Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Team Popsicle <3
Yoshi's Islanders
Jul 14, 2013
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Team Popsicle has officially moved to our new Group here! <3

All members on both rosters have received invites to the group! c: If anyone else would like to join TP, please feel free to give me a PM! <3 (There were only like 2-3 members I couldn't invite because either their accounts were deleted or they had a name change! :'D )

Lastly, we will never forget this wonderful thread where TP all started! <3
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Team Popsicle's Donation Pool, Shop, and Raffle House!!


Hey Guys!
As you know, I am Jacob - other Team Popsicle Founder! I am also a very big Popsicle Collectible Fanatic, so I'd like to believe I have a pretty good knowledge of these things ;D

I will be using this post as our:

~Donation Pool
~Team Popsicle Shop!
~ Giveaway/Raffle House!​

popsicle-summer.pngDonation Pool!popsicle-summer.png
As Requested by Lucanosa! Thanks man!

✧ All donations will only be used to buy popsicles to raffle off and towards a Group Add-on!
✧ To make a donation, please feel free to send any amount of tbt to Miharu or myself! Any amount is always appreciated! <3
✧ We have 2 different donation sections! One is the "Group" donation (Donations raised to buy the Group Add-On) and the other is the "Popsicle" donation (which is for purchasing popsicles to raffle off!)
✧ Need we disband one day, hopefully never, we will end up hosting a giveaway for the last of the bells in the pool, so we will not be making a profit off of this :D
✧ You can also request to send your tbt for each side
I.E. "300 tbt for Group" or "10 tbt for popsicle, 20 tbt for Group"
If the amount isn't stated in the message/from yourself for which donation section it'll be from, we'll just automatically split it half and half and distribute them into both the Group and Popsicle donation!
✧ The group will be an invite ONLY group, but anyone who wants to be apart of TP can join upon request. Anyone who's in the two popsicle rosters will automatically get an invitation, but if you aren't part of either rosters then to join please send miharu or me a PM for an invitation! More details to come when the Shop restocks​
Once donated, you can not retract your donation

Please, If you send us TBT, signify that it is for this donation pool.
You may also donate Collectibles to us to sell! All funds will be added into the pool :)

I.E. put "Team Popsicle Donation" or something along those lines, thanks!
Total TBT in the Pool- 11,473 TBT!

1st popsicle - 1.2k
2nd popsicle- 1.7k
3rd popsicle - 1.7k
4th popsicle - 2k
5th popsicle - Donation from Neester16
6th popsicle - 1.6k
7th popsicle - 1110 (miharu payed 390)
Jacob_lawall - 2,500
Miharu - 2,500
Naekoya - 1,800
Slammint - 73
Ardrey - 1,505
Sucre - 1,000
Call Me Daniel - 402
WonderK - 1,000
BluePickachu47 - 100
Oswaldies - 20
theAhPoCawdOh - 560
Lethallulu - 30
Cadbberry - 100
KawaiiX3 - 200
coach - 1
Pearly19 - 1401
Cokane - 100
ANC - 100
DaCoSim- 351
sock- 100
ApollojusticeAC- 70
Misspiggy95 - 2700
Blackjack - 50
Anonymous - 415
Patypus: 1000
Gravyplz- 1300
Dawnpiplup - 70
Gngersnap35 - 1
645 in all

DaCoSim- 100 tbt
D3athsdoppelganger- 75 tbt
LethalLulu- 150 tbt
Call me Daniel- 220tbt
Cadbberry- 100tbt

popsicle-summer.pngTeam Popsicle Collectibles Shop!popsicle-summer.png

Here, We will be Selling Extra Collectibles that we have found, or that you have donated to Team Popsicle!
You may buy collectibles here, even if you are not part of the team!
All funds we make on these collectibles will go to the Donation pool!

Pear - 20 tbt each! 0 in stock
Orange - 40 tbt each! 0 in stock
cherry - 0 in stock
Peach - 0 in stock
yellow candy- 55 tbt each! 0 in stock
red candy - 125 tbt each! 0 in stock
green candy - 250 tbt each! 0 in stock
Blue Candy - 0 in stock
Cake - 315 tbt - 0 in stock!

Pear - 20 tbt each! 0 in stock
Orange - 40 tbt each! 0 in stock
cherry - 0 in stock
Peach - 0 in stock
yellow candy- 45 tbt each! 0 in stock
red candy - 90 tbt each! 0 in stock
green candy - 0 in stock
Blue Candy - 0 in stock
Cake - 160 tbt - 0 in stock!
Slammint - 1 yellow candy + 1 Red candy
Jacob_Lawall 4 Pears +3 oranges
DaCoSim - 1 Cake + 2 yellow Candies
BluePikachu47 - 1 red candy
Call me Daniel - 2 pears, 1 orange
ANC - 1 yellow candy
TheAhPoCawdOh - 1 pear 1 orange 1 cake
Sholee - 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green candy
Blackjack - 1 pear, 1 orange
Naekoya - 1 Red candy
5 pears - 20 tbt each
3 oranges - 40 tbt each
1 cake - 160 tbt
4 yellow candies - 45 tbt each
2 red candies - 90 tbt each
yellow candy - 55 tbt
3 Orange - 40 tbt each
3 Pears - 20 tbt each
2 red candy - 125 tbt
1 green candy - 250 tbt
1 cake - 315 tbt

