The ACNH Rant Thread

To the people saying that they want pocket camp items in nh, that may not happen right away. Pocket camp HAS to make new items in whatnot to keep players hooked. It's a mobile game. Otherwise they'd just get bored. New horizons was first focusing on the special characters because they were so focused on the game they kinda forgot about them (even though enough to fill a house are still missing). So point is, here's a chart I made for people who don't understand what I'm saying here:
New horizons
2020: main goal: add some missing characters and events
2021: main goal:add back some old furniture sets (so far it's hard to tell what will happen later in the year)
Maybe 2022?: main goal: maybe add some pocket camp items and maybe some furniture that summons special characters to your island like pocket camp does.
I second this. Those items are how they make money; if they came to Horizons that takes away from their bottom line which is a huge no no. If items from Pocket Camp do show up they'd be on a very delayed time table and few at best.
I had really hoped they would have added two new personalty types in New Horizons before the game came out, I was really expecting something like New Leaf with Smug and Uchi. I still want that the most, but now I’ve lowered my expectation to hoping they just add furniture they cut out...and still have yet to add a year in, almost as it’s an afterthought.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love the game waaaaaay more than New Leaf, but sometimes I feel Nintendo seems more content with throwing us scraps from the table in terms of updates and content.
i kinda knew that i wouldn't be able to put it there, cause of the bushes, i think.. but i just wanted to check... it was true~

what do you mean, though? are you talked about the able sisters shop?

although, as soon as i found that out, i had a different spot in mind :3
i kinda knew that i wouldn't be able to put it there, cause of the bushes, i think.. but i just wanted to check... it was true~

what do you mean, though? are you talked about the able sisters shop?

although, as soon as i found that out, i had a different spot in mind :3
Yeah it's too close to the able sisters.
It would just kill the Bush.
Bushes, trees and flowers will just die if you put a ramp on them, it won't stop you doing it
My first rant on here which has probably been said dozens of times, at least, but I am so TIRED of catching sea bass! I have spent hours searching for a barreleye between 9pm and 4am over the past several months. Sea bass, ugh! o_O

(I feel better now...)
My first rant on here which has probably been said dozens of times, at least, but I am so TIRED of catching sea bass! I have spent hours searching for a barreleye between 9pm and 4am over the past several months. Sea bass, ugh! o_O

(I feel better now...)
To be fair the barreleye is a small shadow size and the sea bass is a large shadow. So if you're getting sea bass you are way off in your search :p

But over all I do agree that I avoid trying to fish for the larger shadows, even though they have the best fish, because its not going to be an oar fish, its going to be yet another stupid sea bass.
My perfectionism really ruins the game for me.
It really has for me as well. I got so depressed because my island was so messy but then I learned to make whatever I feel stands out and It made me become way better of appreciating my island for what it was, but yeah this game really can take creativity to the next level and combine that with Social Media it can be really overwhelming in a bad way.
My first rant on here which has probably been said dozens of times, at least, but I am so TIRED of catching sea bass! I have spent hours searching for a barreleye between 9pm and 4am over the past several months. Sea bass, ugh! o_O

(I feel better now...)
Sea Bass were my bane going for a Coel. I know the Coel is a larger shadow but after so long of searching they start to blend together. It's just frustrating to catch sea bass after sea bass, and when you do get a heavy line it end up being an oarfish.
Why does the cutscene when someone visits your island take so long? Does it really take that long to connect? I seem to remember New Leaf connecting much faster for a game that’s what, 8 years old? At least maybe they didn’t have elevator music.
Yeah I mean its 2021 you would think by now Nintendo would improve on this but they really haven't this is the reason why many of my friends quit playing the game because of the constant loading screens. Seriously the idea of waiting for someone to arrive, forcing you to stop what you're doing and watch who is coming is not only the worst idea but its such a painful process when inviting people.

Why can't it just be like every other online game where someone joins it should say "(whatever name) has arrived on the island" and "(whatever name) has left the island" that doesn't take as much as time and people can still do things on the island and not have to be interrupted when someone is leaving or joining. Its by far the worst online I've ever seen in a Nintendo game. This is worse than the horrible lag in Mario Maker 2 when playing multiplayer online.
This is not specifically game related, rather amiibo... But could they not have released more of the amiibo cards when the game launched? The prices have skyrocketed so frigging much and nintendo would have been able to make good coin off of re-printing the amiibo cards and selling them again. I really do not think they would have had a problem with not selling the cards... Maybe in the future they'll re-print all the series and not just sanrio, but until then it's almost impossible to get decently priced cards and even harder to get whole unopened card packs *cries*
It's not really a rant but it's kind of funny how, when you give a female kangaroo a gift, the gift sort of floats in front of her. Her arms aren't long enough to reach out beyond her joey.

Honestly, this kind of thing is just one of the reasons I avoid kangaroo villagers. It just kind of freaks me out that they're carrying around these weird, nameless children that never get commented on and we just sort of pretend aren't there :LOL: The fact that they share facial expressions and even blink in unison is so haunting to me...
Honestly, this kind of thing is just one of the reasons I avoid kangaroo villagers. It just kind of freaks me out that they're carrying around these weird, nameless children that never get commented on and we just sort of pretend aren't there :LOL: The fact that they share facial expressions and even blink in unison is so haunting to me...
This is why I think they should've made all kangaroos Joey-less like the males. Like I can still very much tell its a kangaroo without a joey. Also thinking about one of my villagers being a whole parents is weird to me idk.
Did they change the spawn rates of balloons? I’m seriously not having very much luck getting them to spawn... I’m even going in and out of resident services before the balloons show up cause I could of swore someone once told me to do that, unless... you know... they changed that too... 😔
This is why I think they should've made all kangaroos Joey-less like the males. Like I can still very much tell its a kangaroo without a joey. Also thinking about one of my villagers being a whole parents is weird to me idk.

Totally agree. It's weird enough that every single female kangaroo automatically has a baby. Like, not one of them had something else they wanted to do with their life?