Saving in Animal Crossing


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
Purple Violet
White Lily
Hopefully in Animal Crossing Wii it can be anywhere without that room. I dunno, am I the only one who doesn't like it?
Like you both, a combined system would be better than either, but if I had to pick I'd chose AC:WW.
I liked how you could save anywhere in ACWW, but I disliked that you couldn't continue afterward. You had to go back to the title screen and continue.
There's nothing wrong with the room. I mean, it's not like there still wasn't more furniture room than the GCN version. IMO, they should return the room, but also give you some furniture space. :yes:
I like how you can save anywhere. So what if it takes up one room? You still have 5 more! XD

In AC, there was no wasted room, but you only had 3.
Koehler said:
I like being able to save anywhere but I miss your personal Gyroid.

you know what they should do they should let you save anywhere but also let you keep the gyroid in front of your hose for storage and sale.
The room never bothered me. I just didn't bother going to it. I mean is it that hard to not go to it >_>

Also, saving anywhere was cool and all, but you couldn't save and quit

:( I'd like the gyroid to return :gyroidveryhappy:

the room is useless, but its nice to save anywhere
however, everyone misses the lil personal gryoid
I don't like that you can't change the wallpaper and flooring in your "bedroom" in animal crossing xD