popsicle-summer.pngGiveaway/Raffle House!popsicle-summer.png
Next Raffle at: TBD

When we get enough tbt donated to the Popsicle Donation Pool, we'll use it to buy popsicles and then raffle them off for free here! Sometimes Miharu will also give away the popsicles she has when we reach certain goals/achivements/milestones! Raffle winner(s) will be chosen by using this website:

Raffle/Donation Rules

Donation Rule​
✧ If you have donated tbt/collectibles to the donation pool, you will NOT be able to retract your donations.

Giveaway/Raffle Rules​
✧ To enter the Raffle List you must be in one of the two rosters
✧ You must have 50+ posts on this thread.
1. Go to the Basement
2. Once you see our thread, Look to the right where it says "Replies/Reviews"
3. Then just click on the number of replies and a tab will pop up showing who has the most posts and how many posts each person has! c:​
✧ You must also have been active in the last 3 days on this thread otherwise you'll be take off the raffle list! (You may enter the raffle list again if you are back and you want back in! It's not a perm ban if you aren't active in the last 3 days! c: )
✧ Once a raffle has started and if you aren't in either of the two rosters, then even if you request to be in one of the rosters, you still may not enter the raffle until the next raffle!
✧ DO NOT enter the raffles if you plan on selling/trading the popsicle off for a profit. Doing so will result in a ban from TP and all of our future giveaways.
✧ If you have a popsicle already and you enter the raffles, please only enter if you WANT more popsicles to rank up in titles or because you want more popsicles in your line-up.
✧ You can sell your Popsicle that you have won after 3 months of owning it, if you want!
✧ You can check the dates of when you received yours under the "Past Winners" Spoiler.
✧ If you DO plan on selling your popsicle you won from the raffle after 3 months has passed, then you will no longer be able to enter any future popsicle raffles hosted from TP.​

Keep in mind, the raffle entries list will be cleared out after each raffle!
Wanna join this list? Please let us know!!

If you have an extra popsicle collectible for sell, Please PM Miharu or me!
Lizzy541!!- 8/16
BluePikachu47!! - 8/20
Naekoya!!!- 8/22
D3athsdoppelganger!!! - 8/30
Alby-kun!!! - 9/26
Blackjack!!! - 10/5
Lucanosa + DaCoSim won The Big Giveaway!!! - 11/2
Please note that winners can not enter the raffle if they won the previous raffles until 5 raffles have been raffled off from the time they won! This is to keep things fair and to give others a chance to win a popsicle!


Before asking Miharu, Naekoya, or I, please read these, or "ctrl F", to look for an answer for your question! If you would like an expanded answer or want to suggest more common questions, definitely let us know! Thanks!
Do I have to be a member to be able to post here?
✧Not at all!! Everyone is allowed to chat here and post away as long as you love popsicles/the popsicle collectible!! c:

What if I don't have a popsicle collectible and still want to be on the roster?
✧Thanks to Cadbberry's suggestion, we added a "Popsicles in Freezing" roster for people who loves popsicles/are currently looking for one, but don't have one yet. More information about "Popsicles in Freezing" is posted above!

What happens if someone sells a popsicle they won from the raffle before 3 months has passed?
✧If that happens, please notify us immediately! We'll be banning them from Team Popsicle and all future giveaways, events, hosted by Jacob and myself. (Exceptions may be made depending on their actions/reasons once confronted.)

Once a group is made, will only Team Popsicle members be able to join?
✧Nope!! Since we understand that popsicles are in huge demand and are very hard to afford or even find, we decided to open up the group to people who loves popsicles as well upon request! To request to enter the group please feel free to PM/VM Jacob or myself! (Unfortunately we don't have a group yet though, but we are saving up and taking donations to be able to purchase a group since a mod has said that the price will be increased! We are expecting prices to increase to at least 10k tbt. )

Do we HAVE to talk about only popsicles in this thread?
✧Nope! Please feel free to chat freely!~ As long as it isn't considered spam and you guys are just wanting to learn more about each and every Team Popsicle members or future members! This thread is mainly and only for Team Popsicle members, future members, and people who just love the popsicle collectible/popsicles in general! (We would love to see you guys bond with each other, since we are a team! c: )

What should I do if someone is being very rude towards me?
✧If someone is being very rude towards you or you feel like it's hostile, please feel free to immediately PM/VM Jacob or myself and we will take care of it! Try not to start or spark any drama in this thread as we would like to keep this thread drama free and fun!

