The Idiot vs. his 50's assistant - Presidental Debate

My opinion is that the moderator didn't do his job. BOTH candidates were shouting over each other, interrupting each other. It was as if they were 2 kids fighting for a toy!! It's like good lord, these are the best 2 that we've got?????? SMH...
My opinion is that the moderator didn't do his job. BOTH candidates were shouting over each other, interrupting each other. It was as if they were 2 kids fighting for a toy!! It's like good lord, these are the best 2 that we've got?????? SMH...


I believe thats whats called, "politics".
I'm going to be honest, I really do not care about mexicans coming into the country. The way I see it all they probably want is to have a good or better life in the U.S. I'm not saying this to be racist, but when you see someone with brown skin and speaking in spanish, there are people out there who could instantly assume that they're illegal. I have a friend whose parents can only speak spanish. They could be illegal immigrants, but I don't care because they're good people no matter what. When someone like Donald Trump comes up and says that "mexico is bringing rapists" or "they're stealing our jobs that are ours" then I refuse to stand behind someone like that.

Also, I used to go to school with this kid who got adopted from japan by rich parents. One time he tried to say "immigrants shouldn't be in our country" and I literally told him "Dude, you came here from japan. You're just lucky because you got taken in by a rich family while those immigrants could just want a good life like you." and he shut himself up after that.

Uh, okay, you sound like a white kid with white guilt. Unless you're a POC yourself this is pretty..cucky tbh.

I don't think you quite understand how *some* illegal immigrants are drug dealers hopping the border. They bring crime and war. Don't act as if every immigrant is perfect. It's not black and white like that. Hell, one Mexican illegal immigrant activist turned out to be a rapist. No immigrant is perfect and there are definitely rapists who exist among them. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but I'd rather they stay there than be raped on the way here. Seriously, many female illegal immigrants are raped in exchange to get over the border. It's not a safe practice for women especially. They usually end up deported + with less funds. It's not easy to hop the border.

I don't really care if they're a hard working family who made it over, but most the time they faced hardship. They lost someone while hopping. They got raped. They get killed. It's not safe to hop the border and I've read many books documenting illegal immigrant's journeys. It should not be encouraged.

They don't even work humane hours, by the way, we're taking advantage of illegal labor and paying them low on purpose to use them. They work 12 hours a day out in the fields with no sun relief or a break. They can't complain because it's illegal for them to be there in the first place.

Don't think as if coming to America is all suns and roses. It's not. It's better Mexico forms a stronger economy so their citizens stay instead of facing murder/rape/drugs just for a small chance at a better life, because they don't have a better life most the time. They're still suffering.

Is there an easy solution to this? No, not really. But don't act as if bringing millions of people in is a good thing for them, the country, and the country they're leaving from. I don't support racism or calling them aliens, but it's just not as easy as "open our borders and let them in, they won't do anything wrong!"
Uh, okay, you sound like a white kid with white guilt. Unless you're a POC yourself this is pretty..cucky tbh.

I don't think you quite understand how *some* illegal immigrants are drug dealers hopping the border. They bring crime and war. Don't act as if every immigrant is perfect. It's not black and white like that. Hell, one Mexican illegal immigrant activist turned out to be a rapist. No immigrant is perfect and there are definitely rapists who exist among them. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but I'd rather they stay there than be raped on the way here. Seriously, many female illegal immigrants are raped in exchange to get over the border. It's not a safe practice for women especially. They usually end up deported + with less funds. It's not easy to hop the border.

I don't really care if they're a hard working family who made it over, but most the time they faced hardship. They lost someone while hopping. They got raped. They get killed. It's not safe to hop the border and I've read many books documenting illegal immigrant's journeys. It should not be encouraged.

They don't even work humane hours, by the way, we're taking advantage of illegal labor and paying them low on purpose to use them. They work 12 hours a day out in the fields with no sun relief or a break. They can't complain because it's illegal for them to be there in the first place.

Don't think as if coming to America is all suns and roses. It's not. It's better Mexico forms a stronger economy so their citizens stay instead of facing murder/rape/drugs just for a small chance at a better life, because they don't have a better life most the time. They're still suffering.

Is there an easy solution to this? No, not really. But don't act as if bringing millions of people in is a good thing for them, the country, and the country they're leaving from. I don't support racism or calling them aliens, but it's just not as easy as "open our borders and let them in, they won't do anything wrong!"

I agree that the U.S. should not just have an open border and should make sure that anyone who enters the U.S. has a valid reason for doing so. The problem with Trump though is that his immigration plan is totally stupid. Building a border wall is extremely costly (and Mexico won't pay for it), will take a very long time, and will not stop all illegal immigration. Likewise, creating a deportation force to round up every undocumented immigrant whether they are criminals or not is also not feasible. Democrats and moderate Republicans are calling for comprehensive immigration reform to stop the flow of illegal immigrants while also coming up with a humane way to deal with law-abiding undocumented immigrants, especially DREAMers who were brought in here by their parents. We need more border agents and surveillance, but we also need to better penalize employers who knowingly hire and exploit illegal immigrants. If employers cannot hire illegal immigrants, there will be no jobs for them here and much less of an incentive for them to cross the border. We also need to improve legal immigration so that people who just want to come here for a better life can enter the U.S. properly more easily.
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Uh, okay, you sound like a white kid with white guilt. Unless you're a POC yourself this is pretty..cucky tbh.

I don't think you quite understand how *some* illegal immigrants are drug dealers hopping the border. They bring crime and war. Don't act as if every immigrant is perfect. It's not black and white like that. Hell, one Mexican illegal immigrant activist turned out to be a rapist. No immigrant is perfect and there are definitely rapists who exist among them. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but I'd rather they stay there than be raped on the way here. Seriously, many female illegal immigrants are raped in exchange to get over the border. It's not a safe practice for women especially. They usually end up deported + with less funds. It's not easy to hop the border.

I don't really care if they're a hard working family who made it over, but most the time they faced hardship. They lost someone while hopping. They got raped. They get killed. It's not safe to hop the border and I've read many books documenting illegal immigrant's journeys. It should not be encouraged.

They don't even work humane hours, by the way, we're taking advantage of illegal labor and paying them low on purpose to use them. They work 12 hours a day out in the fields with no sun relief or a break. They can't complain because it's illegal for them to be there in the first place.

Don't think as if coming to America is all suns and roses. It's not. It's better Mexico forms a stronger economy so their citizens stay instead of facing murder/rape/drugs just for a small chance at a better life, because they don't have a better life most the time. They're still suffering.

Is there an easy solution to this? No, not really. But don't act as if bringing millions of people in is a good thing for them, the country, and the country they're leaving from. I don't support racism or calling them aliens, but it's just not as easy as "open our borders and let them in, they won't do anything wrong!"

Well said. We have the same issues over here and the same kind of people who seem to believe all immigrants are wonderful people. Just sadly is not the case and makes it a dangerous place for everyone. It's not even safe for them to be crossing borders. Don't think it's racist to point out these things.
I only caught a small portion of the debate, really don't know what to think. Although I know who I would vote for given the opportunity...