games, not even for the Wii system. Real disappointing. Since then I haven't seen any RF game in stores. And oh yeah I died so many times, mostly trying to take a silver wolf haha.
RF is something I’ve always really wanted to get into— I first introduced my friend to HM, and way back when RF first came out I watched her play some of it, but I didn’t get around to trying it out until I got RF4 a couple years ago. But I just can’t get into it? I honestly have no idea why, because I enjoy both farming sims and RPGs. I’m tempted to see if I’d enjoy one of the older games more, but pretty much everybody I’ve spoken to says that RF4 is the best/most polished, and I’d hate to waste money on another game I can’t get into.
I'm a former Harvest Moon fan, grew up with a few of the games, but in recent years I've kinda started to dislike Harvest Moon (especially with how crappy the recent games have gotten), and so I've been turning to alternatives to get my Harvest Moon fix, like Stardew Valley. Now, for the main reason why I'm here. I've hardly played Rune Factory, but a year or two ago, I did borrow my sister's copy of Rune Factory 4 and I played for a few hours. I found the game really fun, but for some reason, I never bought my own copy. Now, I'm thinking of doing that once the Switch version comes out, but in the meantime, I'm honestly tempted to go back and check out some of the older games. If I do that, I'll probably check out the first game first, just because it's where it all began. I'd also like to check out 2 and 3 as well. Unfortunately, I don't have a Wii or a PS3, so Frontier and Tides of Destiny will probably be out of the question, at least for now.
Tart is pretty, by looking at her letter icon.
I want to play the other games as well, but I haven't seen them in a GameStop yet. I've seen Frontier a few times but no other. I got so happy when I saw Tides of Destiny in a GameStop, but the clerk couldn't find the game >X( He also couldn't find 2 other games, not even for the Wii system. Real disappointing. Since then I haven't seen any RF game in stores. And oh yeah I died so many times, mostly trying to take a silver wolf haha.

Maybe check online - I don't think it's that well-known of a series, so you might have better luck there. I can definitely recommend RF1.

I'm a former Harvest Moon fan, grew up with a few of the games, but in recent years I've kinda started to dislike Harvest Moon (especially with how crappy the recent games have gotten), and so I've been turning to alternatives to get my Harvest Moon fix, like Stardew Valley. Now, for the main reason why I'm here. I've hardly played Rune Factory, but a year or two ago, I did borrow my sister's copy of Rune Factory 4 and I played for a few hours. I found the game really fun, but for some reason, I never bought my own copy. Now, I'm thinking of doing that once the Switch version comes out, but in the meantime, I'm honestly tempted to go back and check out some of the older games. If I do that, I'll probably check out the first game first, just because it's where it all began. I'd also like to check out 2 and 3 as well. Unfortunately, I don't have a Wii or a PS3, so Frontier and Tides of Destiny will probably be out of the question, at least for now.

Do you mean the new Harvest Moon games or Story of Seasons? They changed names because it's localized by a different company now.
Again, can definitely recommend RF1 and RF4, but you don't need to play RF1 to understand RF4, if that's what you're thinking.

Also, to anyone who hasn't played RF1 yet and might: Don't marry Melody. I made that mistake. You can't access the bathhouse if you do.
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Do you mean the new Harvest Moon games or Story of Seasons? They changed names because it's localized by a different company now.
Again, can definitely recommend RF1 and RF4, but you don't need to play RF1 to understand RF4, if that's what you're thinking.

Also, to anyone who hasn't played RF1 yet and might: Don't marry Melody. I made that mistake. You can't access the bathhouse if you do.
I was referring to the new Harvest Moon games. I can't speak for Story of Seasons as I haven't tried any of those games out yet, but the last Harvest Moon game I played was 3D: A New Beginning, which I don't remember liking, and this was before these games were picked up by a different publisher and renamed Story of Seasons.

Yeah, I'm aware that you don't need to play one game in this series to understand the other. It's not some big Kingdom Hearts cluster****, after all. I'd be mainly playing the first game out of curiosity. And well, to have something to pass the time until Rune Factory 4's Switch version gets released.

Thanks for the tip regarding Melody, by the way. I'll keep that in mind.
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Lady Timpani Maybe look up some guides? They might help out with stuff to do, like leveling your crops, shipping them to get higher seeds, which unlocks more seeds. I also like exploring and forging weapons, so I've looked up guides on how to get the most bang I can possibly put in any weapon.

NoUsernameHere I occasionally see Rune 4 in GameStop. I actually bought my copy new, what luck. I was prepared to buy a used copy, depot my skepticism towards already played games, since Rune 4 is old. I think I'll play Rune 4 Special version, even thou I completed 4 already. I want to see how it gets redone, plus I could always play as Lest and marry someone else.