What should I do if the Founders (Jacob & Miharu) aren't online?
✧Chances are one of us or both of us are actually online and just invisible! Please feel free to VM/PM us or just comment on the thread and we'll try to get back to you ASAP! c: Normally I have invisible mode turned on if I'm at work and only able to skim through messages and not reply completely! (Or if I'm at home and just feel like being invisible because I like being a ninja )

You can also send naekoya a PM/VM! She knows how to contact me IRL if you have any questions/problems she can't answer! c:

Who should I send the tbt donations to?
✧You can send it to either Jacob or myself! For the popsicle donations Jacob and I split the tbt in search of more popsicles for you guys!~ Since in case Jacob isn't on or vise versa, we both have tbt from the donation pool to offer with!

Will you guys be keeping any of the tbt donated to Team Popsicle if you guys were to close or stop donations?
✧Nope!! We do not plan on making any profit out of this at all! If we were to ever close, all tbt left in the donation pool shall be given away. We will be doing a tbt giveaway for Team Popsicle if that were to ever happen!

Am I allowed to suggest some things?
✧Please do!! We appreciate any suggestions you can give us to help us improve the group!

How can I get a popsicle collectible?
✧To get one, you'll need to buy it from someone selling one! Another way to get one is to ask to be entered into the raffles we host!! More information about that is posted on Jacob's post below! Please make sure to read the rules above or it could result in a ban if you didn't read it since you didn't know about it!! We won't be taking excuses such as "I'm sorry!! I didn't read the rules!" etc.

May I host giveaways for Team Popsicle members?
✧No. Please PM/VM us if you'll like to host a giveaway for Team Popsicle! It's very kind of you to want to host a giveaway for the members, but we would like to be notified first of it and approve it before it's posted! Thank you!

Can I join the raffle if I only want to give it away as a gift to a friend? (Without any profit made)
✧As long as your notify us before entering/winning, then there will be no problems! HOWEVER, you MUST make sure your friend who received the popsicle from you follows the rules for TP! Meaning she/he may NOT sell the popsicle off until 3 months has passed from the time we gave you the popsicle! If he/she were to break the rules, BOTH OF YOU may result in a ban from Team Popsicle and any of our future giveaways/events!

Why do you clear out the raffle list after each raffle?
✧Honestly, we would normally clear it out if there's some rules changed or added to the raffles, since every raffle is separate! We want to make sure you guys read the rules first before entering in the next raffles that way it prevents you from getting banned from Team Popsicle if you were to forget or not have read the rules (These are NOT acceptable reasons if you were to break the rules. Please make sure to read the rules, it's very important! c: ). We also want to keep the list updated to people who still want it as well!~ Since it's hard to get popsicles now due to it being high in demand and not many people selling, during those time frames, people may lose interest in the popsicle collectible and may completely forget they were entered. We want people who REALLY want the popsicle collectible to be entered!~

Someone is indirectly complaining about me... he/she didn't mention my name, but I know it's about me. What should I do?
✧First thing to do is PM/VM Jacob or/and myself immediately! Please DO NOT quote the person who's talking about you. If you do quote that person, then that may start a huge debate/argument on TP! Once you PM us, we'll PM the person who made that post about you and ask them to take it down.

Someone just came here just to leave a mean/rude comment about Team Popsicle... what should I do?
✧Please DO NOT quote that person! Just simply ignore the user and report that person to the mods. If anything, all they are trying to do is spark a huge argument on our thread, and we'll like to avoid that! Best thing to do is PM/VM Miharu and I about the issue! Depending on the contents of what they posted, we may just ask them to kindly leave if they aren't interested in TP, if they continue to post mean/insulting/rude comments, we'll just ignore the user and also report them to the mods so they can remove the comments! c:

Thanks for visiting Our little team, I hope you decide to join one day!
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From what I can see this thread is mainly about collectible discussion and trading, so I'm moving it to the TBT Marketplace. If it somehow ends up being more general discussion, send me a message and I'll see where it fits.

From what I can see this thread is mainly about collectible discussion and trading, so I'm moving it to the TBT Marketplace. If it somehow ends up being more general discussion, send me a message and I'll see where it fits.


ok! thanks so much
*totally wishes I could join this awesome popsicle party but doesn't have one so I can only be here fanboying over all them popsicles...*
do imaginary Popsicles count? :p
I mean I juzz came to say I like the idea~
Dont give up ;D

You're right! I just got finished with getting all of my villagers and aside from saving up for some unorderables, I really don't have any use for TBT! Time to save up for some popsicles! (Do icecream swirls count?) and apply for this EXPENSIVE membership >:c
do imaginary Popsicles count? :p
I mean I juzz came to say I like the idea~
hehe thanks ^-^
You're right! I just got finished with getting all of my villagers and aside from saving up for some unorderables, I really don't have any use for TBT! Time to save up for some popsicles! (Do icecream swirls count?) and apply for this EXPENSIVE membership >:c

after a little conversing, miharu and i decided against ice cream swirls for now.

Maybe later on.
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