The CTRL + V Game

Don't want to post it because it has my last name, but it was a link to my Photobucket account, lol.
It's kind of long, so I won't post it here, but it was a list of all the currently released DLC's for New Leaf.
Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away Into A Land Of Enchantment Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows


Great, now it's stuck in my head
“You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.”
I was working on a summer project and that's a quote from the author Madeleine L'Engle.
Top 5 villagers [when Ed moves out] (Priority: any males):

1. Marshal
2. Hamphrey
3. Zucker
4. Punchy
5. Jacques

hehe, just changing up my priority list ^_^'
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.

Was testing my post template. :)

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