Six ACNL 3DS Themes now in North American Theme Shop!


Aug 17, 2013
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Celeste Chick Plush
Shooting Star
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Red Star Fragment
Hey everyone! There are now six ACNL 3DS Themes in the North American Theme Shop! :) They cost $1.99 each.


Top Left: Timmy and Tommy Nook (The Nooklings' Store Music)
Top Middle: Bulletin Board (1Pm Music)
Top Right: Colorful Pattern (Title Screen Music)

Bottom Left: Mable Able (Able Sisters Music)
Bottom Middle: Sable Able (Able Sisters Music)
Bottom Right: Isabelle at Town Hall (Town Hall Music)

Edit: here's a video of the themes if you want to see how they move and what they sound like (The new ones start right after the Halloween one):

Which one do you guys think you will be getting? Or which is your favourite?
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They are beautiful. Right now, I'm debating whether to get the Timmy and Tommy one or the Bulletin Board.

The bottom screen of the Timmy and Tommy one looks nice, but the top screen is bland. On the other hand, the top screen of the Bulletin Board one looks amazing, but the bottom screen looks a bit tacky in my opinion. :/ I can't decide!
Oh my GOSH I was wondering when they'd release these! And now I don't know which one to get.
I'm stuck between the pattern, Sable, and Isabelle.
I got the regular Animal Crossing: New Leaf Theme and it's just so nice! I was gonna wait for more since they update like so often or get the halloween theme but the music won me over. I really love the ACNL tune so I actually bought it ><
I can't decide between the colourful pattern and Sable. I think the Sable one is so cute and I love the pink but I love the New Leaf music so much better. I almost wish they hadn't given us so many options but I know why they did! I can see myself, and probably others, buying 2 or more themes because it's so hard to pick just one! Smart move Nintendo but why must you take so much of my money lately? :(
Eeek! I have been waiting for a cute ACNL theme for my 3DS.. even though I feel like I should get a Zelda once, since I have the golden XL. Ah well, New Leaf has won my heart :3

Now, actually choosing one is going to be a hard decision.
I'm still debating about which one to get... The bulletin Board or the Colorful Pattern... Hmm.
I really like the bulletin board one. And the Colorful one.

But Isabelle is so cute and her theme is adoooorable.

And I love Sable just for being Sable.

I'm so glad I already got the LoZ: A Link Between Worlds one, I'd never be able to pick just one of these, haha.
I got the bulletin board theme and love it :)
The halloween one is tempting too, what I don't like about the others are the music choices ...
I have finally decided! I'm going to get the Bulletin Board one. ^_^

I love the music and the way it looks so much! :D
I'm really loving the bulletin board one! I think this just helped me decide that I should buy it. I love the music, too. I hate the regular background sound effects of the home screen, the music alone is enough to make my buy that theme.
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There actually really creepy...

I don't like the way they blink as you move or scribble something and just stare at you