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Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Switch Remake

I'm not sure how to feel about the art style but I'm stoked!
I agree on the art style, it’s interestimg but not too bad. I just hope it looks and plays really well! Other than that I’m stoked about getting to play it again, it was definitely something that I was not expecting. Oracle games would be amazing as well.
I don't hate the art style. I'm with a lot of people, I think it's interesting but it's still stylized in a cute way that looks like a 2D zelda game.
I REALLY LOVE the artstyle of it, but that's it's only selling point.

Sorry but I'm not paying full price for a Gameboy game that's over 25 years old with most likely no new content.
I think it's cute! I loved Awakening so I'm really excited.
As some people said, though, I am NOT excited about the upcoming price...

I hate how some people on other platforms said things like, "Oh, with their technology they could've created it something like BOTW or even just better graphics."
But like, I think it's good they did the top-down view as they did in a Link Between Worlds. They're keeping up their image.
(However, I sure would've liked an AC announcement rather than this!)
Watching it last night me and my friends got so excited, the style is cute and I really hope it does awakening justice!! Maybe some new easter eggs or something? If not I'm not sure what would likely make it worth a buy, especially with insane switch game prices :/

also when the trailer first started playing one of my friends complained 'whats this weeb ####' omfg
I?m super stoked about the art style. Nintendo intertwining the Mario universe with the Zelda universe makes me feel a type of way though. I don?t know how I feel about that to be honest, but I?m still excited for the game. :)
I honestly am excited for this game and it looks really good too! :D I'm curious to see what they will change from the original game through this remake. This might be one of the few games that may convince me to buy a Switch (Animal Crossing being THE GAME)... xD
Really dislike the art style and honestly it's not a game I was waiting to be rereleased, but I'll probably buy it. It's one of the Zelda games I never finished so I may as well give it a go.

Can't help but feel I would have massively preferred a new game than a remake though, especially of a game I could never get around to finishing...Well, at least it's more than just another port.
I haven't played many of the early Zelda games and this is one I haven't played, so its exciting to go into this blind. I'm curious about the use of Chain Chomps and Goomba's in the game but I hsve heard that's a spoiler in itself so we shall see.
My favorite handheld Zelda. It was so delightfully weird.

Glad it's coming on the Switch and not the 3DS
When that stormy ocean animation started I immediately knew that this was what I've been waiting for all these years. We finally return to Koholint. I gotta admit that I was a bit... torn i suppose, with the artstyle at first. But now I don't think it could possibly look any cuter.

My biggest, and only, complaint is that it looks to be very faithful to the original. Painfully so even. Link's Awakening is an amazing game, and is in my top-5 Zelda's, but it's also a very flawed game. I was hoping that the world would be remade to some extent, at least the dungeons. Some rooms were really tight since, unless it was an open room, you would only have 8x6 tiles to move around on. And that's not count enemies, obstacles etc. A missed opportunity.

I love this game though. It has some of the best Zelda tunes of all time (Ballad of the Wind Fish and Tal Tal Heights) and the characters are more colorful than in any other Zelda game even though they were originally in black and white. With this cute artstyle and a few QoL-changes, I could see this version being possibly my favorite game in the series.
I am super excited for the remake. Link's Awakening is one of my favourite Zelda games and the first top-down Zelda game I ever played to completion.

The art style is pretty cute, but what I'm most excited for is a remastered Ballad of the Wind Fish. <3
I REALLY LOVE the artstyle of it, but that's it's only selling point.

Sorry but I'm not paying full price for a Gameboy game that's over 25 years old with most likely no new content.

I agree, I still have the DX version Virtual Console on my 3DS. I don't see a reason to pay full price to play this game unless there is a significant amount of new content.

But yeah there probably won't be new content since the title is just Link's Awakening instead of Link's Awakening DX Deluxe :lemon:
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