So What Are You Reading?

I just added that and Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen to my to-read list. Lemme know how it is.

i'm not that far in so i can't say a lot about it yet but so far i like it.
i haven't personally read girl, interrupted but i thought the movie was good. though depression/bpd/mental illness themed stuff in general tends to strike a more personal chord with me.
i'm not that far in so i can't say a lot about it yet but so far i like it.
i haven't personally read girl, interrupted but i thought the movie was good. though depression/bpd/mental illness themed stuff in general tends to strike a more personal chord with me.


I actually have major depressive disorder, severe social anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. It went undiagnosed for a long time, so I developed an abnormal fascination with mental illnesses and disorders because I was constantly trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I also like reading about people with mental disorders because I find relatable in a lot of ways.

Um, sorry if I'm oversharing. I have a tendency to do that without realizing it.
Comic!!! If for normal book lol my favourite is Mitch Albom series cause I love the way this author write his book and the story always touch my heart.

I actually have major depressive disorder, severe social anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. It went undiagnosed for a long time, so I developed an abnormal fascination with mental illnesses and disorders because I was constantly trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I also like reading about people with mental disorders because I find relatable in a lot of ways.

Um, sorry if I'm oversharing. I have a tendency to do that without realizing it.

don't worry about oversharing -- you actually described me to a T, down to the diagnosis and fascination bit, it's kinda freaky.

these last few years have been a hellride for me so the relatability aspect is one of the reasons i recently picked up the bell jar.
don't worry about oversharing -- you actually described me to a T, down to the diagnosis and fascination bit, it's kinda freaky.

these last few years have been a hellride for me so the relatability aspect is one of the reasons i recently picked up the bell jar.

Just goes to show that you aren't alone.

Oh, and I started Since We Fell by Dennis Lehane cause I loved his other book, Shutter Island, and I'm planning on reading Frank Miller's Batman: Year One over the weekend. Might give up on Reconstructing Amelia cause it's making me really depressed.
my summer homework! (lol... ;; )
it's the namesake by jhumpa lahiri, and it's honestly pretty good but my dumb af acnl obsession is dragging me away from finishing it + the four essays that are due on the first day of school on the 17th.

please pray for me

yoo i also have to read the namesake for my summer homework! i'm only on page one

it's weird, i enjoy reading a lot but i don't actually choose to do it myself. i usually spend my free time on other things, such as art. i've been going through this thread for book suggestion ideas and i've been seeing some familiar titles + seeing some new ones. makes me inspired to try some new books to read! who knows.
yoo i also have to read the namesake for my summer homework! i'm only on page one

it's weird, i enjoy reading a lot but i don't actually choose to do it myself. i usually spend my free time on other things, such as art. i've been going through this thread for book suggestion ideas and i've been seeing some familiar titles + seeing some new ones. makes me inspired to try some new books to read! who knows.

oh omg what a coincidence :blush: good luck with reading it!!! promise you it's not painful at all (it was pretty good and my rushed essays turned out okay too hehe)
Just goes to show that you aren't alone.

Oh, and I started Since We Fell by Dennis Lehane cause I loved his other book, Shutter Island, and I'm planning on reading Frank Miller's Batman: Year One over the weekend. Might give up on Reconstructing Amelia cause it's making me really depressed.

i kinda took a break from depressing novels for a while in favour of some existentialist literature so i don't think i've heard of those. what are they about?
i kinda took a break from depressing novels for a while in favour of some existentialist literature so i don't think i've heard of those. what are they about?

Since We Fell is about a disgraced news anchor who gets pulled into a conspiracy after her marriage goes down the tubes. Shutter Island was a psychological thriller about a detective who gets called to an insane asylum to investigate the disappearance of one the patients. I'm assuming Batman: Year One is about Bruce Wayne's humble beginnings as Gotham's caped crusader, but I haven't actually started yet, so I couldn't really tell you. And Reconstructing Amelia is about a woman who believed her daughter committed suicide by jumping off the roof of her private school only to discover via text message that it was not a suicide after all, so she starts sifting through her daughter's cellphone, emails, etc. to discover who might have wanted to kill her and why.
Summer is crazy time for me, work-wise, so sticking with rereads for the most part. I recently finished The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George. Just starting Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire.

Both are old favorites.
Summer is crazy time for me, work-wise, so sticking with rereads for the most part. I recently finished The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George. Just starting Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire.

Both are old favorites.

I actually bought a paperback copy of this at my local library's annual book sale. I love fairytale retellings, but I've been putting off reading this one cause it's historical fiction. Please, let me know how it is.
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I actually bought a paperback copy of this at my local library's annual book sale. I love fairytale retellings, but I've been putting off reading this one cause it's historical fiction. Please, let me know how it is.

Oh, I bought it when it first came out, because I had been so impressed with Wicked (Mirror, Mirror was a little less impressive, IMO, and Lost just creeped me out). I read Confessions in one sitting. Give it a try; I think you'll like it.

Also, if you like fairy tale retellings, it's aimed at a slightly younger audience, but Beauty by Robin McKinley is worth checking out (Beauty and the Beast). She went back, after 20 years, and came at the story again with Rose Daughter.
I'm currently reading Go Big or Go Home by Kat Von D, for me it's the stories behind the tattoos than the actual tattoos themselves that are interesting.
The Sword of Shannara
City of Heavenly Fire
A Feast for Crows

I really need to stop stopping and starting the books that I read.
Oh, I bought it when it first came out, because I had been so impressed with Wicked (Mirror, Mirror was a little less impressive, IMO, and Lost just creeped me out). I read Confessions in one sitting. Give it a try; I think you'll like it.

Also, if you like fairy tale retellings, it's aimed at a slightly younger audience, but Beauty by Robin McKinley is worth checking out (Beauty and the Beast). She went back, after 20 years, and came at the story again with Rose Daughter.

Cool. Thanks for the rec.