Burumun Well noted, that kinds sucks how you can't use the bathhouse anymore. I think I'll marry Cinnamon or maybe Lara, I'm not sure yet. Plus I habit unlocked all the girls yet, so maybe I'll unlock Noir and really like her. Not sure yet.
Burumun Well noted, that kinds sucks how you can't use the bathhouse anymore. I think I'll marry Cinnamon or maybe Lara, I'm not sure yet. Plus I habit unlocked all the girls yet, so maybe I'll unlock Noir and really like her. Not sure yet.

Ah, it's not a problem in RFF, though. Apparently, she still runs the bathhouse in RFF after marriage. I assume it wasn't a thing they did on purpose, they just sort of missed it somehow, and found ways to fix it in the later games.
Yeah I've heard that people get really annoyed with the Runey system, which is why my dad actually stopped playing. So far I'm ignoring them, I have a pretty even 50 rangel across them rn, so yeah. I did get the Runey catcher but I have no plans on using it on my farm yet, I've been harvesting Runes for Stones. I'm not really big on the whole farming thing, in any farming based game; RFF, RF4 or HM. What I love about Rune Factory is that I can tame monsters and go in dungeons. I can't even begin to tell you about my quest on Rune 4 to tame all the boss monsters among many others.
That sucks that your dad stopped playing it. Hope he can try to come back to it someday. The game really is fun to play despite the tedious Runey System. It's understandable that the farming aspects can be pretty boring. Sometimes I get kind of bored it; however, I always tell myself that I need to do it for some money. Taming the monsters in RFF and having them with you in dungeons is really neat.

Also, to anyone who hasn't played RF1 yet and might: Don't marry Melody. I made that mistake. You can't access the bathhouse if you do.
Thanks for that tip. Not sure if I'll be able to play it, but if I do then I'll keep this tip in mind.
my friend lent me rune factory 4 last summer and i got really into it and stayed up,,, way too late because i too engrossed in the flow of living a daily farming life. to this day i still feel bad about not being better at distributing what skills i put time into because before i had the give the game back, i was already at the point where i had romanced clorica (she's sooooooo cute i love her!!) enough that i could propose to her if i so wished (and i really did wish) except my crafting skill wasn't high enough to make her a ring ;A; but at least i could cook her all the apple flavored pastries that she could ever want? huhu maybe someday i'll get my own copy of the game and Do It Right This Time

but also!! i really liked that you could befriend the monsters and they give you eggs and milk! it was really convenient because i kept having to make apple pies to impress clorica :)))) also those lil apple dudes were really cute when they rolled around

also i feel kinda bad because i only started getting into the daily life of talking to everyone and building my relationships and enjoying living in the castle after
venti like,,, collapses because she's getting weak so she's just sprawled on the ground in the middle of the castle while there's a festival or something outside and it makes me feel guilty because i don't want to push the story forward yet but also i don't want her to be in a coma while i'm off trying to level up my crafting skill y'know? she's my buddy! i gotta help her! but i also don't feel ready enough to go to the next dungeon!

but yeah after acnl this is the only other game i have ever played on a ds and i really liked it!
Same, ACNL and Rune Factory are my top games! Also forgot about Clorica, she's nice too. I think if I made a new file, I'd play as a boy to marry Dolce or Clorica. Forte was kinda my original choice, even as a girl I would try to romance her ;p She never got the hint lol. I would always bring her on adventures and stuff. I just with I could get to know all their back stories without having to marry them. I want to know about Forte's past family, Meg's fears, Leon's past (I married Dylas. Yeah. But he makes really good wife lunches.) I loved hearing Dylas' back story, and I want to experience them all, not just read about them on their wikis.
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Played Rune Factory 1 & 2 on DS back when I was really young so I don't remember much. I've forgotten the stories but I do remember some of it's amazing gameplay. I'm planning on buying the older games and playing them again because I have nothing but happy memories while playing them.

Just recently I purchased the 3rd game and now I'm waiting for it to come.
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played a lot of 2 and 3 when i was younger, never really got around to playing 4, so i'm super excited that it's being ported to the switch! i'm a huge fan of the older harvest moon games, and farming sims are a guilty pleasure of mine, so i know i'll be playing a lot of it haha

also really excited about 5, i'm excited to see what it'll look like! one thing i really hope they include is same-sex marriage :,)
I was actually listening to this yesterday. It makes me want to play Rune Ractory 4 for the Nintendo 3DS. Gonna add Rune Factory 4 to my wishlist. Might just watch some Let's Play of the game at some point.


Not sure if anyone has seen this, but if you haven't then you should check it out.
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I need to get myself a Wii remote before I can start frontier. Probably just gonna head over to tradepost when im not busy.

Rune factory 3 came today and it was like the good old days. All those great memories came rushing back, it felt amazing! I've only played the 1st and 2nd so I don't know what to expect. I can't wait to see what this one has in store :D
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Oh yeah speaking of Wii remotes, the motion is kinda sensitive, I so much as drop it 4 inches on my seat and Raguna attacks. It can be annoying at first when you have so little RP and every little task depletes it.