Sticking with a game until you finish it

I typically only focus on one game at a time until I’ve either finished it or had enough. I get overwhelmed having to think about multiple things at once, so dealing with a singular game before moving onto the next is my preferred strategy.
Honestly, I have a terrible time at finishing games and it's definitely something I need to work on. I struggle with finishing games for a similar reason as you - I have quite a few games at this point that I find myself bouncing around from game to game a lot. When I was only getting one or two games a year they were really special and I was sure to finish them (or get as close as I could to finishing them) because I didn't really have a lot of options. Once I was making my own money though and had the ability to buy my own games I would always jump on them as soon as I could. Which I don't necessarily mind simply because certain games can become hard to find later on and I'm happy to have them in my collection! But I'd always open them up right away, play a little bit, and then I'd either get a new game or I'd switch to a different one.

I want to try and revisit some old games and work on finishing them because I do have a lot of games that I know are fun! I just... get a little discouraged once things get a bit too tough. I'm not very good at games 😅 so a lot of my issues stem from me running away from a challenge and then... never really coming back. It's especially bad on my 3DS because now that I have my Switch there's a part of my brain that was like, "those are old games!!! They don't need to be finished play something new!!" which is super silly, lmao.

I do find that for myself personally smaller games are definitely better. I get drawn in by the premise of these big open world, choose your own adventure, style of games but they are so overwhelming a lot of the time that I never beat them or even get that far into them! Whenever I see game reviews complain that a game is ~too short~ that usually peaks my interest, as long as it's not like 4 hours for a $90 game because that's a little disappointing.
Yeah, I do sometimes. It really depends on the game for me. If the game entices me enough then I do everything I can to finish it. However, if I get bored of it then I'm not as likely to.
I had this issue more as a kid/teen, but nowadays I don't. It's definitely a lot easier for me to just focus on playing one game to completion at a time, and then once it's done, move onto the next game on my list. I do think keeping track of what games I have beat and what games I have left to complete has helped a lot, since I get the satisfaction of updating those lists and decreasing the former while increasing the latter. For games I haven't played or finished before, using the HowLongToBeat website has also helped to give me some idea of how long I can expect the game to take, and thus help me stay motivated and plan out the order I'll play my games, knowing it'll generally take X amount of hours to finish them.
I'm usually good at sticking with a game until I finish the main story of it and reach the end but most of the time I'm bad at sticking with it till I reach 100% completion as I often get distracted by other games and take a break from the one I'm currently playing. Most of the games I play though (AC, Mario Kart/Party and SSB) don't have an 'end' so I often just swap between those games depending on what I'm enjoying playing the most at the time and then focus on completing the story based games I'm most interested in (mainly the Pokemon and 3D Mario games) once they're released.
Not really, I mean if I just plain out get stuck or find it very boring then yeah I quit it but otherwise I tend to not play too many of those games.
For me, I guess it depends on how much I'm enjoying it. If I'm not enjoying it, then yeah, I'm not gonna continue playing. If I'm enjoying it so much that it's all I wanna do, then yeah I'm gonna play it to the end. But even if I do enjoy a game, there's always a chance that I won't finish it due to finding other things more enjoyable or relaxing. This also happens when I try to replay games that I enjoyed the first time around, that I just lose interest in it if I try to play again
I lose interest very easily, having the attention span of a goldfish. So I would be interested in one indie game I bought from Steam one moment, then requesting for refund one and a half hour later.

Doesn't help that I constantly crave new stuff, so games I bought for one month or so would start to bore me. Very rarely do I find games that stick with me for long.
yes i always try to finish every game i buy even if i dont like it because what if the ending makes it all worth it? i also just feel like i have to finish it lol
I have been having trouble lately. I want to finish FFXII the Zodiac age but I am so underleveled. I should restart but don’t want to do some areas again and my attention span and patience for grinding in that game was just not there. still need to finish DAI’s dlc too. Then there is Pokemon snap’s story that is taking me forever to finish, Cuphead - only beat two bosses and no hit and runs. And some old games I dropped when I got something new and never picked up again.
I definitely have this issue, there are so many games that I want to play I end up jumping around them or burn out within a few days from playing them for so long. I really want to finish Pikmin 3, but each time I play it I took such a long break that I forgot my progress and had to start over, I have been taking I think a 5-month break from Stardew Valley and I don't think I will be able to continue from where I left off since I just don't have all that knowledge about the gifts and what quests I was doing anymore. There have been a few games that I finished because of how long I played them and there were things that kept me going, like the LIS series, my friends love the series, so I finished LIS and LIS: Before The Storm within a few days just to talk about it with them.