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Skye. Still. Won't. Move.


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2013
Silver Mailbox
Skye was one of my starters. I have been TTing endlessly to get her out, but to no avail. I've tried everything I can think of, but this little wolf won't move out.

I don't know what to do anymore. Since I've already organized the trade, I don't want to backout, since I'm very pleased with what I'll be gaining, especially since one of the things I'm getting is a Gorgeous Set.

Does anybody have any secret, under-the-hood tips they'd be willing to share? Any kind of "hey, try this?" material? I need her out ASAP. This is getting rediculous. Seriously... DX
I just TTd forward day by day and eventually Gwen said she'd move her butt outta town move out...I just don't know
The only thing I can think of is to:

1. Make sure all your characters have talked to her once
2. Ignore her
3. Talk to all your other villagers a few times each day

It definitely seems like the ones you ignore most head out sooner than the rest.
The only thing I can think of is to:

1. Make sure all your characters have talked to her once
2. Ignore her
3. Talk to all your other villagers a few times each day

It definitely seems like the ones you ignore most head out sooner than the rest.

At this rate, that wouldn't work, because my main is best friends with her. e.e
I'm having the same problem with Pietro who has been a villager since day 1.

I have tried everything from befriending him to ignoring and even violence. Nothing gets rid of him.

I've had him ping me twice when TT to get rid and both times I asked him to leave he changed his mind stating he wanted to get to know me better.

If I manage to get him to ping me again stating he's moving I'm definitely going to reset if he changes his mind then ignore his ping so he'll finally leave. Driving.Me.Nuts!
I'd TT day by day until Isabelle mentioned that she's leaving, but... ;-;

Maybe if I make a new char, but only greet her... Because the game doesn't usually move villagers out until they've been greeted by everyone?
Just keep going. She'll ask to move out eventually. Pashmina easily took a minimum of eight hours of TT'ing (spread across multiple RL days) to get out of my town. :|
Just keep going. She'll ask to move out eventually. Pashmina easily took a minimum of eight hours of TT'ing (spread across multiple RL days) to get out of my town. :|

Ugh. I've been trying, with plenty of rage-breaks, all day. I guess I'll try the alt-char thing again.
The 2 days forward 2 days backward TT trick is the most effective is seems like. Don't ignore her. I don't know where the idea of ignoring a villager makes them move out faster came from, but from what I've seen, the friendlier you are to one, the faster they move out. Keep talking to her and complete requests and eventually she'll say she needs to experience new places and she'll move. Make sure to talk to everyone so that someone you want to keep won't accidentally leave.
The 2 days forward 2 days backward TT trick is the most effective is seems like. Don't ignore her. I don't know where the idea of ignoring a villager makes them move out faster came from, but from what I've seen, the friendlier you are to one, the faster they move out. Keep talking to her and complete requests and eventually she'll say she needs to experience new places and she'll move. Make sure to talk to everyone so that someone you want to keep won't accidentally leave.

Sorry, but the 2 days forward - 2 days back trick has been proven, on multiple occasions, to be unsafe.

And the reason ignoring a villager works is because when you talk to a villager after greeting them, they're put in a friend category, which takes about 3 weeks of ignoring to get out of. When they're in the friend category, they're put at the back of the waiting list to move.
The only reason the 2 day trick is unsafe is because a lot of people can get extremely careless. Sometimes they think they talked to everyone, or they screwed up with changing the time. I've been using the trick since I found out about it a week or two the game came out and I had no problems whatsoever.
i have the same problem with lopez! i have villagers that i'm more friendly with than lopez, and villagers i'm less friendly with than him, so he's in the middle of the 'friendship spectrum'.

yet he is the only villager that has never asked to leave? i have a suspicion that its because his birthday is next week...
Sorry, but the 2 days forward - 2 days back trick has been proven, on multiple occasions, to be unsafe.

And the reason ignoring a villager works is because when you talk to a villager after greeting them, they're put in a friend category, which takes about 3 weeks of ignoring to get out of. When they're in the friend category, they're put at the back of the waiting list to move.

This isn't a fact. This is just one theory on how the game works - it doesn't necessarily mean that's exactly how it's programmed. :)

Personally, I've had villagers move out regardless of how friendly I am with them. And I don't straight-up ignore any of them. Actually, that's a lie - I did so once: I spoke to Tiffany once when I first got the game and then ignored her from then on, and still two other villagers moved out before her. That took around 3-4 (real) weeks.
I'm in the same situation, only with Gabi, but at least she has been suggesting good pwps. xD I've had around eight villagers move out and a few of my new villagers keep asking to leave, but not her.
Gabi was supposed to go to a user here, but he ended up with a Gabi from someone else.
She will leave eventually.
freya was one of my starters and i was having to get her out for a trade.
she did not want to budge her little behind out from my town for a long time :(

i had tried the 1 day, 1 day, 1 day then 4 days backwards 'trick' (worked once, but not for freya)
then i decided to just start going day by day TTing talking to several villagers every day to see if freya wanted to move

she finally wanted to move at the end of september x_x

hope things work out for you ; v ;

Hopefully my cartridge will be at the post office tomorrow... Then again, if it is, I'll be so obssessed with that, and I'll forget about getting Skye out.
ugh i have the exact same problem with zucker! it's so frustrating because i already received my end of the trade and i don't want to seem as if i'm purposely taking too long ;n; he just won't move out!!! i don't understand, every other villager has asked 3+ times and this silly octopus still won't budge. >8(
Currently having that problem with Tom. :( He never asks, neither does Pinky but I don't want Pinky to go so that part is fine. xD; I don't TT so... no clue how long it'll take on my side.
Aw ;(
The same thing is happening to me.
Marcel moved in as my 9th villager from streetpass, he keeps humming his old town tune, also his house is right in front of the beach-entrance that I use to get to the dock.
I've tt'd over 2 weeks to get him out, EVERY villager asked about two or three times, except for marcel.

I've also started a daily routine to hit him with my toy hammer whenever I see him :D