Should I reset my wild world game?


An interesting fellow
Aug 4, 2016
Purple Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Orange Hybrid Rose
Orange Hybrid Hyacinth
Orange Hybrid Rose
Orange Hybrid Hyacinth
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Blue Hybrid Rose
I've had this game for so long, it was actually the game that got into the animal crossing frandise, and a vaugely remember playing it often in the past.
I think I even have the same saved data, the same town, which I called Plasma.

But I was wondering about deleting it and seeing what it was like to start this game again, and see what other villagers I could get in this game. (Here's hoping I get Rolf again, as he was a special villager to me and loved dearly, I can't see myself bringing him to any of the newer games, he deserves to stay in this one.)

I was also wondering if there was anyway in the game that told you when you first started this town? Just wanted to see if I could save the record of the game for when I do delete the data, so I remember when I first started.

I'm also thinking of resetting because the town feels sorta bulky and unsure what I was supposed to do with it, so yeah. Any advice is welcomed~
I believe you should try playing the game first, then decide on rather or not you want to erase your town and start anew. If this was your first AC game, resetting your town is something you don't want to regret.

I know City Folk would send the player character a letter as an anniversary to acknowledge when their town was first started, but I'm not sure if it's the same with WW.
i would say not to delete your save data. if you want to start over i would suggest buying a new wild world cartridge if you are able to, i’ve seen used cartridges on ebay that cost around $7 dollars but depending on where you look they can be expensive. i got mine used from gamestop for $27 when i wanted one 3+ years ago.

i don’t think that you can see when you started your town, apparently you can access debug information which includes the build date (unsure about what that is but i think it’s when you started your save) with action replay.
I think you are better off not restarting since this was your first Animal Crossing game. You can purchase another cartridge for very little and start a new file that way. You don’t regret anything because you still have your first town to go back to. Since it’s been a bit since you posted this, did you decide what you were going to do?
I think you are better off not restarting since this was your first Animal Crossing game. You can purchase another cartridge for very little and start a new file that way. You don’t regret anything because you still have your first town to go back to. Since it’s been a bit since you posted this, did you decide what you were going to do?
Yeah it's been a while, been a lil busy, but I'm glad to say I did find someone selling there animal crossing game for like £5 so I brought it, and just got it today!
So yeah, glad I didn't reset. I still have Rolf in the game too.

In this new wild world game, it still has it's saved data (the town is called home) So, I'm just gonna explore, see if I can trade over items using two ds's and reset it to make a new town. :) I never knew the tom nook store could be changed and add more stuff to it~!!
Now just need to think of a name for the town now.

(Plama, Ereta, RosySoot, Ivorybel, Fernweh, Umbra, and Ataraxia are already towns and such names I already got, maybe need a name starting with S this time around?)
Did you have Harriet, because you wont once you restart your town. Only the WiiU does not have a person visit their town.. Just a thought :-/