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The Ranting and Raving Thread

omfg, people please. if you're riding a ****ing bike downhill, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A ****ING BELL. what's that? you don't have a bell, so you just go "DING DING DING"? WELL **** I'M SORRY THAT DING DING DING SOUNDS NOTHING LIKE A ****ING BELL. seriously, people don't want to get hit by a ****ing bike. -_-
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i really liked this manga at first, but more and more I'm growing to dislike both of the main characters. futaba is annoying and dragged some poor guy into her mess (although he was pretty much okay with it, I still can't believe she agreed to dating him because it was so obvious she needed to face her problems HERSELF). she's so self absorbed. and I still resent kou for what he did lmao. I guess I also have a problem with the fact that he was actively trying to steal away someone's girlfriend? low blow.

I just needed to get this off my chest. why am I still reading?? I'm already in too deep.
When you're walking and a formation of people who walk as slow as zombies appear in front of you and are in certain positions so you can never get past even if you push forward to give them a hint. Also when you see someone you hate walking in front of you and you have to trudge extremely slowly so they don't notice you are there
It bugs the crap out of me when I'm driving and someone doesn't use their turn signals. One, how the hell do you have your driver's license. Two, why would you risk something happening to your car because you didn't signal when changing lanes? Three, how ****ing lazy do you have to be to move your hand a centimeter to use your signal? I've seen elderly citizens riding bikes that use arm signals so if they can do that, you can flip a god damn switch. *******s.
I'm really annoyed with myself right now. I feel so stupid and lonely and just.. ugh. I want to be over this person and not feel so upset over them being with someone else now but it's hard. It's so hard when I've loved this person so much, and for so long. I just hate how all of this feels.
I'm really annoyed with myself right now. I feel so stupid and lonely and just.. ugh. I want to be over this person and not feel so upset over them being with someone else now but it's hard. It's so hard when I've loved this person so much, and for so long. I just hate how all of this feels.

I hope you feel better, even if just a bit.
People just copying everything other people do. Both TBT and the real world. There's this ***** in a couple of my classes and all he says is, "Oh dear!" in a really freaking high pitched voice. Do you want to get a sore throat? This is something that another kid last year did, but like, barely. It gets on my nerves to hear that all day, to be honest.

When people copy other roleplay characters/ideas.

My friend ( not putting names ), who roleplays with me, has a couple characters. THEY WERE ALL TAKEN AND SWITCHED THE TINIEST BIT BY OTHER PEOPLE. One was a healer, she thought nothing of it. But then the person used a mental entity, which is what her character had! And then just today, I saw someone use the same picture as another and almost exactly the same personality. I really can't deal. And now on to roleplay ideas!

So The Aftermath started. A week later/more idk, another pops up. The same storyline. The Rebuilding ( sequel to tA ) starts and the other one is still going on. When tR ends, a couple weeks later THE SAME EXACT STORYLINE FROM THE REBUILDING IS RIPPED OFF. IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME. That roleplay is going on right now. It just really pisses me off that people don't have the decency to use something ORIGINAL FOR ONCE.
Please don't read if offended easily
People who don't credit art. I don't know how many times I can say this like wow. It's super rude, super insensitive, and super disgusting. The LEAST you can do it put down credit, and trust me, it's not that hard to find a source via SauceNao or Google Image Search. Credit is good and is great, EVEN if the artist says you don't need to add it, you should add it if you like it and appreciate it anyways. It's not like crediting has to be in BOLD underlined red of anything like that, eve n using a spoiler would be fine. But before you even think to use art in AVI or SIG ASK for PERMISSION. It's polite and most artists won't say no, in fact they'll be glad you asked. The worst thing you can probably do is EDIT or claim art as yours. Now if you edit art and get butthurt easily--stop reading. Editing, wow. You're pretty insolent if you think that's all right, it doesn't MATTER if you credit them, if they don't give you permission and you edit it, then I don't know. Especially if you're aware of ALL the hardwork that goes into it. It's like taking somebody's work and going like "hm...well this looks ****ty, let me fix this and that, WOW! I made it look SO much better, wow I can do way better than the artist!". Please don't do this, it's just sickening. I wonder if people who do this know HOW MANY artists have quit drawing or posting online because of this. And they are perfectly aware how the internet works, so don't tell them otherwise. I know that people do this on accident, so it's fine, but please remember artists have feelings too. Please, don't be a brat.
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So Thursday was pretty okay for me. I had a volleyball game, and we won against the toughest school. Not bad, right?
Well, I get home, and find out that I make the lowest team at my volleyball club. There's only three teams and our players are super good (like high school good at the worst, or at least most of them), but I can't help feeling depressed. Especially because my parents lecture me about how they thought I was better :( Like really, I've only played for two years and most people at this club have been playing their entire lives. Do you expect me to be better than them?
Also, I have an Algebra test on Monday and a U.S. History DPM on Tuesday. Also a Spanish thing...ugh I just want to kms sometimes...not like I ever would, but I feel like things couldn't get worse. :c
It's kind of weird that some Internet people I don't even know made me happy, though. (Thank you Instagram strangers!)
Not a rant since I am not steaming about it, but certainly something that would make plenty of reasonable people rant:

At the grocery store this morning, a husband was complaining to his wife about how 'They should moved out all the Mexicans; clean up this city [San Bernardino (in California)].' His wife seemed uncomfortable about the subject, quickly directing his attention to other matters. I suspect the husband might have intended to be within earshot of me, as I am often mistaken for a Mexican. This made me think to myself, 'To the racist, a Mexican is a Mexican, even when he is not a Mexican.'
Not a rant since I am not steaming about it, but certainly something that would make plenty of reasonable people rant:

At the grocery store this morning, a husband was complaining to his wife about how 'They should moved out all the Mexicans; clean up this city [San Bernardino (in California)].' His wife seemed uncomfortable about the subject, quickly directing his attention to other matters. I suspect the husband might have intended to be within earshot of me, as I am often mistaken for a Mexican. This made me think to myself, 'To the racist, a Mexican is a Mexican, even when he is not a Mexican.'

ugh I know right it bugs me when racists can't even get your nationality right ;-;
I mean, if you're going to act all high and mighty at least do some research on the goddamn person's ethnicity
that's like me going up to someone in my school and going "oh baguettes garlic Eiffel Tower bahahahahaha"
racism is horrible and the fact is people are horrible at being racist
Please don't read if offended easily
People who don't credit art. I don't know how many times I can say this like wow. It's super rude, super insensitive, and super disgusting. The LEAST you can do it put down credit, and trust me, it's not that hard to find a source via SauceNao or Google Image Search. Credit is good and is great, EVEN if the artist says you don't need to add it, you should add it if you like it and appreciate it anyways. It's not like crediting has to be in BOLD underlined red of anything like that, eve n using a spoiler would be fine. But before you even think to use art in AVI or SIG ASK for PERMISSION. It's polite and most artists won't say no, in fact they'll be glad you asked. The worst thing you can probably do is EDIT or claim art as yours. Now if you edit art and get butthurt easily--stop reading. Editing, wow. You're pretty insolent if you think that's all right, it doesn't MATTER if you credit them, if they don't give you permission and you edit it, then I don't know. Especially if you're aware of ALL the hardwork that goes into it. It's like taking somebody's work and going like "hm...well this looks ****ty, let me fix this and that, WOW! I made it look SO much better, wow I can do way better than the artist!". Please don't do this, it's just sickening. I wonder if people who do this know HOW MANY artists have quit drawing or posting online because of this. And they are perfectly aware how the internet works, so don't tell them otherwise. I know that people do this on accident, so it's fine, but please remember artists have feelings too. Please, don't be a brat.
I know that feeling.
This happens a lot, specially on deviantART when kids claim the piece they stole as their own.
Hell, my old crappy gif of Derpy got stolen about a year ago and the kid who stole it basically denied it as being mine claiming that he "traced it".
God, I really really despise that site sometimes.
When people are supposed to be your friend but drop you for no reason. -.- I thought if you had a best friend for 5 years that they shouldn't suddenly change their views on you and suddenly kick you out of the group. Especially when I did nothing wrong or different to normal. Ugh, friends. -.-

Oh and also when people don't appreciate something you've done for them, and moan about the things you did wrong instead of appreciating what you did for them. :/
Middle school. It's the worst place ever. Everybody is annoying as ****, and I just can't get a break, no matter how I try. Also, I hate how it has to dictate every single aspect of our lives. When we're not at school, we have to study or do homework, and they don't let us do anything else. It's the most horrible thing, and they act like it's going to effect us later in life, but it really has nothing to do with anything.
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I'm just so tired of people telling me and pressuring me to gain some freakin' weight. I'm skinny yea I get it but I eat a lot and no matter how much I try I won't be getting any fatter, okay. I've tried for years now and its just not happening now. I'm having a hard time because I have really fast metabolism but I don't really mind my weight or how skinny I look I'm totally fine with myself. JeEezus. Mind your own business and worry about your own self. >.>
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